Jan 01, 2029 00:47
A wise man once said: "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually-- from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint-- it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff."
This is very much true for the TARDIS, who has never viewed time as linear. Popped into a human body with a human brain, she has trouble of making sense of it now-- but she can still sometimes sees flashes of past and present as if they are memories drifting through her mind.
As such, I'm providing this post so that any of you can allow (or disallow) her to see things from your characters' timelines that she has no actual business knowing. Keep in mind that she is usually very scatter-brained and cryptic, so even if she does say something spoilery, people may have no idea what she's talking about. And she may be off to something else entirely before anybody can ask her to explain.
Is there something in your character's possible future in the City, or in the timeline of their previous life, that you'd like this lady to drop a hint about? Something in their past you'd like her to dredge up? Come and plot here with me, or feel free to send me a message! I would love to help and/or cause mischief and awkwardness.
Thanks, lovelies!