Name: Kaela
Age: 17
And hru feeling today? good now that i finally got these themes out! ps i got two seasons of lost today, score
Positive traits: confident, happy, smart, honest, caring, loyal
Negative traits: arrogant, bossy, opinionated, moody, neurotic, stubborn
Describe your LJ persona: I think that i come off pretty much the same as i do in real life. I'm pretty real with who I am and I have a lot of friends that i'm close to on here, and a lot of people seem to kinda look after me sort of. it's like i'm everyone's daughter or little sister like we're a big family and its lovely.
Do you consider yourself popular on the livejournals? Do you like having a lot of friends or a smaller f-list? yeah i think i'm pretty well known... apparently lol. i love having a lot of friends, it helps me get to know more people easier and its lovely to have that support.
What kind of communities do you frequent? stamping comms, a few land comms and then other random things like
oceanaldiAre you the mod of any communities? yes, lots of stamping ones but i kind of fail at that trololol
Please link to your userinfo so we can view your communities and friends: ~
Pick all the ones that apply to you:
[x] Enthusiastic
[x] Excitable
[x] Reliable
[/] Jokester
[] Exotic
[/] Secretive
[] Spectator
[x] Talkative
[x] Genuine
[] Multiple sides/personalities
[/] Entertainment
[] Role playing (RP)
[x] Stamping
[x] Graphics
[] Secrets
[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sparkles
[xxxxxxxx] GIFs
ohnotheydidnt[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] CAPSLOCK
Anything else? ty ty
Is there any one troll you do NOT think you are or would not like to receive? the RP one, the ONTD one or the sock puppet one lol
Did you vote on all the unstamped applications? do not lie i'm the first, broseph