Natural Submission 11 (part 6, J2, AU)

Apr 29, 2010 13:26

Natural Submission 11/20

by themadslasher aka jayaslash

Pairing: j2 AU

Rating: NC-17 (like way, way, way NC-17)

Word Count: 649, this part; 12,806 total


Jensen Ackles is an undercover FBI agent.  He’s been working for over three years to infiltrate a criminal human trafficking ring.  He’s worked hard to gain entry into Diablo’s, one of New York’s most revered criminal masterminds, inner circle.  Once he’s in, he witnesses horrific crimes, dozens of Americans kidnapped and sold into the international sex trade.  He is determined to bring Diablo and all of his henchmen down.

Jared Padalecki is a naïve, innocent grocery store cashier who has spent the last four years doing little besides caring for his ailing mother.  After her death, he finds himself alone and looking to make new friends.  He hooks up with the wrong crowd at work and falls into Diablo’s hands.  It’s up to Jensen to save the other man…but what will be the price?

Warnings:  Heavy BDSM.  Angst-filled.

Previously: Chapters 1-3, Chapters 4-7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter Ten


Chapter Eleven

Jensen slammed the door to his suite with a decisive click and locked it.  Jared turned from the stove and smiled at Jensen.

“Hi, I’m almost done cooking for you,” Jared said, with a quick grin.  Jensen walked by him quickly, going to the bedroom.  Jared followed him slowly.  He watched as Jensen rifled through a dresser drawer, tossing a shirt at him.

“Put that on,” Jensen ordered quickly, opening another door and sliding two guns and clips out.  Jared watched silently as Jensen loaded the guns and tucked one into a holster at his ankle and the other at his waist.  Jensen looked at him.

“Put. That. On.”

Jared quickly slid his arms into the shirt, pulling it down over his head.  Jared was still smoothing it over his chest when he felt Jensen grab him by the shirtfront, pulling him into the room.

“What’s going on?” Jared asked, staring at the blank, calculating expression on Jensen’s face quizzically.  He had never seen Jensen look so…methodical and while it didn’t exactly scare him, it made the hair on the back of his neck stand up.

The sound of gunfire outside of the door emptied Jared’s mind of all thoughts save for a blistering, blinding panic.  He turned terrified eyes on Jensen.

“You’re fine,” Jensen told him and his voice was an anchor, confident and assured.  “You’re safe.”

Jensen crowded him back into a corner of the room where Jensen stood briefly before kicking the wall in.  Jared watched, wide-eyed as Jensen kicked and shoved at the wall until it gave way.  Jensen grabbed his wrist and dragged him into the wall.

“Come on,” Jensen said, pulling Jared along with him.  Jared ducked and scuttled over debris, following closely behind Jensen as Jensen weaved his way through a maze-like structure of halls and rudimentary stairways.

“What’s happening?” Jared asked lowly and Jensen shook his head.

“Shut up,” Jensen said, once and sharply.  Jared’s mouth snapped shut and he followed.  At one point, they descended so many stairs that Jared had to catch his breath.

“Can I ask - Jensen, are we underground?” Jared whispered quietly.  Jensen nodded once, sharply, crouched and crept through what amounted to little more than a narrow, dirty hole in the ground.  Jared crouched behind him, struggling to breathe.  When he was nearly hyperventilating, Jensen turned quickly, wrapping his hand around Jared’s throat and pulling him in for a quick, tight-lipped kiss.

“You’re okay,” Jensen told him.  “Breathe.  I’d never let anything happen to you.”

Jared nodded, eyes searching Jensen’s face and finally settling on Jensen’s focused, emerald gaze.  Jensen pulled him close and kissed him again, this time it lingered for several breathless moments before Jensen pulled away.

“I’m sorry,” Jensen’s voice was thick and muffled before he pulled completely back.  “Come on.”

And they were moving again.  This time, Jared followed him silently as he led the way out of the hovel and to another set of stairs. They climbed an interminable amount of steps before Jared found himself blinking into the blinding glare of sunlight again.  Jensen faced him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

“You see that van, the blue one about five hundred feet away?” Jensen pointed.  Jared peered at the blue van and nodded.

“Run there,” Jensen told him, taking the gun at his waist out and cocking it.  “As fast as you can.  Don’t look back.”

“Will you -” Jared asked, but Jensen cut him off.

“Run,” Jensen said, steely.  Jared ran.  As fast as his long legs would carry him, heart pounding heavily in his chest.  He made it to the van and the sliding door was thrown open by a blond-haired man who waved Jared quickly inside.  Jared had the barest instant to catch of glimpse of Jensen climbing back into the tunnel before the door closed behind him.  Jared sat, shaking, waiting for Jensen.


j2, fic, jared/jensen

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