Homecoming (part 1)

Oct 03, 2006 16:38

Title: Yin Shi Nan Nu: ren zhi da yu cun yan
Series Title: Homecoming
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firefly, river, rayne, homecoming, jayne

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Comments 21

curi_o October 3 2006, 17:50:14 UTC
While I like this (and I do, even if I have to read it while I can see images of Jaylee above it), I feel you should be warned that there's another fic in the fandom by the same name. People might get confused.

Anyway, now that you've been enlightened (and, I mean, it's not that big of a deal to me. I just know that I'd want to know.) I shall commence with the praise.


Also, I know that those translations can be all manner of aesthetically unsettling, but I'm unfamiliar with some of these terms. Mayhap you could do an organizational glossary of the Mandarin and crosslink to it, so I could go and get definitions?


jayneswoman October 3 2006, 18:24:19 UTC
Thanks for the feedback!

Hmmmm, I'll have to think of another Series title... Coming Home ?!! What do you think?

As for the Mandarin translations, just roll your mouse over the words and the English definitions will pop up...


curi_o October 4 2006, 00:39:24 UTC
Umm, I claim idiocy. But thank you for the telling about the Mandarin, 'cause that's a neato trick I'm startin' to see around a lot more.

I think Coming Home or Homecoming or anything of the kind is perfectly acceptable and good.


jayneswoman October 5 2006, 22:08:53 UTC
Thanks for the heads up. I've changed the name, to Homecoming. (You are credited above....) *hugs*


crazywriterchic October 3 2006, 19:31:08 UTC
So sad. Nice trick with the manderin, btw!


jayneswoman October 3 2006, 19:55:25 UTC
Thanks! It's an easy trick, and so useful...

Do you need tissues?!! *hands over a box of kleenex*


troy_gal October 3 2006, 19:57:10 UTC
Poor River and Jayne. My crystal ball tells me that Monsieur Cobb's aversion to marriage will lead to plenty of angst. I'm not too concerned about this, though. :) BTW, I think a PG-13 rating would be alright for this chapter.


jayneswoman October 3 2006, 22:40:15 UTC
I didn't think it was so very angsty until I read it over.

Some angst and some romance ahead, but I don't think nayone will be able to stand up to Ma Cobb for long. What she says goes, as I'm sure her son agrees...

So wait and see what her opinion of young River is.

Thanks for the rating tip. i tend to be overly cautious, so as not to offend. I'll change it now!


angel932 October 3 2006, 22:15:02 UTC
Ooooh, great beginning! I'm so happy to have another fic to follow. BTW, I can't get the mouse rolling trick to work, what am I doing wrong? (Other than being a klutz, I mean!)


jayneswoman October 3 2006, 23:25:13 UTC
Just put the mouse arrow on any part of the Mandrin phrases and wait a sec - a small white box should come up with the English meaning in it...

Be patient, my young padawan!(oopps! Sorry, that's from that OTHER scific 'verse!)


angel932 October 4 2006, 01:13:04 UTC
Thanks! I got it to work! *I'm a dork*


lattelady6 October 4 2006, 09:11:03 UTC
Great beginning to a story. How the heck did you do the trick with the Chinese. I'd really like to lean that.

Poor Jayne, he's being such a guy.


jayneswoman October 4 2006, 10:55:37 UTC
Thanks lattelady6!

Hmmmm! The chinese roll over translation....
So you have the Mandarin phrase and the English translation.
You type this: < acronym title =
then: "put english translation here"
then: > put Mandarin phrase here

(Take away any line breaks or spaces, except between acronym and title at the start - it needs to be all squashed together...)

Put this when you post your story to LJ, in plain text mode, or it won't work!

Just try it, and see how it works....


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