fandom state of me

Oct 08, 2007 17:05

Or, What Isis is Into These Days. Since you might not be able to tell, considering the dearth of fannish content in my lj lately.

Stargate Atlantis: Um. He who lives by the slash, dies by the slash. By which I mean to say, I started watching the show because I fell in love with the fanfiction, and I loved the show because I loved the characters. I haven't read fic in months, though (with a few exceptions) and although I still like the characters, I can't say I am in love with them any more, and the show's shortcomings seem more glaring because of this. The cast changes for S4 make me feel lost and confused, nostalgic for my old SGA, and I miss the Wraith, my favorite bad guys ever. There are still things I like about SGA - 4x01's nervous heavyset black woman scientist made me happy just by her presence, and Zelenka (and the Sheppard/Zelenka vibes!) made me giddy with glee. But Rodney seems to have reverted to a caricature, and since I never watched SG1 the characters from there are just new to me, and I liked Elizabeth, darn it. And the science is as laughably bad as it ever was. So - I don't know. I will probably continue watching it. But I'm not squeeful, and I'm hardly reading, don't plan on writing any more other than finishing the AU WIP. I don't think I can say I'm still in the fandom. SGA fen who read me only for SGA content, feel free to defriend me (although, you know, always defriending amnesty, yadda yadda.)

Although, just to prove I'm quixotic and contradictory, here is a rec for a recent SGA story:

A Circumstantial Narrative of The Loss of the Brig Atalanta by circadienne | Sheppard/McKay, PG, AU short story. I was intrigued by the title, captivated by the first line, and entertained mightily by the rest of the story. Sort of an Aubrey/Maturin fusion, if you will. The story alternates sections of Doctor McKay's journal (written in nicely period prose) and sections of dialogue that sound like they could have come from an episode of SGA in which the team has a collective nautical delusion.

Age of Sail: How'd you like that segue? Anyway, I am reading Hornblower and Aubrey/Maturin fic sporadically (and loving the vids and artwork in particular) but I'm less interested in writing it at the moment. Unless I get assigned Master & Commander for Yuletide.

Heroes: Love the show, completely uninterested in the fanfiction. Maybe because the most obvious slash couple is Hiro/Ando, who are cute, but not...cute. And the second most obvious is Peter/Nathan, and I'm not into incest. Although I haven't yet started watching the second season, because B is watching S1 and I'm rewatching it with him. Four eps to go. The season finale (and the promo for the second season) contained some elements that make me less excited about S2, but, we shall see.

due South: Still my primary fandom. Maybe I'm serially monofannish rather than polyfannish? Although I'm more in the six-degrees fandom than pure dS. Particularly Slings & Arrows and Wilby Wonderful.

I'm probably not pimpable into bandslash, because the world of musicians doesn't really interest me much (and the boys are so young), nor into Supernatural, because incest isn't my thing (and the boys are so young). I might make another go at Magnificent Seven, though. And I have high hopes for certain Yuletide fandoms.

fandom, hornblower, sga, due south, recs:sga, navel-gazing, recs, heroes, master and commander

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