A Lagoona sleepover featuring Frankie and Ghoulia... and a cameo of Pinkie Pie. Also Face-Off ramble

Mar 06, 2014 02:31

So I took more pictures of my lovely new addition to the ghoul family, my W1 Lagoona with her hydration station! I took a full picture of Lagoona in the station.
Shot of the hydration station )

hiddles is my muse, tv, dolls, pictures, face-off, monster high

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Comments 26

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Re: oh she's super cute! invsagoth March 7 2014, 01:11:28 UTC
She is so adorable! :D

ehehehe, nope, no bitchiness with my ghouls. x3


rhoda_rants March 6 2014, 15:01:34 UTC
The resemblance between Pinkie and that fish is truly uncanny. What an adorable little doll family you have!


invsagoth March 7 2014, 01:05:34 UTC
It really is! It really shows when I put them side by side too.

Thank you! :3


tigtogiba34 March 6 2014, 15:07:41 UTC
Still love Laguna's freckles.


invsagoth March 7 2014, 01:08:46 UTC
I love her freckles too! I'm a total sucker for freckles lol. Scotties all freckled and I love it. :3

I actually almost got Lagoona as my first doll partly because of that, it was a toss up between her and Frankie (with her heterochromia!). I decided on Frankie first, but part of that was because I was having her shipped out to my field deployment and I thought it would be easier to keep Frankies hair in order. xD


tigtogiba34 March 17 2014, 22:34:28 UTC
I still have quite a few freckles too but the ones on my face have faded over time it makes me sad. I need to spend a lot of time outside onces summer gets here!

So you got Frankie, and then you got Lagoona and the rest is history... Haha


leia131 March 6 2014, 15:39:06 UTC
On the one hand, I was surprised that they used the save for that particular makeup. On the other hand, that guy (whose name I can't remember, lol) has done such good work in the past, as has Oscar (I think that's his name, anyway) so I can see why they wanted to give them both a second chance.

I love that you were able to get an older MH set. :) Second-hand dolls are sometimes the best dolls, and I've had really good luck so far buying the ghouls used. :D


invsagoth March 7 2014, 01:16:44 UTC
It's so bad, I can't remember anyone's name this season. I'm normally not great with names when I'm first introduced to someone (my best friend growing up always said "She's great! Just don't expect her to remember your name or give you directions anywhere", which is true on both counts).

I wasn't surprised that they wanted to save him because he had done promising work, I was surprised at the reason they used for it. I guess I'd just been expecting that to be used for more extenuating circumstances.

I'm super excited that I was able to get her and the set! I've had really good lucking buying the ghouls used too actually! :3 Which is good since some of the dolls that I've wanted I've never seen in stores, lol.


meathiel March 6 2014, 16:52:26 UTC
Your dolls have a very ... errrr ... healthy skin colour. Even worse than my Bleeding Edge ones ... haha ...

What's Hiddles doing in that tub???


invsagoth March 7 2014, 06:59:17 UTC
ehehehe! One of the fun things about the Monster High ghouls are all the different skin colours. Lagoona is the daughter of the sea monster, so her skin colour is actually healthy? xD Frankie and Ghoulia are probably less healthy lol (daughter of Frankienstien and a zombie, lol).

Hrm... I'm going to guess unintentionally exploding ovaries. xD

... )


meathiel March 7 2014, 13:11:32 UTC
But it's soooooo right what it says on the pic ... *sigh*


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