Natural Submission (part 2, J2, AU, Incomplete)

Apr 12, 2009 13:49

Chapter Four

Jensen paced the length of his bedroom in several long strides. He went to his dresser, rested his head against it for one long, drawn out moment before he looked back at the bed. No matter how many times he walked the same path and wished it away, Jared still lay completely naked across his bed, wrists tied securely to the headboard, out cold.

Shit, Jensen had tied the knots in the rope himself. He knew that there was no way that Jared was getting loose, but it didn’t stop him from childishly wishing that he could close his eyes and just make it all disappear. Jensen forced himself to calm down, breathing steadily.

He’d been in worse situations. He’d literally watched his life flash before his eyes and he’d been able to come out of it on top. This time would be no different. He ran a hand over his face in agitation. He would just have to add another layer to his deception. The truth of the matter was that he didn’t know the first thing about bdsm. What little he did know came from his time with Diablo, watching the man with his slaves and seeing how the people he sold to treated their new property. But Jensen was smart enough to know that there were two sides to every coin. Just like everything else, there had to be masters or whatever the proper term was that weren’t cruel and abusive…because he knew without a shadow of a doubt that he couldn’t abuse this guy Jared. He’d blow the case if he had to do that.

But he could play the role of Jared’s master.   He just had to figure out his ground rules…and he figured he had a couple of hours to get his head on straight before the drugs wore off and Jared woke up. Finally, his phone flashed in the darkness and Jensen quickly opened it, seeing the message from Tenn, his field contact from the bureau. He had sent the man a secure text earlier with one simple statement: I have three hours to become a bdsm master, one piece of advice?

Jensen read the reply:  Get into your sub’s head and give them what they want.

Fuck. Jensen hissed out a breath, reading the message one more time before erasing it and wiping his SIM card clean with the handy piece of software that the bureau provided for just that purpose.

Okay, okay. Rules. He needed rules. He lived by rules.    Jensen thought quickly.

1.)    Never break your cover - not even to this guy Jared.

2.)    Give Jared what he wants whenever possible.

3.)    Do not, under any circumstance, abuse this kid.

4.)    Do not, under any circumstance, actually fuck this kid.

Jensen ran them through his head again and again until he felt that they were etched into his brain. He could do this. He would do this. He had to. He knew that owning a sub in Diablo’s circle would require a few things. Complete and total obedience from Jared was one of those things. Physical closeness and sexual displays were another. He could pull it off. Hell, his dick had no qualms about the fact that he could pull it off. But Jensen had no right to cross certain boundaries. He wouldn’t break his rules

But he would pull this off. He sat in an armchair and watched Jared and waited.


Jared blinked several times before he could make out the ceiling above him. It was dark, but he knew that wherever he was, he had never been there before. A pair of whimsy white curtains danced in the breeze of an open window, playing with the shadowy exterior of the room. He tried to move his arms, but a couple of swift tugs told him that he was solidly tied to the headboard. His heart sped up in his chest. He felt groggy and he groped around in his mind piecing together why he was tied up.

He recalled working late with Ashley, her coaxing him to go to the party, the weird vibe of the warehouse they had entered. Feeling humiliation and anger zing through him, he remembered in grave detail how Ashley had betrayed him and the look in the man they called Diablo’s eyes as he touched Jared. Swallowing hard, Jared’s mind raced. He remembered the guy…the one who had stepped forward.

I want him.

Not long after that, the men holding him down had pressed something against his mouth and nose, a cloth, and Jared didn’t remember anything else. His mind went back to the guy, the green-eyed man who had stood before Diablo, solid and unwavering. Jared had never seen anyone like him before and even in those moments of perfect humiliation when he was standing naked in front of a roomful of strangers; there was something about that guy that called out to him. Jared’s throat was thick with fear and his mind was cloudy with confusion.

“You’re awake,” Jared nearly jumped out of his skin, eyes darting around wildly for the source of that voice. He was there, hidden in the shadows of the room, sitting in a chair. He’d spoken only three words before, but Jared recognized his voice.

The man stood up and stepped quietly to the bed where Jared was tied, his face illuminating by the moonlight from the window. Jared’s mouth went dry. Whoever he was, the man was beautiful, entrancing green eyes, perfectly symmetrical features and a chiseled, stubbled jaw line. He was like something out of one of Jared’s fantasies and Jared found it hard to look at him.

“Who are you?” Jared asked slowly, hollowly and the man crouched close to him, close enough to touch, but he didn’t reach out for Jared.

“I’m Jensen,” the man said.

