[Trans] Kame Camera - Vol.19 Scent

Jun 25, 2012 13:25

-Of course, perfumes, fragrances and scents.
-Kame's fetish... xP
-What creates each person's personal scent.
...and well, good luck with the visuals. As always, Kame is pretty straightforward in what he wants to say ^^'
And this time, thanks to scorch66 for correcting my English~

What's the scenery of the bottom of the heart that Kamenashi Kazuya's lens reflects?

Vol.19 匂い - SCENT

「For me, scents and fragrances are similar to gasoline for a car. They awake my real nature and give me power.」

Landscapes have a scent too. It happens that I remember a sight or that the scenery I can see changes due to the scent. Recently I'm often outside so I also feel the change of the seasons through the natural scent. The scent of the wind that blows through the fresh green leaves, the scent of the rain... I like them.

Vanilla candles, baby powder, baseball glove, the curry that was standard dish every week on Wednesday at home......

In my life and in my memories there are many scents I like, and if I'm asked “What's your fetish?”, I have a scent fetish without fail (laughs).

At home I have fragrance goods all over the place like aroma candles, room sprays or body creams, and I'm very particular about my own scent too. As starters the perfume, I use the same one since when I was 16 years old, a jasmine and vanilla fragrance in a red bottle. When I went overseas I bought it in bulk and I always have a stock of 30-40 pieces (laughs). Following the mood I use a powder-like scented body cream, but... Basically the perfume I've always continued using is my scent, and I guess that even people around me think the same. Now even when I go to collect baseball data I'm said “When I smell this scent, I think 'Kame-chan has arrived'”. There are also people among players I get along well with or among kohais that liked it and imitate me.

Men who spray ladies perfume are unusual, right? Probably there are many girls that would like men to spray a manly men perfume, but my perfume is right down to the line something I do for myself. I use it because I want to be myself, I want to feel good.

For me perfume has a sense of “filling” more than “spraying”. The same as filling gasoline in a car. It's a precious energy so I fill it even when I don't plan to meet people. After spraying one puff on both wrists, I strongly rub the wrists one on the other, then I properly rub and rub behind the ears and the scruff of the neck.... end of infusion! (laughs) I want to mix and make one thing out of the body scent and the perfume. I want to make it “my scent”. I want the girl to do the same. I'm charmed by girls that add a perfume that suit them, no matter if it's rose or powder or shampoo, and make it their own scent. Because as expected, that girl's own scent is important, so if I can feel it I'm taken aback.

I want to feel that person's scent which is in the inner part of the perfume's scent

The girl's scent that I like most is the scent you find from the scruff of the neck to the back of the head, around the top of the head. I think that around that zone a feminine scent, that particular person's scent comes out. It doesn't mean that I intentionally smell it! (laughs) When a man embraces her, the girl's head or scruff come exactly around the nose, right? I wonder if I'm intensely attracted by it because maybe from the scalp the person's particular scent is set free to mix with the shampoo's scent...

Romantic love is “scent” too. For visual beauty, magazines and TV are enough, but the scent can't be smelled unless the person is next to you (laughs). There is a figurative expression that says along the line “a person with whom you feel a similar scent”. Indeed it sometimes happens that “I don't exactly know why but I like this girl's scent” and in practice I get along well with her. Also the owner of the restaurant I often go to, even if she isn't someone I can fall in love with, has an intensely pleasant scent~ (laughs).

Thinking about that, you know, when I'm playing baseball I mysteriously take a macho odor more than usual. Is it because the wilderness wakes up? (laughs) In my opinion, I feel like that each person's peculiar “scent” isn't just the body odor, but it also comes from feelings as well. With what kind of consciousness [the person] is living, what kind of feelings is experimenting and with what kind of sense is living: I wonder if these facts also influence the creation of a person's scent. For this reason, not only does the scent touch animal instincts, but also probably suggests compatibility.

Kame’s fixed point of observation
Right now he's in the midst of the movie he stars in, “Ore ore”. Kamenashi-kun said happily “General director Miki is an incredibly amusing person, the filming set is cheerful and we're continuously laughing. It seems he'll pull out many faces from me that I don't know either, I'm looking forward to it”. We don't know if the reason is that he's an idol or because it's his original nature, but his desire of transformation is pretty high. “For this reason I guess that this role (1 person playing 25 roles) is perfect too (laughs). This year there's also the play “DREAM BOYS”, so this might become my fullest year of my whole life until now. Just imagining it I get excited!”
By Maquia


When I read the theme (on Maquia's official twitter) I already knew he was about to talk about his fetish xDD He already did in an old Maquia. And also, glad to see that he's faithful to his perfume since 10 years ago! Even though... stocking 30-40 bottles? Kame~ xD;;

*translation: kame camera, $magazine: maquia, *translation: magazine, .member: kamenashi

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