People for bid on ebay nowdays. Have a look at this. It's all in good fun and with the guys permission, so check it out and place a bid! ;) (all bids are for amusement purposes only and no cash or goods will change hands) MAN FOR SALE
I will come for you, if you call I'll come right now. I will help you see through all your pain and troubled times. Just you know I'll be there, if you ever decide to call.
> Try this soon, before Google fixes its site: > 1) Go to; > 2) type in (but don't hit return): "weapons of mass destruction"; > 3) Hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button, instead of the normal "Google > search" > button; > 4) READ what appears to be a normal error message carefully > -- >
I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want to see the Lion King Musical but the bloody thing is only playing in NSW and I cant afford to go there and see t :(
I had some guy called Jamie call me today saying he met me @ Crown clubs a few months ago or so. Seeing as I havent been to Crown Clubs for a hell of a long time...who's been giving out my mobile number? Whoever it was, thanks for that it was highly amusing :)
Can men and women truely ever be friends or does sex or the thought of sex always get in the way? If indeed you are friends with a guy is it just a base point to see where things lead and if you will eventually be together or fuck? With some people it's obvious what their intentions are and others are not so clear. Does it really matter anyway? Is
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