Clarification for the non-telepaths: The post can be read all right, but the comment code states that only members of the INFJ community can comment on it. ("Sorry, you are not a member of infj, and commenting is restricted to members only.") This amuses me greatly on a post about failures to communicate.
Whoever wrote this is either bad with their intuition or just assuming too many people are bad with it. Just depends how keen the people communicating are. You learn how to use the N as you go on.
...It does allow for some excellent situations though, like when you want that extra subtlety when you're talking to another intuitive to spice it up and make it seem intelligent, or you want to flirt in a good way.... I dunno. :) I should probably back up the flirting bit with some successful relationships that have come out of it, before really touting that one. Hehe.
I honestly think that miscommunication comes about only when an intuitive tries to squeeze in some indirect or manipulative or hidden motive of some kind.
Nah, there's another option: they may just be stupid. "Who needs conspiracy [even in your own head] when stupidity can explain so much?" as Goethe remarked. And despite what we may sometimes believe, being N, NT, or even INTJ does not preclude you from being stupid.
I've had miscommunication with my iNtuitive friends frequently due to them or myself not stopping to make sure that their motives, or the patterns that they see, are well-conveyed.
A lot of the problems with iNtuitive communication I recognized in points 2, 5, 10, and 11 particularly of The Devil's Guide to Spreadsheet Creation (not only are spreadsheets communication, but miscommunication in their case can be quite concretely measured; in millions of dollars in loss, sometimes).
I don't really have that problem. People usually know exactly what I am thinking even if I don't tell them because it is written clearly on my face.
I also think this person doesn't understand myers briggs at all and is confusing intuition with feeling. Both INTJ and INFJ use intuition to take in and process information but act outwardly on what they think or feel.
I honestly think that miscommunication comes about only when an intuitive tries to squeeze in some indirect or manipulative or hidden motive of some kind. It's like a fear-based control attempt, maybe.
This statement, like most of the post, is all about feelings.
Comments 26
I think I can copy-paste the post here under a cut.
This amuses me greatly on a post about failures to communicate.
Fear of being suspected of hidden motives getting in the way of communication alright, there.. :D
I actually would not care if you did want to convert me to "F-ness".
Your influence on someone who is pretty sure of who they are might be more limited than you might imagine. :P
...It does allow for some excellent situations though, like when you want that extra subtlety when you're talking to another intuitive to spice it up and make it seem intelligent, or you want to flirt in a good way.... I dunno. :) I should probably back up the flirting bit with some successful relationships that have come out of it, before really touting that one. Hehe.
Nah, there's another option: they may just be stupid. "Who needs conspiracy [even in your own head] when stupidity can explain so much?" as Goethe remarked. And despite what we may sometimes believe, being N, NT, or even INTJ does not preclude you from being stupid.
I've had miscommunication with my iNtuitive friends frequently due to them or myself not stopping to make sure that their motives, or the patterns that they see, are well-conveyed.
A lot of the problems with iNtuitive communication I recognized in points 2, 5, 10, and 11 particularly of The Devil's Guide to Spreadsheet Creation (not only are spreadsheets communication, but miscommunication in their case can be quite concretely measured; in millions of dollars in loss, sometimes).
I also think this person doesn't understand myers briggs at all and is confusing intuition with feeling. Both INTJ and INFJ use intuition to take in and process information but act outwardly on what they think or feel.
I honestly think that miscommunication comes about only when an intuitive tries to squeeze in some indirect or manipulative or hidden motive of some kind. It's like a fear-based control attempt, maybe.
This statement, like most of the post, is all about feelings.
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