“W-where am I?” Jared asked, licking his dry lips. Those green eyes followed the motion, devouring, and Jared’s heart sped up.

“You’re home,” Jensen told him simply. “You belong to me now.”

Chapter Five

Jared tried to hide the fact that his legs were shaking, trembling beneath the table. He was tied to a chair, silk fabric twined across his forearms in intricate knots, tight around his torso and each ankle. His eyes shot to the smooth, pretty features of Jensen as he came from the kitchen, setting a heaping plate of food on the center of the dining table. Jensen sat down beside him and Jared swallowed hard.

“Are you hungry?” Jensen asked and his voice shot through Jared in a hot, liquid slide, searing everything in its wake.

Jared nodded.

“I’ll feed you,” Jensen said, grabbing a fork and a knife. “And we’ll talk.”

Jensen turned his seat sideways so that he could come closer to Jared. Jared could feel the heat of Jensen’s skin close to his, he could smell something dark and masculine when Jensen came near. Jensen spread his knees as he pressed in closer to Jared, barely an inch of space between them. Jared could not move away…and he wasn’t sure that his binds were the only thing stopping him.

“I know you’re scared,” Jensen said as he carved the steak in quick, masterful motions. “That’s okay. I wouldn’t expect anything else. But I want you to know a few things.”

Jensen held the fork to Jared’s lips and Jared opened for it, letting him slide the succulent meat into his mouth. The burst of flavor, spicy and warm, unfurled on his tongue and Jared bit back a moan, closing his eyes helplessly. He’d never had anything so good and he didn’t know if it was because Jensen was an excellent cook…or because being tied to the chair under Jensen’s ardent emerald gaze heightened the awareness of all of his senses.

“Is it good?” Jensen asked and his eyes were on Jared’s lips. Jared swallowed and licked his lips, quivering helplessly, praying that Jensen’s eagle eye couldn’t detect the affect he was having on Jared because he was hard. He had never been so hard, his cock pulsed, throbbed, threatening to jerk against his navel and Jared was ashamed. He was aroused by this man, turned on by more than his killer good looks. Jared knew, deep down inside, that he liked it, being bound to the chair, being naked and completely bare to Jensen’s assessing gaze. It excited him. He’d been kidnapped and given to this man and beneath the hazy, gripping fear, he was excited. He looked down at his lap, hiding his face from Jensen’s probing stare.

He had no more than blinked when Jensen’s hand slid into his hair, gentle at first, a sensual caress and then he was tugging, roughly pulling Jared’s hair back until their eyes locked again.

“No hiding,” Jensen breathed, his voice little more than a whisper but the sound, the tone, the steel underlying the words flooding Jared’s senses. “You’re mine, do you understand? I get everything you have to give.”

Jared’s breath came in a jerky gasp, a whimper playing at the back of his throat at the thrill that shot through him.

“I want you to eat,” Jensen said, loosening his hold on Jared’s hair and going back to the plate. He offered Jared more steak, which Jared swallowed dutifully, then a bit of potato and asparagus.

“Now, I want to make everything clear to you, Jared,” Jensen said and his name on Jensen’s lips was perfect, a symphony. “You belong to me. There’s no question about that. The friends you have got you caught up in something pretty heavy. My boss Diablo, he takes men like you and breaks them, sells them to the highest bidder…and that’s the fate they left you to.”

He continued to feed Jared, slowly, with absolute care as Jared’s eyes darted to his, absorbing his words. “I like you,” Jensen said lowly. “I like everything about you. And as long as you’re with me, I can offer you some promises. I’ll never hurt you. I’ll never fuck you over. All I expect from you is your complete and total obedience. Do you understand?”

Jared nodded.

“I want you to fully get this,” Jensen stopped feeding him, giving him a long look. “Any thoughts you have, breaking free, finding your way out of here? Drop them. If you get away from me, you’ll be back in Diablo’s hands. He will hunt you down no matter how far you run and when he finds you, he’ll either kill you or make you wish that you were dead. If you run away from me, I can’t come after you. I’ll leave you to him.”

Jared stilled.

“If you obey me, if you please me, then it’s entirely different,” Jensen went on. “Then you have nothing to worry about. I’ll satisfy your every need. I’ll do more than that. I’ll take you somewhere you’ve never been, a place you’ll never want to come back from.”

“I’m scared,” Jared admitted, shakily. Jensen seemed to envelope him, so close to Jared that he was everything that Jared saw, surrounding him.

“With me, you have nothing to fear,” Jensen promised him. “Just give yourself to me and I’ll take care of you. I know it’s a lot to take in. I’ll give you a few days to let it sink in before I broach this subject again. But I want to know that you understand what it means to belong to me.”

