A Lagoona sleepover featuring Frankie and Ghoulia... and a cameo of Pinkie Pie. Also Face-Off ramble

Mar 06, 2014 02:31

So I took more pictures of my lovely new addition to the ghoul family, my W1 Lagoona with her hydration station! I took a full picture of Lagoona in the station.
Shot of the hydration station )

hiddles is my muse, tv, dolls, pictures, face-off, monster high

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Comments 27

wizardelfgirl March 6 2014, 18:41:45 UTC
I'm kind of surprised that you didn't have Neptuna or the fishbowl purse because those came with the first set of MH dolls that came out and I thought you had all of those. I only have three MH dolls but one of them is Lagoona and it comes with Neptuna and the bowl.


invsagoth March 7 2014, 08:41:31 UTC
Oh, I don't have all of the first wave dolls actually! I didn't start collecting when they first came out, I actually had tried to hold off originally. xD I remember looking at them and being like "They're cute but I shouldn't...", but then when I was deployed in the field I decided I might hate the world less if I had something fun to do. There was no way I could take a bjd out for pictures, but I could take out a Monster High (much easier to replace if something happened!). And that was that lol.
Funnily enough the first doll I was looking to get was either the signature Lagoona or the Gloom Beach Frankie. I ended up going with Frankie because her hair looked easier to keep nice, and I adore heterochromia. xD I figured I could get Lagoona when I got home (that didn't happen though lol).

It's awesome that you have her though! What are your other two dolls? :3


wizardelfgirl March 13 2014, 04:56:37 UTC
I have the... signature, you call them? Clawdeen and Frankie Stein. I used to have a party version of Clawdeen and Nefera but I gifted them to my cousin. While I do like the dolls, I decided I already collect too many things, plus, I have no space to keep a collection of dolls, so I passed on it and only kept those three.


invsagoth March 13 2014, 08:21:54 UTC
Oh, that's awesome! I have the first signature Frankie (that was a surprise find that I'm still happy I was able to snag), but not Clawdeen. Oh that's neat that you had Nefera! I saw a Nefera once and thought I'd get her later, that wasn't my best plan since that was the last time I did see her. lol :P

I understand trying to keep collections in check! I don't really collect that much atm outside of the dolls, with the exception of comics/movies/video games. xD I even am sticking mostly to MH dolls specifically, even though I find other dolls interesting.


jeune_fleur March 7 2014, 00:43:56 UTC
Aww these set of pictures is so cute! *___*. I love how they all look together!


invsagoth March 7 2014, 08:42:56 UTC
Thank you! :D


manda_kitty March 7 2014, 01:06:49 UTC
omg so jealous! ive been wanting this one for a long time now! i have the 13 wishes lagoona with the freshwater version of neptuna but omg i love the hydration station and the bubble stand! too cute


invsagoth March 7 2014, 08:50:06 UTC
I'm so happy to finally have her! She's totes adorable, and the accessories are so cute. :3 I hope that you can find her too!
I don't have the 13 Wishes Lagoona yet, but I do want her!


agentbethbonsai March 7 2014, 01:39:26 UTC
ehehehe, I TOLD you so~!


invsagoth March 7 2014, 08:51:17 UTC
ehehehe, you were right! :D


agentbethbonsai March 9 2014, 21:21:19 UTC
I thank you.
*eyebrow wiggle*


invsagoth March 15 2014, 06:23:49 UTC

... )


(The comment has been removed)

invsagoth March 10 2014, 08:08:11 UTC
I hadn't noticed at first either! The similarities are really neat to me. :3

The show is pretty cute too! :D


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