hiiii guys ! welcome to our lovely community~ to christen it we are releasing two themes \O/ one application at a time tho pls. anyway our first two themes are:
okay so for this community what we're gonna do is have ~mostly the same application for every theme but it will be SLIGHTLY different for most themes. like, there will be theme-specific questions so you can copy/paste most of it but the rest has to be filled out~ okay done talking now
And hru feeling today?
Positive traits:
Negative traits:
Describe your LJ persona:
Do you consider yourself popular on the livejournals? Do you like having a lot of friends or a smaller f-list?
What kind of communities do you frequent?
Are you the mod of any communities?
Please link to your userinfo so we can view your communities and friends:
Pick all the ones that apply to you:
[] Enthusiastic
[] Excitable
[] Reliable
[] Jokester
[] Exotic
[] Secretive
[] Spectator
[] Talkative
[] Genuine
[] Multiple sides/personalities
[] Entertainment
[] Role playing (RP)
[] Stamping
[] Graphics
[] Secrets
[] Sparkles
[] GIFs
Anything else?
Is there any one troll you do NOT think you are or would not like to receive?
Did you vote on all the unstamped applications? do not lie
Voters: Options are http://community.livejournal.com/internet_stamps/1001.html">here!
BUT FIRST allow me to explain the concept of a troll. Some of you may be asking, Kaela, what is a troll tho? The Encyclopedia Dramatica defines a troll as:
"any person who purposely causes controversy in a web community (by posting offensive and crude comments or provides advice) and disrupts shit for his own amusement"
The Urbandictionary's definition of troll is "One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument" (
So basically, a troll is a person who purposely does something to upset other people because it's funny.
For some great examples of trolling, check out
Art of Trolling.
Stamps! made by the stunning Duckie/
lumiscious luv u long time
PLEASE note that these descriptions are meant to be humorous and obviously don't think I'm gonna judge you if you get any of these stamps hahahah. Take it with a grain of salt pls
This troll can be found pretty much anywhere on livejournal. They usually have a fair amount of friends who find their use of capslock amusing or cute, and are members of all types of communities - graphics, land communities, stamping communities etc. This troll annoys people who dislike the use of capslock, and/or those who see it as "yelling" when in fact the troll may just be expressing joy, humor or laziness.
Comment Troll
This troll can be found in lots of communities and on posts in people's personal journals. They enjoy leaving comments on everything, including friends-only posts with HP spoilers, random Russian writings, and the like. These trolls may also be prone to sheeping on stamping applications, or conversely, leaving lengthy votes for every theme. This person just really loves to comment okay? they often have a high comment count and are a member of lots of communities.
General Troll
A troll by any other name~ this is a general troll who isn't specific enough for the other categories but is very versatile. They can be found everywhere, obviously - mostly any community has one and they just like wreaking general havoc. They may be a combination of other trolls or have qualities of one or more of the others. This troll may be more laid back in their trolling, or may be less competitive in their trolls.
Graphics Troll
This troll may or may not be community specific. They may be a graphics community member who takes all the icons and says they made them, or they could be a troll who just makes strange graphics and posts them places. This troll is usually in lots of graphics communities or has their own, and may actually be very talented at graphics but just with other troll tendencies.
Lurker Troll
This troll is much like the general troll, but more rare and intense. They are members of lots of communities, have tons of friends, and often don't do a lot of trolling, but when they do it's fantastically hilarious or on a huge scale that affects tons of people. They are usually very successful trolls, and can arguably be considered the master trolls because of their effects on a grand scale.
ONTD Troll
This troll is a fan of entertainment, gossip, and celebrity news. Or else that's just what they like trolling. These trolls are members of ONTD comms, like
ontdhp, and of course the mothership
ohnotheydidnt. They are often only members of these communities and have few or no friends. They post things to get big responses, and because ONTD has such a high amount of traffic on LJ, the responses are indeed usually pretty big.
RP Troll
This troll, despite the name, can be somewhat versatile. An RP troll can a community specific troll that makes their way through RP/role-playing communities, causing chaos and trouble, but a rarer variety of this troll is a seemingly normal LJ-er who is actually a RPer fooling everyone. They may cause problems by applying to sorting or stamping communities as a character instead of as themselves, much to the dismay of mods and voters but to the mass enjoyment of the troll. This troll is less abundant than others but can still pack a punch if the trolling skills are mastered.
Secret Troll
This troll is community-specific. They frequent "secret" communities, like
disneysecret or
ljsecret. They may be considered a troll because of their anon-comments on the secrets, designed to irritate and offend, or their trolling may take the form of submitting ridiculous secrets for others to discuss and fight over. On a smaller scale these trolls can often be found in the comments sections of the secrets, but the large scale trolls will comment non-anonymously to look more credible and therefore trolling more efficiently.
Sock Puppet Troll
This troll is a lot like the RP troll. This is a person who usually has another livejournal account that is their own personality, but uses their second (or third or fourth etc) account(s) to become a different persona or to get back into a community they were kicked out of. Thanks to the magic of banning IP addresses, sock puppet trolls are usually avoided these days, but we can still get a laugh out of them sometimes.
Stamping Troll
And our final troll, the stamping troll. This troll is a member of lots of stamping or rating communities much like this one, and they may even have a huge post of stamps they have received posted publicly on their journal. However, while this troll may seem normal from the outside, inside they love wreaking havoc on stamping communities, via sheep-voting, tying up votes, voting incorrectly, not tagging their apps, making ridiculous requests or comments on mod posts, or anything else designed to irritate the mods or other members of the communities. Additionally these trolls may use someone else's traits on their application (somewhat like the RP troll).
