As INTJs we are supposed to be unusual (warped?) in our sense of humour amongst other things. This raises the question... What types of entertainment do you like in terms of books/comics/music/movies? dislike?
How are we different from other types in our choices?
(I'm asking this partly because I'm curious and partly to get ideas.)
My preferences )
Comments 22
comics - one cell comics only - far side, and that's about it.
music - indi, alternative, classic 60s, 80s new wave.
tv - documentaries, really well written dramas or comedies, and educational series.
movies - thinky, talky, clevor, wellwritten films of any genre.
current addictions/recommendations:
books: cloudstreet by tim winton, the ground beneath her feet by salman rushdie
music: cat power, david bowie
tv: animal face off, arrested development
documentaries: fast, cheap, and out of control; gates of heaven
movies: napoleon dynamite (the hype is true!), annie hall
Anything by Harlan Ellison(I suggest the Deathbird Stories to start), Neil Stephenson (Snowcrash, Diamond Age, Cryptonomicon, the Baroque Trilogy), Neil Gaiman, Frank Herbert, Atlases, History Books, Richard Dawkins (The Selfish Gene) and other books on Evolution, and Philosophy books
Comics: Dark evil stuff like Alan Moore's The Watchmen, Frank Miller's Sin City and Return of the Dark Knight, The Maxx, This Modern World, and Especially Foamy the Squirrel.. which you can find here: (click on Foamy's rant 3 and the fatkins diet especially..)
Music: Lots of dark stuff and just good music: Concrete Blonde, Peter Gabriel, Ministry, Nine inch Nails, This Morn Omina (<--incredible, Sarah McLachlan, Covenant, Juno Reactor, Wolfsheim, Project Pitchfork, De/Vision, Front ( ... )
Unfortunately Andrew and I had to miss out on Ministry last month due to egregious smoke contamination in the club. Starland Ballroom is now on my shitlist until they ban smoking in there. Ordinarily I don't mind a little smoke, but this was a LOT of smoke, and with little to no ventilation. We couldn't see two feet in front of us by the time Hanzel und Gretyl finished their set. Luckily we didn't pay for our tickets; maybe I'll get another chance to see Ministry later on.
Boondock Saints, Se7en, and The Usual Suspects are among my favorite films as well. That sequence in Boondock Saints with uber-romantic jazz music juxtaposed with the two protagonists looking at a room full of guns is pure genius...that sort of unspoken yet resounding sarcasm is the kind of twisted comedy I love best.
Overall.. I'm a huge industrial-rivethead and My best half and I--mistressmarla and I go clubbing every saturday night (we have an awesome dance club here called The I know tons of this music.. (if you check back on this entry.. you can see even more of the bands that I'm most recently into...(this morn omina is beautiful...)
As for movies... I cannot recommend The Celebration enough.. It's a Danish film with subtitles by a guy named Thomas Vinterberg--who's an associate of Lars von Trier--it is just increbly powerful.. deathly serious... and moving... The scene where you see everyone decide to just go dancing later in the film... It makes you want to fuck freak out and scream at them... mainly because the attitude they represent is so fucking common and so unreal at the same time ( ... )
Comics: None, they don't really interest me.
Music: Mostly trance/electronica and new age... But also a lot of alternative and industrial. I also like classical. Some of my favorite artists: Enigma, Dave Matthews Band, Vertical Horizon, Delirium, Opus III, Sarah Mclachlan, Nine Inch Nails, Tool, Disturbed, Paula Cole, Natalie Merchant...
Movies: I hate overly cheesy and cliched things. Romantic comedies, inane humor = evil. Except for utterly pointless stupid humor-- the kind that's meant to be completely random. Like Monty Python. I like movies where it shows that the filmmakers took detail into consideration. The LOTR trilogy is a favorite, because of the books -- but also just because of the amount of ( ... )
If you liked Ringu, get thee to a video store and rent Ju-on posthaste. It's supremely suspenseful, althogh far more obscure than Ringu.
Oh, and something tells me you might enjoy Todd Solondz films...especially Welcome To the Dollhouse and Happiness.
Comics: The only comic I've ever read is Neil Gaiman's Sandman but I liked it a lot.
T.V. My philosophy is just say no to television.
Music: Mostly Rock - Modern Rock, Classic Rock, Alternative, some Techno and Bluegrass. I like to listen to a) Something with a good beat that energizes me. b) Something that eloquently expresses human themes or emotions. I can't stand almost all Rap/Hip-Hop. Like the kind my dormroom neighbors are ( ... )
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