Natural Submission 12/20

May 03, 2010 10:39

Natural Submission 12/20

by themadslasher aka jayaslash

Pairing: j2 AU

Rating: NC-17 (like way, way, way NC-17)

Word Count: 886, this part; 13,692 total


Jensen Ackles is an undercover FBI agent.  He’s been working for over three years to infiltrate a criminal human trafficking ring.  He’s worked hard to gain entry into Diablo’s, one of New York’s most revered criminal masterminds, inner circle.  Once he’s in, he witnesses horrific crimes, dozens of Americans kidnapped and sold into the international sex trade.  He is determined to bring Diablo and all of his henchmen down.

Jared Padalecki is a naïve, innocent grocery store cashier who has spent the last four years doing little besides caring for his ailing mother.  After her death, he finds himself alone and looking to make new friends.  He hooks up with the wrong crowd at work and falls into Diablo’s hands.  It’s up to Jensen to save the other man…but what will be the price?

Warnings:  Heavy BDSM.  Angst-filled.

Previously: Chapters 1-3, Chapters 4-7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter Ten, Chapter Eleven


Chapter Twelve

“He’s still asking for you,” Tenn said lightly as he stepped into the office, two cups of coffee in hand.  Jensen sat stiffly in an office chair, head tilted back against the back of the chair, staring at the ceiling.

   “It’ll probably take him awhile to process everything,” Jensen said, taking the cup of coffee that Tenn offered him.

“Yeah, they’re sending in a psych to meet with him,” Tenn said, going to sit behind his desk.  Tenn set his own cup near his keyboard.

“You get the all clear from Hansen?” Tenn asked.  Jensen nodded, and then shrugged.

“Diablo’s locked up and nobody’s the wiser,” Jensen said slowly.  “Mission accomplished.”

“Exactly,” Tenn said.  “So, why do I get the feeling that you’re not ready to move on.”

“I’m worried about the kid,” Jensen admitted.  “You know what I had to do-”

“So, why don’t you go see him?” Tenn asked.  Jensen sat forward, shaking his head.

“No,” Jensen said, emphatically.


Jared sat in the sterile office, swallowing hard against the panicky, fervorish feeling that swept over him.  He sat on the couch, staring at the door anxiously, hands twisting in his lap.

It had been almost a full day since he’d seen Jensen and every entrance, every voice, every motion brought on the creeping knowledge that Jensen wasn’t coming for him.  Jared knew that Jensen was a criminal.  He’d hooked up with what Jared could only assume was a gang.  Jared just hoped that Jensen was alive.

The door creaked open and Jared stilled, staring.

A man appeared, short and older, hair graying at his temples.  He had a kind, gentle face and Jared watched silently as he closed the door behind him and moved into the office, coming to sit across from Jared.

“Hi, Jared,” the man said lightly and Jared heaved a deep sigh, resting his elbows on his knees and staring.

“Hey,” Jared replied quietly, his voice creaky from disuse.

“My name is Dr. Flannery, I’m a psychiatrist that works for the federal government,” the man went on.  “I’ve been hired to help you.”

“The federal government?” Jared asked quietly.

“Yes,” Dr. Flannery said, calmly.  “You were paired with a federal agent in a sting operation.”

The words flitted through Jared’s mind.  Federal agent.  Jensen wasn’t the criminal he’d made himself out to be.  A gripping relief sifted through Jared.  It made sense.

“Is he okay?” Jared asked.

“Yes, he’s fine,” Dr. Flannery said, and quickly changed the subject.  “I wanted to talk with you about how you’re feeling-”

“Can I see him?” Jared interrupted.  Dr. Flannery shifted in his seat, a trifle uncomfortably.

“I want to be sure, Jared, that it’s impressed upon you that he isn’t the man you think he is,” Dr. Flannery said slowly.  “The man that presented himself to you, the man you came to know does not exist.  Jensen Ackles is a federal agent of the highest caliber, trained extensively to take on different personas.  He’s as close to a chameleon as any human being can be.  And the man you knew, the things that occurred while you were in captivity, were not real.”

Jared stared at Dr. Flannery for a long time before he blinked and looked away, face stiff and blank.

“I’d like to see him,” Jared said, hollowly.

“I’m not sure that it’s in your best interests to see him right now,” Dr. Flannery said.  “If ever.”

If ever.  If ever.  If ever.  The words reverberated in Jared’s skull like a death knoll.  He held himself together by sheer will as he stared at the blank, unadorned white wall behind Dr. Flannery’s head.

“You get to decide?” Jared asked briefly.  Dr. Flannery nodded.

“I’ve spent the last six hours being debriefed on your case and the best thing for us to do would be to stabilize your situation, both physically and emotionally,” he said.  “I think that you need to talk about some of the things that occurred, to verbalize your emotions.  I have a bed for you…it’s a very good facility.  You’d receive the best care.”

“No,” Jared said, at once.

Dr. Flannery sat back.

“I don’t think it would be in your best interests to just go home,” Dr. Flannery noted.  Jared felt something inside of his chest squeeze hard and tight.

Home.  He couldn’t fathom the concept of his home, the thought of his life before he’d been with Jensen.  His house, his job at the grocery store, starting school…those things seemed so far removed from what he really wanted, from what he’d experienced with Jensen, that he had trouble breathing at the thought of going back to it.

“I - please,” Jared breathed.  “I’d like to see him.”

“I think you need some time to process things,” Dr. Flannery went on.  “And the best place for that to happen is in a neutral setting.”

Jared tuned him out, remembering Jensen’s fingers on his skin, Jensen’s tongue in his mouth, Jensen’s cock buried deep inside of him and Jensen’s eyes, icy with possession.  That had not been fake.  That had not been an act and nothing anyone said would ever convince Jared otherwise.

“I’ll go,” Jared said softly.  “Wherever you want me to go, I’ll go, but I want to see him first.  I want to see him.”


j2, fic, jared/jensen

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