NEW VID: "Like My Very Own Blood"

Nov 29, 2009 21:36

Thanks to the holiday break, I had a few days to try vidding for the first time since before VividCon. To get the mojo flowing again, I slipped on the comfortable BSG shoes before walking around awhile in Premiere. They be very comfy shoes indeed.

"Like My Very Own Blood"Source: Battlestar Galactica ( Read more... )

vids, bsg

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Comments 96

sisabet November 30 2009, 05:41:45 UTC
This is startling and brilliant and sad but I still stand by my oh so smart earlier analysis: poor fucked up space-people.

I am hugging you for so many many things right now. You are starting to get a little bit uncomfortable because the hug is going on just a bit too long, but I am not letting go. No I am not. You are just gonna have to take it. LIKE STARBUCK CAUSE SHE DOESN'T KNOW NO BETTER!!!!!

In conclusion, ILU and CKR is hot.


jarrow November 30 2009, 05:55:15 UTC
You seem to linger under this false notion that I can be overhugged, and I will let you cling to that because you are the First Commenter on a Vid Post and that makes you worth your weight in gold. So, yes, for the sake of argument, you can pretend I am Starbuck in that hug and you're giving the creepy shifty eyes over my shoulder and I'm looking like you might kill me any moment and WHY CAN'T I LET GO. (Reenactment to come at VividCon.)

p.s. ILU2


sisabet November 30 2009, 05:59:36 UTC
*smacks your ass*


jarrow November 30 2009, 06:02:05 UTC
*likes it*


crickets November 30 2009, 05:43:56 UTC
Wow, Jarrow, this was SO powerful and enlightening, despite the fact that I have seen it all before. You really touched on a new angle here that I have never ever thought about it. It makes me sad for her and angry for her. I think that might be your point here. Wow. I don't know what else to say. Wow kind of covers it. I'm mostly rendered speechless. Watching this was like experiencing a revelation. I definitely experienced something here.

Thank you.


jarrow November 30 2009, 05:57:42 UTC
Thank you so much! What an incredible comment (and so fast! bless you.) If I made you experience something intense, the vid did its job :-) I really appreciate you leaving feedback!


crickets November 30 2009, 06:04:08 UTC
Well I really appreciate you creating something like this. To paraphrase what I just told a friend in IM: Maybe it's because I'm so tired, but that video changed something in me.

Seriously, I'm completely stunned by it. Really amazing work.


jarrow November 30 2009, 06:11:26 UTC
I am deeply touched - thank you again!


callmeonetrack November 30 2009, 06:27:29 UTC
Oh, so short but so powerful. This is why I hated Adama after New Caprica. Gaeta was so right about him loving the ship but forgetting love the people on it, especially his own kids.

Beautifully timed and so achy. Love the beginning too cutting from the calm oblivion of his flashback to the danger/flashing dradis/spinning cockpit.


jarrow November 30 2009, 06:38:48 UTC
Thank you so much! I agree completely - Adama changed for the worse over the series and became someone so very hard to love. Sigh.

Thanks for watching and leaving feedback! I really appreciate it. :-)


latteaddict November 30 2009, 10:16:57 UTC
This was very powerful. It makes you think about why Kara stayed so loyal to him right to the bitter end.

Your fast paced clips and editing were terrific!


jarrow November 30 2009, 15:47:44 UTC
Thank you! Yeah - there's so much to say about both Kara and Adama both in terms of their loyalty and all they know of familial relationships. So much pain.

Thanks again! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


lomer November 30 2009, 12:24:20 UTC
This is awesome hon!


jarrow November 30 2009, 15:48:09 UTC
Thanks, sweetie! Yay!


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