Still, Once Again, Feh

Jul 24, 2002 00:48

I've been hit totally by the 2 week itch. I gave my notice at work about a month ago, and my last day is a week from Thursday. I've gotten very very lazy. And it sucks. I'd rather be busy than bored. No one is giving me work there, as I'm going to be gone soon. So be it ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

faegoddess July 24 2002, 06:38:34 UTC
how often are you getting anxiety attacks?

I was having full blown panic attacks a few years I really just have occasional anxiety, which I control with exercize and yoga


Re: jayhawk July 24 2002, 07:26:01 UTC
Goodness - I have never really counted. I got them every morning in the last year that I was living with my husband, and only got them again recently with my relocation. They aren't so much panic attacks as anxiety ones where I hyperventilate and dry heave. It's horrible. I wouldn't wish them on anyone. How is your brother? I worry about stuff like that, even with my online friends....


faegoddess July 24 2002, 07:42:03 UTC
damn girl! sounds like anxiety disorder -- i hope you have gotten help with that. Stress can certainly trigger's beneficial to just not stress about everything (I have a tendency to over-worry myself)

So my little brother is going in for testing today...doctors are pretty sure it's leukemia or some other bone infection...i'll be posting as soon as i know something conclusive


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