“Okay,” Jared whispered.

“Do you know what a safe word is?” Jensen asked and Jared shook his head. “It’s a word you use when everything is too much for you, when you are completely overwhelmed, when panic is the only emotion you feel. When you use this word, I’ll stop everything that I am doing and we’ll sort it out, you understand?”

“Okay,” Jared said again.

“It has to be a word you wouldn’t normally use,” Jensen prompted him and Jared bit his lip, thinking.

“Um…Calculus?” Jared asked, his eyes searching Jensen’s. Jensen nodded.

“That’s good,” Jensen agreed. “Don’t misuse this word if you don’t want to piss me off.”

Silence fell between them and Jensen began to feed him again. Jared had taken in a huge bite of steak when he felt Jensen’s hand wrap around his cock. Jared gasped and shifted in the chair, struggling for a brief moment. Then, he fell completely still.

“This is mine,” Jensen told him. “You’re hard for me, right?”

Jared swallowed roughly, eyes low. Jensen’s fist tightened painfully on his cock.

“Don’t hide from me,” Jensen growled and Jared’s eyes shot back to Jensen’s at once. “Look at me while I jack you off.”

“Nobody’s ever…” Jared gasped helplessly, his hips moving uncontrollably into the slick tight fist that pumped him.

“Nobody’s ever what?” Jensen pressed. “Touched you like this? Made you whimper and moan like a slut? And nobody ever will again.”

Jared couldn’t help it. He came, hard and fast, his eyes glued to Jensen’s, afraid to look away, his hips rocking into Jensen’s fist in wayward abandon.

Jared hissed and jerked, shaking as white, sticky ropes of come coated his stomach and torso, Jensen’s fist unrelenting. He could finally look away when Jensen pressed against his side, Jensen’s tongue playing with the soft, tender flesh at the pulse of his neck. Jared heaved a shaky sob.

Chapter Six

Jared writhed against the cool sheets.

A breeze drifted in from the window, a fingerless caress against his flushed bare skin. Gooseflesh rose across the path of skin that the breeze touched and his nipples stretched and tightened. Jared pulled futilely against the bonds that tied him to the bed, battling the frantic need that was building inside of him. His eyes, glazed with lust, drifted to the clock on Jensen’s dresser. One hour and fifteen minutes seemed like days, every passing minute staggering by.

He recalled with perfect clarity the way that Jensen had looked at him, dark and hooded as he gathered up his leather jacket and keys.

“I have to go to the store,” Jensen had informed him, short and clipped. “Will you be good while I’m gone?”

Those green eyes flashed at him and a moment later, Jensen dropped what he was carrying, rifled through a drawer and came to stand over Jared, fingers moving carefully, expertly on Jared’s cock. The tight material binding his dick had drawn his eyes for a long, horrifying moment when Jensen stepped back and Jared had barely been able to catch a glimpse of Jensen’s back as he disappeared out of the bedroom door.

Jared’s eyes moved from the alarm clock back to the dripping, bulbous purple head of his cock, just visible as it stretched earnestly past his navel. The sight of it, dark, veined stiff glimpses of flesh peering out of the intricate design of the black leather cockring, made Jared hiss in shocked delight. He had never imagined anything like this, even in his most vivid imaginings. He hadn’t known that anything like this existed.

He closed his eyes and remembered the feel of Jensen curled against him in the night. Jensen’s hand was splayed over his stomach, tight and possessive and it stilled Jared, made something inside of him center and calm the way it hadn’t…ever.

Inside, there was always this little part of himself that Jared couldn’t still. This anxious voice that never stopped questioning, never stopped hammering away at his faith and his hope, peeling it away layer by layer until there was nothing but doubt and uncertainty left. With Jensen beside him, with Jensen’s hand of protection over him, that voice was obliterated and it scared Jared more than anything ever had, more than all of those men in Diablo’s warehouse ever could, because it was something that Jared knew he had the potential to crave, to need more than he needed air or breath.

The sound of a door slamming jolted Jared out of his thoughts and he tensed in anticipation mingled with terror. He hoped it was Jensen. What if someone else came? Someone who wasn’t Jensen? What if Jensen decided that he didn’t want him anymore, didn’t like him and sent someone to get him? One of Diablo’s henchmen coming to touch him in all the ways that he wanted Jensen to? Jared shook with fright.

The mussed head of hair that ducked into the bedroom door belonged to Jensen and Jared whooshed out a relieved breath, his eyes fixing on Jensen and dilating with need.

