Uninvited (An Unfortunate Slight) - Bizarroe - NC-17 - 05/??

Nov 12, 2007 20:57

Title: Uninvited (An Unfortunate Slight)
Author: shelia  ivorykiss
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: angst, violence and dark graphic sexual situations
Pairing: Bizarroe
Spoilers: Phantom, Bizarro
Disclaimers: I don’t own them, that makes me sad. The title and moodlet of this little piece are from Alanis Morissette’s Uninvited.
A/N: Comments, critiques are always welcome. The awesome banner was generously made by the lovely and talented  mssullivan!!

Previous:   Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four

Uninvited (A Unfortunate Slight)
Part Five

The universe consisted of impossible angles.

Clark’s face lined with impossible angles. Clark’s head resting at an impossible angle.

Chloe whimpered, lost and terrified as she struggled against the receding blackness of oblivion, her senses overwhelmed with flashes of fire and echoes of snarls. One jewelling that haven of oblivion with glimpses of images tinted emerald and ruby, and the other overlaying all those angles with a haunting elemental sound, a primal pulse of blood and aggression and lust mixed with loss and regret and longing.

Then strong and sure fingertips gently stroked across her cheek. She sighed as a part of her instinctively recognized the fierce devotion in that comforting touch and Chloe fought harder against consciousness, nuzzling into the security of the large warm hand that cupped her face.

She liked this dreamy state. She felt protected. Felt safe. She wanted to bask in this, be oblivious to the frightening thoughts that were growing, viciously nipping at her, screaming at her to wake up.

Chloe whimpered again, protesting the ever sharpening images expanding through the hazy surface of forgetfulness.

Much preferable to the vivid crimson spray of blood and the sickening snap of bone that kept tugging at her awareness was the drowsy sensation of the pad of a big thumb pressing her lips lightly against her teeth as it brushed slowly across her mouth.

Chloe shuddered as it sent a lazy shiver of desire down her spine. He was obviously pleased at her reaction because she heard his soft chuckle and unable to ignore reality anymore, she opened her eyes.

Vivid green ones studied her intently.

“You’re awake.”

She had the feeling it wasn’t a question but she opened her mouth to reply and he cut her off with a dazzling grin.


Then the next thing she knew she was pressed against a cool rock wall and his hands were pushing up her shirt, fingertips hooking under her bra, tugging and effortlessly ripping lace and cotton as he pressed his mouth to hers. He quickly pushed the remains of the material off her shoulders and Chloe gasped as large hands cupped her bare breasts and squeezed. He took advantage of her gasp and his tongue dove inside.

Bizarro deepened the kiss and pressed against her, groaning his approval at the taste of her.

She could feel his arousal, the firm length of him unmistakable as he rocked his hips, the strained denim rough against the soft skin of her belly and a low moan escaped her when his mouth left hers and traveled to her neck.

She ignored the ever increasing tingles of pleasure that were racing through her body and shoved at his chest, crying out a frantic, “Clark!”

Bizarro’s voice was muffled against her skin as he nibbled and sucked.

“Don’t worry, I took care of Clark.”

Sharp teeth scraped along her skin and she cried out. It was just too much.

Chloe shivered and sobbed as her emotions churned, tossing her, drowning her in a sea of loss and desire. She could feel her traitorous body eagerly growing wet at his touches and her eyes filled with tears as he licked across her shoulder. She shuddered as he bit at it softly.

“I told you to trust me.”

She anchored on the anger that surged through her, fury giving her strength and she hissed out as she shoved at him harder.

“Trust you? You killed him!”

Bizarro pulled back and looked down at her, narrowing his eyes. Chloe had this crazy urge to laugh and could only stare at up at him in shock.

He was pouting.

The petulant cast of his mouth gave her another crazy urge, this time to kiss away the puzzlement and hurt that colored his eyes as he spoke wryly.

“Kryptonians are a bit harder to kill than that.”

She tried to process what he was saying but he kept talking, and squeezing her breasts.

“Did you lie to me Chloe?”

She blinked up at him and opened her mouth to speak.

He flicked his thumb over one taut nipple and cut her off.

“All I want is a simple yes or no.”

She gasped when Bizarro pinched hard and she squirmed as he tugged and twisted on the sensitive flesh as he repeated his question.

“Did you lie to me?”

Chloe shook her head mutely.

“Good.” He smiled broadly. “I’m ready to fuck.” Bizarro rocked hips into hers as his large hands settled on her waist; he squeezed for a moment, molding her curves to his hands before pushing at her pants.

His mouth was back at her shoulder, his teeth nipping and marking a trail of tingles to her breast. Chloe cried out, arching towards him and fisting her hands in his hair. She cried out again, helplessly clutching at the thick waves of demon dark silk as he licked her nipple, his tongue hot and moist against the aching point and just before he seized it between razor sharp teeth he murmured softly.

“Really ready to fuck.”


bizarroe, chlark, bizarro, smallville, chloe, clark, fic: uninvited (an unfortunate slight), fic, smut

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