The Ashleigh Legacy | Gen. 5.0.

Jan 03, 2015 15:55

archive | disclaimer: bad words, occasional naked pixels, and general disregard for the status quo.

Welcome to generation five of the Ashleighs. Still super-mature after all this time.

Kyra: DAMNIT, BISHOP! You’re such a douche-face!

Dylan: Aren’t you a little old to still be pulling pranks, Bishop?
Bishop: Probably. But it accomplished what I wanted it to accomplish.

Dylan: And what’s that?
Bishop: It got you talking to me again. :)

Both Jane and Cora need good athletics for their respective careers, so Jane is delighting in helping Cora on the path to physical perfection.

Cora: I’m definitely murdering you in your sleep later.

Drumming faces are everything I need.

Bishop couldn’t wait any longer. He’s never really been known for his patience.

Bishop: Come on, Rio! Help a brother out! It’s been days, man. Days of having to shove food into my mouth and days of it... coming back out.
Rio: Ugh...

Bishop: I can’t handle this anymore. I’d forgotten how disgusting being human actually is.
Rio: Now that you mention it, you do smell pretty weird, and I think there’s maple syrup in your hair.

Rio: Alright. I’d planned on letting you suffer a little while longer, but what the hell.

Rio: Give me your arm.
Bishop: 。゚✶ฺ.ヽ(*❤∀❤*)ノ.✶゚ฺ。

Bishop: Ow! Hey, watch the tendons, pal!

Rio: Stop whining. You should be grateful I’m granting your obnoxious ass immortality again.

Things are slowly getting better with them.

Jane: /evil laugh

Bishop: /proud appreciation

They don’t get to move out until I get to see at least one baby okay.


Cora: You play like total trash, doll.
Jane: Screw you, button-masher!

Bishop: I have to confess; I snuck in to sleep with you in our bed last night, beautiful.

Dylan: I know you did, and I chose not to smother you to death with a pillow. I think we’re making progress.

Dylan: Damnit, Bishop! Why can’t you just be patient?
Bishop: Shit, sorry.

Bishop: I thought we just had a moment there! Too fast?
Dylan: My terms, Bishop. You screwed up, so we get back together on my terms, and I’m not ready yet. Trust me, you’ll know when I am.

Basically Bishop never sleeps anymore. He just chugs coffee and stalks Dylan.

Bishop: Tonight I’m gettin’ my man back.

Le pop. :D

Jane’s initial plan was to go to the elixir shop to see if they had any vampiric sunscreen for Cora, but then she saw this shit.

Jane: Well, look at who it is. Mr. I’ll-Abduct-You-And-Then-Never-Call-You. Guess who’s getting his space-car keyed?

Bishop: Babe, babe, check it out! I’m a vampire again! I can turn you-

Dylan: Let me guess, Rio did it? Fucking typical. Am I the only patient person left on the planet? I asked him to wait until I was ready; that I’d come to him and ask to be turned because I wanted to turn you this time.

Bishop: Wait. You... you did?

Bishop: Oh, man! That’s so damn romantic. I’m really sorry, Dylan. You’re right; I just couldn’t wait.

Dylan: It’s okay... It’s just who you are. I fell in love with an impulsive, insensitive, passionate, and incredibly silly guy. I guess I have to stop trying to expect you to change. I guess I don’t really want you to change.

Bishop: So, does that mean I can? I miss you, babe. I miss our life.

Dylan: Me, too. Yeah, do it. As soon as I transition we’ll move out, okay? Get our own place again.

James and Kyra decided to get married before the baby came, and in an actual church no less, making them fairly unique amongst the Ashleighs.

Jeremy: This is great. I’m so happy for them. If only you’d give me some grand-kids...
Jack: Dad! You're so embarrassing.

Cora: God, I hope I don’t look that fat when I’m pregnant.
Jane: I'll bet you §10 she's having twins. She's getting huge.

Barfy marriage joy!‥∵:*:☆*゜★。。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:♪・゚’☆::*☆

Bishop: Pssst, hey, Dyl. I need to ask you something.
Dylan: Hm?

Bishop: Now that Jamie and Kyra are done hogging the wedding arch, do you wanna try for round two with me?

Dylan: Oh, shit! You asshole!
Bishop: I’m taking that as a yes.

Dylan: Yes! Fine! You win! /laughs

Barfy marriage joy 2.0!‥∵:*:☆*゜★。。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:♪・゚’☆::*☆

A package from Finn arrived in the mail, addressed to Cora in green Sharpie.

In the package was a potion and a letter. The letter explained that only Cora was to drink it - that Finn had created it explicitly for her - that it would change the composition of her vampire body so she could actually conceive children.

Jane: Are you ready for kids?
Cora: Considering I nearly ate the glass vial in my haste to drink that potion, I’d say a resounding yes.

Cora: Uuuugh, my insides feel like I shoved them in the food processor.

Cora: I either fed on the wrong person, or that potion actually worked.
Kyra: You know, I’m not feeling too good, either. I wonder if-

Cora: Oh god. Hold that thought, sis.

Kyra: Uh... Cora? I’m pretty sure I can’t hold this thought!


Cabbie: Please try not to get placenta all over the seats. I just had my cab detailed.

Kyra: I’m going to murder-
James: Kyra, be cool. Just breathe. Breeeaaathe.

Jude Ashleigh-Warren ()

Insane . Disciplined

Mason Ashleigh-Warren ()

Slob . Evil

James: That’s my boy, already walking. You’re amazing, kid.

As a Master Thief in training, Jane can’t pass up any opportunities to hone her kleptomaniac skill.

Jane: I’m gonna be a terrible mom.

This kid is ridiculously adorable.

Naturally Bishop gravitates toward Mason.

Bishop: Aren’t you just the tiniest, evil little faerie. I can’t wait to terrorize you when you’re older.

Dylan: You’re dangerous, little man.

Dylan: You’re making me want to do the kid thing again.

Sorry for spamming the kids, but I needed to. They're so adorable and I'm about to kick them, James, and Kyra out. (๑◕︵◕๑) I needed something to remember them all by.

Guest Sims:
Bishop Bowyer by simsemaia.
Rio Marx by aikea-guinea.

sims: ashleigh

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