“Jensen,” he gasped out helplessly. Jared moved listlessly against his bonds. Jensen came into the room and Jared writhed helplessly, his eyes raking over the familiar, intimate sight of the man that was fast becoming the center of his existence. Jensen wore a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt, simple, nondescript…perfect for his line of work. His hands were tucked casually in the pockets of his jeans and Jared strained shiftlessly, eyes beseeching

“Are you okay?” Jensen asked and his voice was cool, calm, and unemotional. Just the sound, the timbre of it skittered down Jared’s spine.

“Please,” Jared swallowed, pleading. The words fell from his lips in ardent abandon, Jared didn’t know what he was saying, only that he was pleading, desperate for Jensen. Jensen’s green eyes glittered dangerously at Jensen, an amused smile dancing on his lips.

“What do you want?” Jensen asked and Jared shook his head, unable to find the words. Jensen stepped closer.

“I can’t give you anything if you don’t tell me what you want,” Jensen pointed out, casual in the face of Jared’s desperation. Jared yanked at his bonds, hard, his eyes flashing at Jensen wetly. Jensen laughed, low and dark. He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned close to Jared, his lips so close to Jared’s that if Jared could stretch an inch further they would be touching.

“Calm down,” Jensen commanded, steely. “Do you want me to touch you?”

“Please,” Jared nodded and whimpered and Jensen’s fingers fanned out on his arms, the barest touch. Jared’s eyes closed and he shuddered out a breath.

“Where do you want me to touch you?” Jensen asked and Jared could feel the movement of his lips against his own, so close, before Jensen moved further away.

“I don’t-please,” Jared mewled.

“Where?” Jensen’s voice was hard, unrelenting.

“Everywhere,” Jared breathed. “My dick.”

Jensen’s dark laughter wafted over him and Jared hissed as Jensen slid down his body, onto the edge of the mattress, the first touch of Jensen’s tongue on the quivering skin of his bare thigh, a nibble of teeth and tongue, seared him clean through.

Jensen licked his way up Jared’s thigh as his long fingers came up to Jared’s cock to unstrap the cockring from its rigid length and Jared shook, whimpering, mumbling, almost in tears at the sensations that coursed through him as Jensen’s fingers wrapped around his turgid length, fisting him tight. Jared’s hips bucked into Jensen’s hand as he sobbed incoherently.

Then, Jensen’s tongue was lapping at the slit, stilling Jared mid-thrust. Jensen tongued the weeping slit of Jared’s cock and Jared groaned, urgently, breath hitching in his chest. Jared couldn’t stop the scream that built in his throat when Jensen swallowed him down, unable to control the need to slam himself into Jensen’s gripping throat. He fucked Jensen’s mouth relentlessly, eyes squeezed tightly shut and when he opened them, he looked down and saw Jensen at the foot of the bed, emerald gaze fixed on Jared’s face, his lips swollen and obscene around Jared’s cock and Jared came, instantly and blindingly, swirling darkness dancing over him as he exploded.

Jared came down slowly, gasping for breath, thighs trembling as he slid out of Jensen’s mouth with a pop. It was his first blowjob and it was so big, so much more than anything he had visualized. Jensen’s fingers drifted over his stomach, a gentle touch.

“You taste good,” Jensen told him, before getting to his feet and walking away.

Chapter Seven

Jared was so silent that he could hear a pin drop. Sitting chained to the armchair, the television remote within his grasp and the sound on mute, he could hear every bit of motion outside of the suite door. He knew that there were men in heavy boots walking back and forth every half-hour, and sometimes less. Every time those boots came within a few feet of the door, his heart went sluggish with fear.

But the biggest of his fears was playing out inside of his head. What he feared more than any attack he could get at the hands of the men outside of Jensen’s suite was the consuming desire that curled in his stomach at the thought of Jensen. It wasn’t right.

Jared sniffed hard, fighting the tears that scratched at the backs of his eyes. He knew that he should want to get away. He should be fighting his confinement with everything that was in him, but he couldn’t do that. He couldn’t force himself to even pull against the chains that bound him in place because he didn’t want to break free.

He wanted Jensen to walk through that door and he wanted Jensen to touch him again. Jared closed his eyes at the thought of Jensen’s hands on him again, holding his cock in a firm grip…or Jensen’s mouth. The way that he’d curled his tongue against Jared’s dick, the way he’d swallowed Jared down. It was better than Jared’s best fantasies and he wanted more of it.

