The Core Tenets of SV 'ships

Nov 14, 2007 15:07

Some sillyness ahead...

The Core Tenets of SV ‘ships

Remember dear SVers, I’m poking just as fun at myself as I am anyone else here. :P

‘shipping a show is fun.

You get to squee and flail with like minded people while gobbling up and deciphering all the little clues that the sometimes evol, sometimes brilliant PTB scatter about in each and every episode.

You get to staunchly defend your so obvious only an idiot couldn’t see it correct pov while tolerating (for the most part) and secretly (at those super secret ‘shipper meetings) making fun of everyone else’s clearly deluded and oh so wrong pov.

See, ‘shipping is fun fanboys and girls!

So while randomly thinking about the joys of ‘shipping, I came up with some of what I feel are the core, basic tenets of the main ‘ships in SV (with a couple of the non-traditional ‘ships thrown in for extra added fun) and ooooh lucky you.

I thought I’d share. :D

The main four, in alphabetical order, none the less. *g*

Chlark - Chloe will never, ever be over Clark.

Clana - Clark will never, ever be over Lana.

Clex - It’s the stuff of legends.

Clois - Two words people. Iconic.

Then there is:

Kaloe - Little red rocks from outer space are your friend.

Bizarroe - It's just like Chlark, only little more bizarre.

Chlimmy - He’s your bro, not your foe.

Lexana - Clark made us evol and we like it.

And the others…

I don’t know enough about the Chlexers or the Chlollies or Collies or Mionels or any of the myriad of other possible ‘ships to properly make fun of so…

Any other random ‘ship - My ‘ship is way cooler than your ‘ship.

Feel free to agree or disagree with my little observations, after all ‘shipping is serious business.

And, if you suffer the need to make fun of me at your next super secret meeting, rest assured dear deluded friend, next time I’m in my ‘ships little fortress, I’ll be making fun of you too. :D


random, meta, smallville

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