Viva La - Season Three [Bam/Ryan, Bam/Jenn] NC-17/R

Sep 05, 2008 15:28

Title: Viva La Season Three
Fandom: Viva La Bam
Characters/Pairing: Bam/Ryan, Bam/Jenn, Dico, Raab, Rake, Ape, Phil, Vito and others
Disclaimer: Not Mine. Yadda blah bleh.
Rating: R - NC-17 (swearing and sex)
AN: This is part three in the series of five. As you can guess, this is Season Three.
Each of these are told from Bam’s point of view.
I finished this much sooner than I though I would…

{Side Note: Although I‘m not the hugest of Jenn fans, I don‘t hate her guts either. So yeah, she‘s here, and yes there are ‘moments’ but in the end it’s a Bam/Ryan so…no flames for Jenn being here. Okay. I have plot, she’s required. Besides, she’s kinda hot. Well she is!}

{Second Side Note: I think we can all tell if we watch the DVD’s that this series was not aired in the same sequence that it was filmed in. If we just look at Glomb’s hair we can tell [is it bad that I place my time line on Glomb’s hair?]. Rather than make my head hurt more and attempt to figure out how it was really filmed I’ve decided to just leave it in the order it was shown. Makes it less confusing for all.}

Viva La Season One, Part One
Viva La Season One, Part Two
Viva La Season Two

[Episode One]

God, filming again is madness.

In five days we had a snake run driveway made, flew to LA, picked up a tonne of stuff for the drive, visited the playboy mansion and then flown home to finish the drive and have a grand opening with a bunch of skaters.

Oh, and Ryan’s finally come back.

He’s still not moved back home, because my house is home, but he’s around more, and he’s stayed over a couple nights this week. Me and Jenn, well…we’re kind of better. It’s not like we’re prefect or anything, but we’re not fighting, and we’re not arguing about anything and … well, we’re just…normal. She’s moved back into the castle, and we’ve got Murph.

Ryan on the other hand, Ryan’s not living at the castle, and not acting normal. We need to keep up like he’s still living in the castle; he has to come over to the house so fucking early and leave so late. He looks so haggard and it’s like all he’s living on is coffee. He’s like he was at the end of the last season. He’s avoiding me and won’t even sit next to me for fucks sake. Jenn made a point of sticking beside me in LA, the only time Dunn was remotely normal was with the cameras rolling.

He sat next to Ape and Phil on the flight home, with Rake and Raab behind him and Jenn and I in front with Vito. Even paying Vito to eat stuff isn’t fun. Eventually I just let Vito fall asleep and sit there, bored as hell, when Jenn places her hand on my thigh, rubbing slightly.

“What’s wrong? You’re all tense.” What’s wrong? What’s wrong is that I’m itching to touch Ryan, to kiss him or punch him or something. It’s like an epic war with myself every time he’s near me not to reach out and just touch him.

“Nothing, I’m fine.” I lie to her. Nothings changed in that regard. All I do is lie to her. I tell her what she needs to hear even if it’s draining the life out of me.

“We should go to LA again, on our own. Just for a vacation.” She places her head on my shoulder and sort of cuddles in. I murmur my agreement, even though I know it’s never going to happen - I hate LA most of the time, I am not going there for vacation. No chance in hell. Unless we take Ryan and Dico to cheer me up.


[Episode Two]

What a fuckin’ blast! We had a war in the backyard, and that cannon ball, Vito actually managed to find it again. It was awesome.

Not to mention that Ryan fucking kissed me. Like proper kissed me. We were getting ready to cut the power; the cameraman went upstairs to watch everyone’s reactions and I flipped the switch. Okay, so I may have been the one who instigated it, when it was pitch black, we hadn’t brought a flashlight with us and had to navigate in the dark. I had grabbed his waist to steady myself and ended up falling into his chest.

Damn but it felt good, his arms, his chest, fuck just kissing him again made me feel like a teenager I got so damn horny. I had just leaned up and kissed him, I just had to. And he pulled me in closer and kissed back. Once he did that I wasn’t letting go, I pushed one hand under his jumper and the other went around his neck. It wasn’t gentle; it was desperate and needy, because I hadn’t tasted him in over four months.

But he pulled back, leaving both of us breathing heavily and I rested my head against his shoulder for a moment and then it was tense as hell. Because we shouldn’t have done it. I want it again; want it so badly I can hardly think straight.

“Bam,” he started to tell me everything I already knew and I really didn’t need to hear it, so I pushed him back against the wall and kissed him again. He only resisted it for about two seconds before his arms were back around my waist, and then I moaned, because it was so fucking right I can feel it in my blood. But it ended too soon and I knew we need to stop before I went too far and screwed it all up again.