He knew it was natural to want to be touched. He couldn’t beat himself up for wanting his dick sucked. What man in his right mind didn’t want that? Jared knew that logically, a guy like him, one who hadn’t had a lot of experience, and one who was actually getting to do these things for the first time, anybody like him would be obsessed with getting off.

But it wasn’t the getting off that scared him. It was the fact that the chains… excited him. It was the fact that being bound and helpless for Jensen’s pleasure made every sensation richer, every touch like fire. Jared hated the fact that he wanted to be there. There was no other place on Earth that called to him the way this suite, this place where Jensen lived did. And his biggest fear, the one that coursed through him with every strike of those heavy boots on the hard floors outside of that door, was that those men would take him away from Jensen. And Jared had never wanted anything in his life as much as he wanted Jensen.

Jared bit back a sob. It was sick. He was sick. Who would enjoy being someone’s sex slave? Who would take being chained up all day just to revel in the feel of being helpless, being completely at the mercy of another human being? He’d never thought…never imagined that he could feel the way he did, the hitching, aching need that swept over him when Jensen touched him and Jared pulled at the chains, unable to do anything but lie there, sit there and take whatever Jensen dished out.

A key slid into the lock on the door and Jared looked up quickly, heart pounding. Jensen ducked quickly inside, kicking the door closed behind him with one dark boot and then locking it. Jensen stepped into the suite, eyes locking immediately on Jared. He was carrying a brown paper bag, something crumpled and grease-stained.

“You hungry?” Jensen asked and Jared just stared at him. “I brought you some tacos. Do you like tacos?”

Jared nodded.

“I got chicken and beef,” Jensen said, coming to sit across from Jared, opening the bad and spreading out his fare on the coffee table. “Which do you like?”

“Both,” Jared told him, clearing his throat. Jensen stood up and walked to the kitchenette.

“You want soda or water?” Jensen asked, opening the fridge. “Or juice? There’s fruit punch.”

“Juice is good,” Jared said and Jensen got down a glass, filling it quickly with red liquid.

He came back to sit beside Jared, setting the glass aside and crowding close to Jared as he unwrapped the foil covering one of the tacos and held it out for Jared to bite, which Jared did. Jensen fed him quietly, attentively. Jared chewed and swallowed, quelling the gnawing hunger in his stomach that he hadn’t even noticed since he’d been so wrapped up in his thoughts. Jensen fed him carefully until four tacos had disappeared from the table and the full glass of juice was empty. Jared watched quietly as Jensen gathered together the wrappers, the paper bag and glass and carted them away to the kitchen, trashing the bag and taking the glass to the sink. He made quick work of washing the glass and setting it out to dry.

Jensen came back to sit near Jared, leaning forward, his hand reaching for the television remote. He was so close to Jared, close enough to kiss. Jared bit his lip, indecisive for a moment before he surged forward and captured Jensen’s lips.

Jensen stilled for an endless second, and then kissed him back, long and slow. Jared let out a shaky breath and Jensen’s tongue swept in, delving into Jared’s mouth, tasting every corner, every crevice of him. Jared squirmed in his seat, finally fighting against the chains, fighting because he wanted to touch Jensen. He wanted to cup Jensen’s head in his hands and press him closer.

He stilled slightly when Jensen pulled back. Jensen stared at him, half-lidded, emerald eyes glittering with desire.

“What do you want?” Jensen asked lowly and Jared began to quake, knowing what that meant, knowing that Jensen was demanding everything from him, wanted him completely open and bare for Jensen to see.

“Oh, God,” Jared hissed, helplessly. Jensen leaned forward and pecked his lips gently.

“Just tell me,” Jensen whispered against his lips.

“Just…your hand,” Jared pleaded. Jensen nodded, quickly grasping Jared’s hard shaft in his fist. He stroked it once, and then again and Jared spread his legs, writhing up into that tight fist. Jensen’s other hand moved, skated gently down to Jared’s balls, and then lower. Jared’s eyes flashed urgently at Jensen, widening in shocked delight when Jensen’s fingers scraped lightly against the skin under his sac, and then tapped lightly against the tight ring below.

Jared moaned and erupted like a volcano, hot strings of cum spraying over Jensen’s hand swiftly. Jared couldn’t stop the sounds pouring from his throat as he thrust into Jensen’s hand, wildly until he was completely spent. He lay against the chair, opening his eyes to catch sight of Jensen standing up. In the folds of the denim that encased him, Jared could see the rigid length of Jensen’s cock and his mouth watered. His lips parted on a needy gasp and he looked up at Jensen, eyes begging. But Jensen moved quickly away.


j2, fic, incomplete, jared/jensen

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