open call!

Nov 13, 2009 08:00

After first advertising my budget system on lj way back in February, I am so fortunate to have had a steady stream of business since then. You all have been so kind to spread the word and say encouraging things about what I do for people. Thank you.

The first wave of business has finally slowed to a calm. With the holidays approaching, I would guess there are folks who need a hand figuring out just how much holiday cheer they can afford to throw around. (I admit I could also use the cash, as holidays take a bite out of my tutoring schedule.) So! This is just a post to say to those of you who've been sitting on your hands waiting for my green light, I would greatly appreciate any and all recommendations you can make to point folks in my direction. (If you make a post, link me? I keep a list. Thanks!)

Thank you, again, to the very many of you who have helped me get this off the ground. I owe you so much.


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