“I know, I know, we can’t. But…” How on earth was I supposed to put what I feel into words? How am I supposed to tell him everything that’s been going on for the last four months with words? “I miss you.” It was easy to tell him the truth, because he won’t hold it against me in three or four days, he won’t turn around and shout at me for just being honest.

“I know.” I’ve already figured out why he avoids me, cause things like this happen when it’s just him and me, we get all tense and then do stupid shit that leaves us back to where we were before, and as badly as I want him, Ape’s already made me see what it does to him.

“Can’t we just…be normal? I mean, we used to do shit together, even before we…” I couldn’t even label it. We didn’t date, it wasn’t just fucking because it was more, but… “I miss hanging out.”

“I’m sorry but, right now, that’s too hard.” And then he walked away; even without the light I knew he had that hurt expression on his face, because it’s usually there these days.

At least the following morning things were sort of back to how the were. But when we turned the power back on, I took Raab with me instead.


[Episode Three]

God he looked devastated. Like seriously, so fucking upset. I went too far, I know I did, God why the fuck…

Okay, so yeah, the Hummer is a fucking wreck, but that can be fixed for a few grand and if I’m honest I don’t love it that much. But the bike, shit that’s Dunn’s pride and joy. It’s like his fucking baby.

Yeah we shook hands, yeah we called it even and had a truce, but I think I might’ve gone overboard, and I don’t think I’ve admitted much before. He’s sitting over with Knoxville while Ape gives the idiot a hair cut and he takes swipes at Terry, we’ve got competition winners around and Vito’s being a jerk as usual and Sean Penn and Hopper are still here somewhere too. But hell if I just want a chance to grab Dunn alone and make sure I haven’t fucked this all up even worse than it is already.

I finally get my chance when we’re walking back from the woods, beside the hollow shell of Eddies Tree Top casino - and hell if I don’t see the irony in that. The whole casino debacle is what started the end of everything.

“Dunn,” I grab his elbow and pull him back gently, watching as everyone keeps walking back to the house, the cameras following Vito and his bitching. “C’mere a minute.” I’m not going to take him back to the casino, cause right now I hate that place with a passion. Instead we go just a little deeper into the woods, hidden behind tress and growth. Not too long ago we’d be in this same situation for entirely different reasons and I feel the longing for those days as if it’s a knife in my gut.

“What’s up?” He hasn’t talked to me off camera since we threw him in the pool at Knoxville’s hotel. He leans against a tree, just watching me, and I fidget with the cuffs on my sleeves, picking at the paint on my hands.

“About the bike,” I start off, and hell if I’m rubbish with apologies. “I’m really sorry man, I wasn’t thinking and … I’m just sorry.”

“Bam, dude, it was a prank. It’s fine.”

“No, alright. It wasn’t and it isn’t. That wasn’t a prank, that was just destruction, pure and simple. I mean fuck, if that thing runs it’ll be a miracle and I just… I know how much it means to you and I’m sorry.” We haven’t had a decent conversation in over four months. We’ve barely spoke any words to each other in that space of time either; it’s all just polite, stilted conversation with other people around. And after the incident in the basement last week we hardly make eye contact either.

“You think I didn’t know what I was doing when I helped Knoxville take apart the Hummer? Or when we glued the pool balls to the table? Or the wake up?” Ryan prattled off, “Bam, it’s been three days of property destruction. Hell, I should’ve seen it coming.”

“I’m just sorry, cause…well…I got jealous.”

“Jealous? Of what?” He really is dense sometimes.

“You and Knoxville. It was you and him against me and fuck if that didn’t set my teeth on edge the whole time. You haven’t seen him in a year and you can’t even tell. But you and me…it’s wrong. There’s something wrong and I hate it.” Shit, I’m sounding like a pussy.

“Bam, it’s gonna take time. Okay,” Ryan’s using his reasonable voice. The one he uses when he knows something is going to get seriously muffed up and is talking sense for once. “It’s hard, I know, it’s fucking killing me, but that’s just how it is.”

“I want it back.” I don’t know if I’m telling him I want him back or if it’s just the ease I want back. If it’s just us that I need back. He just shakes his head though, watching the ground.

“Not that easy, BamBam.” I smile a little, because the nickname gives me a touch of hope that something can be salvaged at the very least. He puts a hand on my shoulder and gives me a gentle squeeze, it’s about the first time he’s actually touched me since…the kiss.

With a sigh and a soft smile he starts walking back towards everyone else. I need to take a minute just to steady myself. Maybe I can fix things after all.


[Episode Four]

When we get back from the concert in the mall all I can feel is butterflies in my stomach. It’s got nothing to do with the concert, or the show, but damn if I’m not anxious and excited.

Last week I annihilated my ex-boyfriend’s [cause that’s all I can think to call him] pride and joy, his custom made bike. Yeah, it was during a prank war, but even I knew I had gone too far, even if he did brush things off. And this week, things have been…rough. We’re not talking, he’s hardly around me and I can’t take it anymore.

