Homecoming (part 1)

Oct 03, 2006 16:38

Title: Yin Shi Nan Nu: ren zhi da yu cun yan
Series Title: Homecoming
Rating: PG13
Fandom: Firefly
Word Count: 1260
Summary: Jayne is taking River to meet his Ma.
Warning: Full of Rayne goodness. Beware if you don’t enjoy this non-canon pairing.
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!

Authors Note: Thanks to
bookaddict43 for betaing.

Thanks to
curikitten for helping me choose a series title...

and thanks
slaygirl4303 for the shiny banner (see under the cut).

(BTW, just roll your mouse over the mandarin for English translations....)

Yin Shi Nan Nu: Ren Zhi Da Yu Cun Yan


Jayne started awake. He sat bolt upright and quickly scanned the room, the tracker in him looking for anything out of place, any sign that there was trouble, but there was nothing there. Not a sight nor sound.

Rubbing his hands across his face, he sighed and lay down next to his woman. That was what she was now, been a long time since he had even thought of her as a girl.

River was a girl when she first came to Serenity. The image of her naked and screaming as she scrambled out of that box had haunted his dreams for months. Then he had tried to get rid of them both on Ariel, nearly the worst mistake of his life. Run-tse duh fwo tzu!, it had all gone wrong, and the girl and her brother had stayed.

If she hadn’t of stayed, he never would have discovered what she was capable of, never would have seen her kick a bar full of people to the floor and kill a whole hoard of Reavers single handed. Never would of seen her for the graceful yet deadly woman she had become.

Once again Jayne was haunted by the image of River Tam, this time fighting those Reavers, and he couldn’t stop thinking of her at the worst possible moments.

He thought about her whilst he was lookin’ for a little trim, when he was liftin’ weights, and even while he was trying to release a little tension alone in his bunk. Eventually the thought of River Tam drove him to do something he would never have done in a million years. He kissed her, on the lips.

Smiling, he remembered the moment like it was yesterday.

River was wandering late at night through the ship, as usual. He was lifting weights, trying to banish the image of her from his mind. Even he knew having lustful thoughts about a girl practically young enough to be his daughter was all kindsa wrong. His mind was nearly clear enough to go back to his bunk to sleep when River came wandering past, letting her fingers trail along the weight bench, brushing against his thighs, his torso and finally his arms.

“Wei !” Jayne glared at the girl.

“Not a girl; a woman. And you know it.”

“Keep outta my ruttin’ head! Ain’t no place fer a core bred girl.”

River lifted her large brown tear filled eyes to his. “Not a princess made of porcelain, to be kept carefully for fear of getting broken. Already broken.”

Jayne sat up, reached out and wiped away her tears with his calloused fingers. Rough yet so gentle all at the same time. “Hey, what’s all this?”

“Broken rag doll that nobody wants and nobody knows how to handle.”

“I call ya ornery, and only people who are ornery like ya know how ta handle ya.”

“Are you ornery, Jayne?”

A flirtatious smile spread slowly across his face, his eyes twinkling with merriment. “I’m famous fer it. Most ornery mercenary in the’ verse.”

“Then were’re well suited.” River slowly reached out fingers to gently stroke his cheek.

Jayne held his breath as she touched his face and caressed his jaw. He couldn’t believe this beautiful woman was interested in him, flirting with him.

River ran her fingers round the back of his neck, gently playing with the hair which curled there. She pulled his face closer and closer to hers, until they were a breath apart. Blue eyes staring into brown ones, playful smiles playing on lips, he crossed the short distance and pressed his lips softly to hers.

For a moment the ‘verse was still, then River sighed, pressing her lips back against his. Arms curled around her waist, pulling her body flush against his. She gasped in surprise, her lips parting, and Jayne took the opportunity to deepen the kiss. She responded hungrily and he was in heaven.

Some moments later, they parted, eyes sparkling and breaths deep.

“Well, that was… different,” was all Jayne could think to say.

“It was…” River was in a daze too, “… good.”

“Very good,” Jayne tried to draw her close, but River stepped out of his reach.

“Are we…?”

“Dunno, are we?”

River was blushing as she nodded.

“You ma girl?”

“Woman. We must keep it secret until the time is right.”

“Secret… yes.”

“Goodnight, my Jayne,” River whispered, lightly brushing a kiss against his lips.

“Hey, what d’ya call that?”

“Your good night kiss.”

“No, this is a good night kiss,” he teased, drawing her into another passionate kiss.

“Jayne,” she gasped as they pulled apart.

He pressed another kiss against her forehead, “Good night, mi tao.”

“Good night, kei kou,” River smiled over her shoulder as she ran back to her bunk.

Jayne smiled, because if she had stayed a second longer he wouldn’t have let her go. She must have read his mind.

Jayne watched his bao-bei sleeping peacefully, and gently folded her into his arms, the comfort of her warm body drawing him back to sleep.


River sat up in terror, nightmares filling her head with the worst of all outcomes to future events. “Jayne?”


“Janye?” River persisted, shaking him awake.

“What is it, bao-bei?”

“Your Ma….”

“Will love ya, jus’ like I do, baby girl.” Jayne gently stroked her back to comfort her.

“She’ll find me strange….”

Jayne sat up, wrapping his arms around her. “Not if we tell her what the Alliance dun to ya.”

“Won’t be good enough for her darling boy.”

Jayne smiled as he remembered the times his Ma had called him that. “Don’cha go tellin’ ev’ryone that’s what ma Ma called me,” he growled in her ear.

River giggled. “Your secret’s safe with me.”

Jayne pulled her close. “Come ‘ere, darlin’.”

She read his mind. “Time for sexin’,” she sighed in pleasure as he nuzzled her neck, “’cause we’ll be busy at your Ma’s, and maybe she’ll put us in separate rooms.”

“She does that, an’ I’ll sneak in to ya room…” he whispered between kisses.

“We’ll have to be real quiet.”

“We always hafta be real quiet, or Mal gets real ornery ‘bout it.”

“We convinced the Captain to let us be together, and we can convince your Ma too.”

“She’ll want us to get married…” he growled. She felt waves of anger and resentment coming off him.

She swallowed down her fear of what he might say and asked, “Why don’t you want to get married, Jayne?”

“I done told ya, my Pa was a drunk, beat up my Ma and all us kids ‘till one day I hit back and knocked him out cold. Never came back. My parents were miserable, an’ I won’t have that fer you or our kids.”

Her eyes opened real wide. “You want kids.”

“A whole passel of ‘em.”

“And a home,” River said with a smile.

“Real nice farm like my Ma has.”

“But no promises.”

Jayne lifted her chin to look into her eyes. “Who said no promises?”

“You won’t take wedding vows.”

“Don’t see no point in makin’ promises neither of us can keep.”

River’s eyes filled with tears.

“Mi tao, I don’t mean I’ll be unfaithful.”

“What do you mean, then?”

“I won’t be trapped in an unhappy marriage.”

“You sure we’d be unhappy?”

“If’n we got married, we would. If’n we don’t, we’ll be in tian tang.”

“Oh, Jayne!”

“Dui bu qi, bao-bei,” he whispered, softly kissing her tears away.

“Dong ma, yin shi nan nu: ren zhi da yu cun yan.”


To be continued…

Next Chapter: Coming Soon

firefly, river, rayne, homecoming, jayne

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