A Lagoona sleepover featuring Frankie and Ghoulia... and a cameo of Pinkie Pie. Also Face-Off ramble

Mar 06, 2014 02:31

So I took more pictures of my lovely new addition to the ghoul family, my W1 Lagoona with her hydration station! I took a full picture of Lagoona in the station.

I really like the stand, it's a pillar of translucent blue bubbles, which is really cool! You can use it inside of the hydration station, or you can attach it to a regular base that comes with it as well. There are other accessories that I didn't take pictures of yet, those will come later.

Then I took her outside, but I thought that I'd leave Neptuna, her pet, inside in the "water". You can see the stand inside better in this picture.

Lagoona: Hey Neptuna!

Of course, I had to bring my other Dead Tired dolls in. :3

Ghoulia: Raaaaarg?

Frankie: If it's all the same to you, I think I'll stay out of the water!
Ghoulia: Eeeeeeeerk

Group picture!

Best ghoulfriends

As agentbethbonsai pointed out, the colour scheme of Neptuna is quite like Pinkie Pie! And I agree with that, so I had to take a picture of the two of them together since I have a Pinkie Pie! xD Let's pretend that I have Lagoona's fish bowl purse

Welcome welcome welcome I say how do you do~

Welcome welcome welcome I say hip hip hurray~

I also watched the last episode of Face-Off tonight!
[Spoiler cut just in case- thoughts about the weeks makeups]I was both really nervous and really excited about the anime episode. xD The teasers that were shown didn't look entirely promising. I liked the second place anime girl makeup (I mean it had issues, but I think she did a decent job), but I also really liked the winning look. The koi makeup was really outside the box, but it was clearly the nicest thing and I could also see it being able to show in an anime.
I can't say that I agreed with them using their special save for the plant mad scientist. I really had expected them to use it for an accident or something- like in the previous season where one of the artists had a mold fall on their hand and so they lost time while they were hurt, or when the vetern fabricator (his name isn't coming to me mrpgh) sculpted a huge body thing that locked up and was un-useable. I wasn't expecting them to let just someone with poor time management and a weak concept for the challenge through, but I suppose they can't hang on to that save forever either. Ah well.

Now it is time for bed though!

Ending with Hiddles being an adorable dork in a bathtub, because it is vaguely related and I do what I want. xD

hiddles is my muse, tv, dolls, pictures, face-off, monster high

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