NEW VID: "Like My Very Own Blood"

Nov 29, 2009 21:36

Thanks to the holiday break, I had a few days to try vidding for the first time since before VividCon. To get the mojo flowing again, I slipped on the comfortable BSG shoes before walking around awhile in Premiere. They be very comfy shoes indeed.

"Like My Very Own Blood"
Source: Battlestar Galactica
Music: Tiger Lou
Summary: There's nothing more frakked up than family.
Warning for child abuse

Download: [here] (70 MB, xvid)

Big thanks to renenet, vagabondage, and fan_eunice for lots of cheerleading along the way. And to the folks who waved pom-poms as I was building up the courage to even start a new vid.

password: daddy

I promise you better things from now on
I'm gonna love you like my own son
No more the me that you used to meet out here at night
I swear, I swear

I'm gonna love you like my very own son
like my very own blood, I swear
I will love you right there

Sometimes I fear these hands are mine
Let us never mention this again

I'm gonna love you like my very own son
like my very own blood, I swear
I'm gonna love you like my very own son
like my very own blood

When sdwolfpup sent me the album a few months ago (thanks again for that!), I latched on to this song almost immediately, thinking, "wow, if I thought it could ever work, that would make one really effed up Adama and Starbuck vid." The full song is 4 minutes long and very repetitive, so I think that was the biggest thing standing in my way from actually prioritizing it as a Feasible Vid. (That and not remembering how much awesome Scary!Adama footage there is in season 4.) Once I cut it down to the usable stuff, it made for a nice, solid vidlet. Get in, say it, get out. Just right for getting back into the groove of vidding after feeling so very far removed thanks to grad school. I don't know if I'll be able to have anything in Premieres this year, but I feel very good knowing I can at least put this in Nearly New. This marks the start of whatever this second period of my vidding work is, and I'm really pleased with it.

I set out very intentionally for this vid to look different from my previous work. (The last time I did that, it was a Very Bad Idea, but I felt confident this time I could pull it off.) This vid called for frenetic cutting in a way that I hadn't edited before. The song demanded constant momentum and uneasiness, so I tried using jump cuts and intercutting to make the sweet things look unsettling. I used clips noticeably out of order for effect and repeated clips frequently - two things I almost never do. While I can't create a mood vid like someone like buffyann can, this was certainly more of an emotion vid than anything I've done before. (That emotion being...creepy as all hell?) It's the first time I have vidded BSG not as a strict narrative in a long time, but that was freeing in a way, especially knowing I didn't want the vid to just be A Straightforward Build-Up To Maelstrom. So, yeah. Lots of trying new things. In the end, the vid looked just how I'd wanted it to, so yay for that.

I think the vid speaks for itself in terms of content, but I do want to just say how much I love BSG for providing all these rich depths to explore. The Adamas are a tragically flawed family, and vidding them was a real treat. (Even if I did have Daddy Issues nightmares after a day of editing, heh.) I keep having things to say about Starbuck's relationships with the various characters, and the show keeps handing me beautiful footage to use. I can't argue with that.

eunice: holy CRAP john
eunice: you did that in three days?
renenet: He has enough extra BSG vidding in him that he POOPS IT and it smells like roses
sisabet: poor fucked up space people

All feedback and recs are greatly appreciated! Thanks so much for watching!

vids, bsg

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