Name: Courtney Rose
Age: 23
And hru feeling today? Good. I slept in, had a burrito, bought GLEE on DVD for 15 bucks nad 20 bucks worth of undies at Target! Fuck yeahhhh!
Positive traits: Eccentric, outgoing, hilarious, caring, stylish, compassionate, friendly, good listener.
Negative traits: Anxious, worrier, procrastinator, daydreamer.
Describe your LJ persona: BAMF. I post lots of picspams of hot men, I am loud and swear a lot and I LIVE LIFE IN CAPSLOCK. I post lots of youtube links to Lonely Island songs and graphics when I stop being lazy and actually make some.
Do you consider yourself popular on the livejournals? Do you like having a lot of friends or a smaller f-list? I think so! I'm not like LJ famous but I think all my friends like me. I like having lots of friends that I can have a variety of things in common with.
What kind of communities do you frequent? Music comms, stamping comms, and picspam stuff I guess.
Are you the mod of any communities? Just a mantainter of a stamping comm or two, and a mod of a Stephen Colbert comm.
Please link to your userinfo so we can view your communities and friends: Pick all the ones that apply to you:
[x] Enthusiastic
[x] Excitable
[x] Reliable
[x] Jokester
[] Exotic
[] Secretive
[] Spectator
[x] Talkative
[x] Genuine
[] Multiple sides/personalities
[x] Entertainment
[] Role playing (RP)
[x] Stamping
[x] Graphics
[] Secrets
[x] Sparkles
[x] GIFs
ohnotheydidnt [x] CAPSLOCK
Anything else?
Is there any one troll you do NOT think you are or would not like to receive? RP or Lurker!
Did you vote on all the unstamped applications? do not lie yesss. though there aren't any right now I will vote!