Title: Lonely Author: marishaten Rating: K Prompt: Muse or Mews Word count: 250 Genre: Romance/Introspection Warnings: None Summary: Inuyasha’s musings on looking at a sleeping Kagome.
Ooohhh! Fantastic writing! One thing I absolutely adore about all of your writing is that you are fantastic at pulling your emotions toward the character. Great perspective for Inuyasha, you can really feel his loneliness. I love this writing style, the middle is a bit more thicker and contemplative while the beginning is softer and sadder. The end, though, is definitely my favorite as it is a nice balance of both. I can see the scene so well!
Thank you so much and sorry for the late reply. I'm so glad you liked this fic - as always your reviews mean a lot to me! I'm also happy that you thought the mood was conveyed properly through the words! I love writing these shorter fic as they give a chance to present one living image rather than an entire story. Once again, thanks for the beautiful compliments!
Thank you so much for reading and reviewing and sorry for the late reply. I'm really glad that you liked the story; I was undecided between mews (stable) and muse for angel. In the end the other fic couldn't take off and I wrote this instead.
Excellent work as always. I have to agree with Rickashay, you do a fantastic job at making us feel Inuyasha's loneliness here, and his fear that Kagome might leave him. I loved the bit about being unsure if it was a raindrop or a teardrop, that was a great touch. You made it so easy to picture the whole scene.
Thank you very much for the beautiful words of encouragement. I really appreciate you taking the time to read and review. I'm glad you felt that the mood was portrayed adequately through the words. The last sentence - it just came to me out of nowhere, but helped conclude the scene. I'm so glad you liked it!
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