Oh, and these trolls are prone to humiliation congas.
PHEW THAT WAS FUN! Now on to our next theme!
And hru feeling today?
Positive traits:
Negative traits:
Competitive/Laid back:
What web browsers on this list have you used? What do you use currently?
Are there any that you do not wish to be stamped as?
Anything else?
Did you vote on all the unstamped applications? do not lie
Voters: Options are http://community.livejournal.com/internet_stamps/1001.html">here!
STAMPS!! these beauties were made by the lovely Sarah/
captain_sarah, isn't she marvelous?
These bios are so lovely omg look at all that work that me and
silvertigerx did. go us tbh. for these descriptions I also asked for some member testimonials. Those are listed under the stamps.
Google Chrome
fast, efficient, to the point, practical, cutting-edge, high-energy, impulsive
Chrome does not like to beat around the bush or dazzle with effects. It is straight and to the point, performing its job very well. It is cutting-edge and worldly, but also very energetic. It is also charitable and cares about worldwide causes.
Google Chrome was first released in 2008. It's considered one of the newest and highest quality browsers. Google claims that Chrome is "secure, fast, simple and stable". Features include tabs, themes, a detachable bookmarks bar, and several lovely extensions to choose from for various tasks. It is very versatile, modern, simple and clean.
lumiscious says: "for bamfs. Fast, clean, and versatile. Google Chrome is a very simple person, who gets the job done immediately. It's probably smarter than you, btw."
captain_sarah says: "Cool people"
Internet Explorer
slow, very temperamental, deceptive, lazy, vulnerable
Ahhh poor IE. It ... simply can't catch up. It's not that it doesn't try, but it got off to a slow start. It's technologically clumsy and very prone to bullying. It has many haters, no doubt ... And at the same time, it has many friends and quite popular. It's a little deceptive yet a little naive. It's tastes are indiscriminate and quite conformist. Released by Microsoft in 1995, this is the browser that comes on all Windows computers. It is often thought of by most as a backup browser. It features tabbed browsing, a search bar, and lots of other useless toolbars that you don't need. This one is old, light, overdone, and I guess maybe idk busy?
lumiscious says: "piece of crap your parents use."
darkblueflames says: "Piece of shit."
los_york says: "Internet Explorer could be for classy people since it's like the oldest!"
captain_sarah says: "The piece of doodoo you use when firefox won't work becaust that is also a piece of doodoo"
Mozilla Firefox
more complex, intelligent, logical, geeky, adventurous, temperamental
Firefox is more complex than Chrome, but also has the capability to do so much more. It is intelligent and geeky, but just as cutting-edge and avante garde. Firefox is very adventurous and exemplifies living life to the fullest. Careful, though; Firefox is easily overloaded. It can also be extremely temperamental.
Firefox was released in 2004 and is probably the second most popular browser currently. It features tabs, themes, extensions and lots of toolbars. It's often used by people who like games and getting things done quickly. It can also be described as modern, intelligent, speedy and versatile.
lumiscious says: "geeky, extremely geeky."
los_york says: "fuck that! how about firefox is for the swift, passionate people!"
captain_sarah says: "read above + geeky people"
DARKBLUEFLAMES says: "Pretty cool. I use it as a backup. Plus it has themes. THEMES ROCK."
old-fashioned, retro, slower, fun, close to the heart, childlike, not competitive
Netscape ... ahh, the browser everyone grew up on. It's less fast to catch up with the times, but fun nonetheless. Netscape does not want to grow up; it is fun and easy to use. It couldn't care less about competing with the others. Instead, it connects to the heart and to childhood. Founded in 1994, this browser is one of the oldest. Many will recall using this browser when they were younger, as it was kind of one of the first any of us can remember. It can be described as simple, original, traditional, and possibly flawed.
lumiscious says: "D I N O S A U R"
captain_sarah says: "who the fuck even uses this"
fast, unique, niche, intelligent, geeky, not to be underestimated
Opera has a truly unique taste, not known by many. It has a reserved and quiet nature, but it is decidedly individualistic. Simply put, Opera does not care. It marches to the beat of its own drum, and is not to be underestimated; when put to the test, it, too is very quick. Opera is also fairly knowledgeable, especially about esoteric things. First released in 1996, this browser is very different in that it can almost entirely be controlled by a keyboard or by simple mouse controls. It can be described as different, unpopular, unknown, simple, and updated.
lumiscious says: "idk I've never used it"
captain_sarah says: "same as above"
darkblueflames says: "LOLOLOL SHITTY."
unique, different, can be a little elitist, sleek, lazy
Safari is in a world of its own, similar to Opera's uniqueness but in a different sense. It is actually fairly popular and can be fairly lazy, but although it is more social, it is just as weird and "different". It highly prizes its own tastes and can even be elitist sometimes. Its appearance is very sleek and beautiful -- it takes pride in both practicality and style.
First released in 2003, this is the default browser for all Apple products, like Mac computers or iPhones. Safari is much like Google Chrome in that it is simple and clean, and offers similar features such as tabs and bookmarks, but is just different in that it is used predominantly on Macs. It can be described as clean, modern, original and different.
darkblueflames says: "Safari should be the cool kids who use Macs have this. /usesamacandthis"
lumiscious says: "for fancy elitist people"
captain_sarah says: "Hipsters"