Uninvited (An Unfortunate Slight) - Bizarroe - NC-17 - 03/??

Oct 22, 2007 22:40

Title: Uninvited (An Unfortunate Slight)
Author: shelia ivorykiss
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: angst, violence and dark graphic sexual situations
Pairing: Bizarroe [Bizarro!Clark-Chloe]
Spoilers: Phantom, Bizarro
Disclaimers: I don’t own them, that makes me sad. The title and moodlet of this little piece are from Alanis Morissette’s Uninvited.
A/N: Yep, I’m going there. Is anyone really surprised? *g* I hope you enjoy! Comments, critiques are always welcome. The awesome banner was generously made by the lovely and talented mssullivan!!

Previous: Part One, Part Two


must be strangely exciting
to watch the stoic squirm

She recognized Clark’s voice.

Even through the thundering pulse of her own heartbeat, even through her orgasmic haze, Chloe recognized Clark’s angry, agonized cry and what little breath she had left was forced out of her when the arms that held her tightened even further around her.

The air above her crackled with a sudden rush of heat and she managed to turn her head just in time to see Clark hit the wall behind him.

The apartment shook with the impact and the wall cracked, buckled and Chloe could only stare, wide eyed as Clark fell to his knees among the bits of plaster and paint that eddied around him.

It was hard to think, a girl needed a moment to recover from just having the hardest, fastest orgasm of her life and she watched, trying to catch her breath as Clark stood slowly.

She watched as wisps of smoke rose leisurely from the smoldering remains of his blasted shirt and watched as he absently rubbed at his chest, smearing dust and soot across his dirty but undamaged skin. There was a dangerous hint of red in his eyes and even though her body still tingled with the aftershocks of her orgasm Chloe shuddered anew with a sudden intense want.

She closed her eyes, trying to will away her desire, trying to make some sense out of what had just happened and what was happening now.

Because if that was Clark over there, then who was it that held her so very tightly against him?

Chloe tilted her head and looked up to the most amazing site.

Clark had told her about the last ‘zoner stealing his DNA, and she had understood, on a rational, scientific level that the phantom had somehow become a replica of Clark, but even understanding it, she wasn’t quite prepared to meet up with him face to face.

Or body to body.

He looked like Clark, well, he looked like Clark would if the soft golden tinged ivory of Clark’s skin was flushed in some places into an ashen cast, and those flushed parts were crazily lined with impossible angles and if some of those crazy impossible angles were densely concentrated under his left eye, the skin buckling, almost like dry rocky earth, the edges blackly lining a wound that glowed dully with green.

Her heart pounded furiously in her chest and she chewed at her lower lip. And crazy impossible angles aside, her body was quite aware that physically this was Clark Kent holding her in his arms.

Chloe lowered her eyes. She was very conscious of the firm and uncompromising way he held her against him.

Possessive, but oddly gentle. There wasn’t any way she was going to be able loosen his hold on her, but he wasn’t hurting her.

At least, not yet.

Chloe shivered, her mind racing as one of his large hands stroked her back soothingly and as she helplessly melted against him, a little frisson of fear coursed though her.

She swallowed hard. Chloe knew beyond a shadow of a doubt she’d never be able to control her body’s responses to him. She tried to concentrate and heard Clark snarl from across the room.

“What the hell do you think your doing?”

“Oh, come on.” She looked back up in time to see the bizarro version of Clark roll his eyes and a lazy smirk crook his mouth. He rocked his hips into hers. “It’s kinda obvious.”

Clark’s jaw clenched in anger, but he ignored Bizarro Clark and looked at her instead.

“Chloe are you okay?” Clark asked softly as he took at step towards them.

Bizarro laughed, “Okay? Oh, she’s beyond okay.”

And a little yelp of surprise escaped Chloe as she was turned, lightening fast, and pulled flush back against his big strong body.

Chloe cried out again when his large hand pushed its way into her pants and oh god, oh my god, into her panties and cupped her sex.

Clark froze and Chloe tried to hold back a moan as thick fingers explored, parting her sensitive flesh and stroked her slowly.

“Trust me unbrother, this is way better than any of those late night jerkfest fantasies of yours.”

Chloe moaned as pleasure rocketed through her, it was just too much, too fast and she could feel herself growing wetter as he continued to stroke her slowly. He pressed and rubbed his erection against her ass and the odd rumbling timber to his voice lowered half an octave as he murmured petulantly.

“At least it was getting there before the rude interruption.”

“Please,” Chloe whispered and closed her eyes, not quite sure what she was begging for. Did she want him to stop, or finish her off?

She honestly didn’t know.

She opened her eyes and looked into Clark’s, hoping, praying he would understand that she had no control over this.

And as she looked into his eyes an unmistakable truth hit her hard.

Clark wanted her.

Proof was in his anguished eyes and his twin with all his thoughts and memories with his hand down her pants.

“Too bad you can’t feel how wet she is,” Bizarro dropped his head and nuzzled into her hair, taking a deep breath as his fingers curled in her slick heat. “At least you can smell it.”

“Stop it!”

“Why should I? You were right, you know.”

Chloe cried out as he briefly teased her clit before removing his hand from her and she could feel the slick heat of her that coated his fingers as he dragged his hand up her belly.

“Aroused she practically drips with green kryptonite. She would weaken you.” He laughed and licked at his fingers. “Oh, but I forget. You’d get off on that wouldn’t you? Fucking her would ‘hurt so good’.”

“Shut up!” Clark’s voice was low and dangerous.

Bizarro laughed again, licking and sucking at his fingers, and Chloe could feel the small shudders that jolted him as he savored the taste of her.

“Make me,” he taunted.

Clark’s eyes narrowed. “I will!” he growled and launched at them.

And as if everything wasn’t surreal enough, the room spun and she found herself sitting on the bar, large hands firmly on her hips.

Bizarro leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to her mouth. His tongue darted out, licking, tasting her lips briefly, and then he was turning, ramming an elbow into Clark’s face.

Clark flew back against the couch; he flipped over it and crashed through the coffee table.

Bizarro turned back towards her grinning, and over his shoulder she could see Clark stand and absently wipe at his mouth with the back of his hand, smudging the blood that trickled from one corner before he smiled too.

Chloe looked back and forth between the identical, dazzling smiles and trembled; she had never been so scared and so turned on in her entire life.

She was trying to make some sense of that when, in unison, they both said the craziest thing to her.

“Don’t worry Chloe; I’ll save you from him.”


bizarroe, chlark, bizarro, smallville, chloe, clark, fic: uninvited (an unfortunate slight), fic, smut

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