A wise man once said: "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually-- from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint-- it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff
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Jack's anything future or past is fair game, I honestly don't know about his City!Future, so, I can't advise much there.
Cassian's History and future are also fair game, for his past, it might freak him out if she mentions something about his parents (who sold him to a circus) or any other members of his family who are dead.
As for his future in the city, she could drop a hint about his eventual relationship with Jezebel which would freak him out.
/blanket everything for my everyone. You can hit up wikis, and their apps on their journals, and anything else you can find!
stopbleepingme (aka the Ginger Wonder - also her timeline means she's got potential for DoctorDonna with a strong enough zap), rehymenator (angel of god? kind of a dick, becomes god later in canon!) & commarogue (uhh...murderous slayer trying to redeem herself; that's about it)!
I'm just going to give you blanket permissions for all of my guys. Anything you know canonically for them, drop a bomb on them anytime you want. Once SPN starts again, I'll tell you things you can have her dump on Deano.
A lot of my guys, their canon is already done but yeah definitely I'm good with anything. If she wants to hint about the last fifteen minutes of Rose's canon at some point, that's fine too. Rose will be updated probably after next grab bag but until then, have at it.
Comments 24
Cassian's History and future are also fair game, for his past, it might freak him out if she mentions something about his parents (who sold him to a circus) or any other members of his family who are dead.
As for his future in the city, she could drop a hint about his eventual relationship with Jezebel which would freak him out.
stopbleepingme (aka the Ginger Wonder - also her timeline means she's got potential for DoctorDonna with a strong enough zap), rehymenator (angel of god? kind of a dick, becomes god later in canon!) & commarogue (uhh...murderous slayer trying to redeem herself; that's about it)!
A lot of my guys, their canon is already done but yeah definitely I'm good with anything. If she wants to hint about the last fifteen minutes of Rose's canon at some point, that's fine too. Rose will be updated probably after next grab bag but until then, have at it.
WOW this is helpful, huh?
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