Nov 03, 2009 08:00

YOU GUYS. Okay, I know I've told you already that James has an album coming out. But he just posted a behind the scenes video and it is my new favorite thing in the world. HE IS SO ADORABLE. AND SO TALENTED OMG. The previews of the songs are giving me chills (especially See the Signs, whichI don't know but is going to be my new favorite song, I can tell.) Give him 3 minutes of your life and check out my boy.

image Click to view

Also, here is an amazing cover performance he just posted recently that, no shit, is a song recommended to him directly by the lead singer of Panic! at the Disco. (They are friends now. It's kind of amazing.) 90 minutes after receiving the song, having never heard it before, James posted this. He is made of magic. I love how he's pushing himself vocally and taking risks; it's really paying off, and I am so fucking proud of him. Here's "Stereo" by The Watchmen.

image Click to view

And of course, I have to push his album once more. He's still taking presale orders! Help support hot Australian transguy independent musicians who are dear to my heart! ♥


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