fandom state of me

Oct 08, 2007 17:05

Or, What Isis is Into These Days. Since you might not be able to tell, considering the dearth of fannish content in my lj lately.

Stargate Atlantis: Um. He who lives by the slash, dies by the slash. By which I mean to say, I started watching the show because I fell in love with the fanfiction, and I loved the show because I loved the characters ( Read more... )

fandom, hornblower, sga, due south, recs:sga, navel-gazing, recs, heroes, master and commander

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Comments 36

i_naiad October 9 2007, 00:55:51 UTC
There is another incredibly slashy pairing in season 2 Heroes. No spoilers, but it's almost blinding.


isiscolo October 9 2007, 01:31:34 UTC
Eeee! Yay! That is good news, because the combination of subtext and good show makes me go YAY.


isiscolo October 12 2007, 04:13:59 UTC
My goodness, you're not kidding. Molly and her two daddies? Hee.


mcalex22 October 9 2007, 01:25:29 UTC
I love SGA to pieces and it is and will always be my primary and possibly only fandom. :crosses fingers for Season 5 renewal:

I read slash (mainly John-Rodney, no surprise of course!), a bit of het and gen. There is one slash pairing I just can't stand but I won't go into that now.

I personally don't have the time nor do I feel like reading any other fandom's stories. I love Heroes too but I can't see slash... Hiro/Ando, you say? That is... weird... Peter/Nathan is too distasteful to me for incestous reasons and so is Peter/Claire.

I have read gen DS but slash squicks me sometimes. I think I just can't see Fraiser slashing with anyone...

It's funny how I can slash in SGA and yet I can't see slash in any other fandom or show.

I am going to read the story you recommmended later! Thanks for the rec :D


isiscolo October 9 2007, 15:05:23 UTC
See, this is why I feel so conflicted about my feelings toward SGA - I see all the squee around me and I want to be part of it! But I just can't maintain the interest - I've started reading so much fic and quit in the middle. I mean, I'm really no-OTP, although I like John/Rodney a lot, but I can't seem to muster any enthusiasm for any pairing enough to read it, unless there's something exceptional about the story.

See, I think it's funny that you are a slasher in SGA but can't read it in DS or elsewhere!


sobelle October 9 2007, 01:49:13 UTC
Yeah... I can't do boybandslash nor supernatural for similar reasons... I remember going through the same thing with Simon & Simon (very old tv show).

I have my old standbys that I re-read in The Professionals, Mag7, DueSouth, and a few assorted obscure fandoms that there just aren't much of, but enough to keep me true...

I still find enough SGA to keep me happy... but I know what you mean about the actual show. In most of my above mentioned fandom loves I either saw little or nothing of the televised showings... so my love was always from the written story.

However, I do have an OW recce for M7... True Enough's Hour of Separation

Dunno if that's what you're looking for but it's one of my favorites.


isiscolo October 9 2007, 15:08:19 UTC
Yay, a rec! Thank you!

I enjoy the current state of dS fandom - there are a lot of older good stories, and new writers come in all the time who knock my socks off. I have also not seen all of S1 and S2 yet, and when I get the chance to watch eps I almost always really enjoy them.

But I think that for me to really get into a slash (or fanfic in general) fandom (as opposed to just enjoying the source) I need to start with the (really good) fic. (Another example is Firefly, which I watched all of this summer and enjoyed, but don't have an interest in the fic. Perhaps if I had started with the fic, I would have "seen" pairings and wanted to read more.)


slash first - all else is negotiable sobelle October 9 2007, 19:26:14 UTC
The home addie breaks their index down into the assorted OW and AU's... which is nice... I figure you've been there before... and Blackraptor has a HUGE selection but doesn't necessarily break them down... I don't think anyway... how about this one? )


Re: slash first - all else is negotiable isiscolo October 10 2007, 16:36:25 UTC
Yee, thanks for all the pointers!


primroseburrows October 9 2007, 03:26:20 UTC
I'm probably not pimpable into bandslash

Me neither. Sorry, bandom. I'm glad they're having fun, though. *g*


isiscolo October 9 2007, 15:09:15 UTC
Hee, it's adorable that they are so into it - including old friends from HP who swore up and down that they are monofannish. But not for me, thanks.


primroseburrows October 9 2007, 18:22:57 UTC
It so is. It's like Beatlemania (and okay, I'd probably read Beatles slash if I could suppress the fear of getting struck by a lightning bolt; it seems a little sacrilegious)!

I'm monofannish to a point. I've been involved with a few fandoms (HP being the most recent one before this one) but it's usually been one at a time. Whether I'm currently monofannish or not depends on if 6 degrees is one big fandom or a lot of little ones. I think it's probably one mothership (ds fandom) with a lot of little Canadian pseudopods floating around it.


isiscolo October 10 2007, 16:35:44 UTC
Whether I'm currently monofannish or not depends on if 6 degrees is one big fandom or a lot of little ones. I think it's probably one mothership (ds fandom) with a lot of little Canadian pseudopods floating around it.

I ♥ this description so very much!


delurker October 9 2007, 11:45:38 UTC
Occasionally I make a foray into the world of Mag7 fic, but it never seems to stick. I'm not sure why! But if you do run into anything enjoyable, I'd love to hear about it.


isiscolo October 9 2007, 15:11:34 UTC
There are a few recs in the comments above! Part of my difficulty was that 1) there are lots of AUs, and I like the western milieu, and 2) lots of gen rather than slash, not that there's anything wrong with it but I was specifically looking for a slash fandom.


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