
Mar 29, 2008 08:39

Date: 03/29/2008
Time: 08:39
Duration: 3:06:21
Location: NE Austin

Sport: Cycling
Workout: Rosedale Ride
Distance: 62 miles
Cadence: 90
RPE: 13
Nutrition: 4 Gu, 6 Saltstick caps, 28oz Gatorade Endurance, 28oz Accelerade, 54oz water

Weather: Cool and humid, mid-50s to mid-60s, overcast
People: Amy, Pam, Jeff, Pam, Laura, many others

I love this ride. This was the first year that we didn't have horrible winds that I can remember. Instead, this year only had 10-15mph winds from the north. This made the ride out (north) a bit of a grind, but they have improved so many of the roads out there it was hard to tell at times. I started at the front, but let the peloton drift off once we got onto Cameron, since my goal today was an informal time trial. My goal was to break three hours.

Most of the ride was great. Once we started heading southward the miles were chewed up rapidly. I say "we" because I was in the continuous process of picking up people who had fallen off the peloton, and would pull them for several miles at a time. One group of three sat on my wheel for about 15 miles on the way back. While it's nice that I can do this to help guys who are struggling, it was my undoing. As we came flying up to New Sweden Rd, I began into the turn when I felt my rear wheel being pushed; the guy who had been right behind me hadn't slowed enough and clipped my wheel. Since I was already about 30° into the turn my wheels just went straight out, and I slid through the entirety of the intersection.

None of the filthy begats of dogs riding my wheel stopped.

Luckily, nothing broken, bike or rider. I did end up with a small pinch slit on the sidewall of my front tire, but other than a few scratches that was it. I engaged in a quick tire change and got moving again. I had been making excellent progress on my time goal, but after this I'd lost a bit of momentum. I have no idea how long my recovery and tire change took, but I guess I'm still happy with a 3:06 time. I should be happy to have been able to finish at all.

Crossing under the finish arc I went to the first aid tent to have them remove some gravel/glass and do a quick wash of my wounds, went to the car to change into shoes for:

Time: 12:15
Duration: 1:01:03

Sport: Run
Workout: 1 hour run
Distance: ?
Cadence: 155-160
RPE: 12
Nutrition: 1 Gu, 20oz water

Weather: Warmer, humid, overcast.
People: Alone

Since I didn't know the area at all, I just went back behind Samsung and ran through some of the neighborhoods for thirty minutes, and came back via the same path. Toward the end my upper arm / under arm area were pretty sore, so it didn't fret a 1 minute positive split.
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