Jenn keeps mentioning it, saying how nice it is that Dunn’s distancing himself so we can work out, she thinks that he’s doing it because he wants her and I to work. Right, I know that Dunn would never interfere if I said I wanted Jenn forever and always, and if we were to get married next week he wouldn’t say a thing about it. But that’s not why he’s avoiding me and her talking about it makes me want to break something.

So we pull up to the house, the crew is crammed into the hummer while Ape, Phil and Vito are in Ape’s car. Everyone starts to get out of the car and I sit there for a few seconds longer, waiting till everyone else leaves first.

“Oh my God,” Ape’s clearly the first one to see it, probably because she fucking parked right next to it. I slowly walk around from the hummer and stand at the back of everyone, just watching with mild anxiety. Shit, he better like. “Bam, did you do this?” April just won’t let me take a step back, damnit.

“Yeah,” well hell if I don’t feel shy.

Sitting in the garage is a brand new fucking bike for Dunn. And hell if he isn’t stunned. I took the shell of his old bike into the shop at the beginning of the week, explaining what happened and telling them I wanted one exactly the same. The only difference was that this one was a lime green instead of orange. I feel just like I did the first day of school, when I threw paint over the teacher and got sent to the principal. For some reason Jenn glares at me before walking off, followed by Dico and Rake who start talking about Mortal Combat. Raab’s already in the house before anyone else - running for the loo - Phil claps a hand on my shoulder in an approving way and Ape gives me a kiss on the cheek and a smile. She was the one who gave me the most shit about the bike, cause damn was that expensive.

Ryan seems totally engrossed in his bike, and I don’t think I blame him, because hell, when they told me what they’d done I was impressed and I know next to nothing about bikes. I’m just about to walk into the house when I get caught in a hug from behind, his arms around my shoulders and cheek pressed to mine.

“I’d have got it fixed,” he tells me, mouth so close to my ear and breath sending shivers down my spine, “but thanks BamBam.” My heart swells and I smile at the sound of his voice, because I like that voice. With the smallest, sweetest kiss on my cheek he withdraws and I smile all the way up to my bedroom.


[Episode Five]

Good God if I don’t keep putting my foot in it this week.

First off, Ape gets mad about us messing around. Second off, Ape gets mad cause I slip up and mention Dunn moving out cause I’m an idiot and I don’t think. Thirdly, Jenn gets pissed at me for jumping off the ship. Then Dunn gets weird cause I slapped his ass on camera - not like I haven’t done it before, hello, fat boy face off anyone? At least we got to have a nice few days at sea.

Except now we’re home and despite getting to throw crabs on Rake everyone is being a pussy ass dick and Jenn’s being a bitch. Again.

Ape and Phil are in the kitchen, ignoring everyone, the guys are outside doing whatever and I’m stuck here, listening to Jenn, going on and on about … something.

“Are you even listening to me?” I’m about to answer, honestly and tell her no, I wasn’t, when there’s a horrendous screech from out front and a hell of a lot of shouting. “What the hell have they done now?” We both move over to the sliding door and look out over the yard, where three abandoned dirt bikes are lying while Raab and Dico crowd over Ryan and…are those bikes crashed?

April runs out of the backdoor towards them, shouting back at Phil to call the ambulance and that’s all it takes for me to be out like a shot. Jumping down the stairs I can hear Jenn following me, even if it is at a far slower pace. Raab’s pacing about and I can hear Ape as I get to the edge of the yard, and boy do those bikes look ruined. One is literally sitting up on the seat of the other, wheel besides the handles and smoking from the front.

“What the hell happened?” I make it over to Raab first, who’s white as a sheet and looks half scared to death.

“The…the steering seized and…he just…” Raab just starts shaking his head and mumbling.

“Chris, go inside,” April looks up, then spots Jenn. “Jenn, take Chris inside, get him a towel and some water? He might be in shock.” Damn, I didn’t think of that. Jenn just nods and puts an arm around Raab’s shoulders to lead him inside, glancing back over her shoulder at me.

“Mom?” I get closer to her, and I figure that Ryan’ll probably just be a little scratched or something from coming head first over the bike. But when I do get a look at him I kinda figure out why Ape was yelling for the ambulance to get called. “Shit.”

“Bam, honey, kneel down.” So I do, kneeling just at Ryan’s side and I hesitate in reaching out until April nods. I’m still really careful, but I take his hand and I feel him squeeze it. I guess it was Raab that went head first off the bike after crashing into Ryan. He’s got a tire imprint on his shirt, and he’s curled on one side, “Brandon, go and get some blankets.” I don’t think I’ve seen Dico run so fast in all my life.

“It’s just my ribs.” Ryan manages to groan around the pain. “They’re on fucking fire.” April is up beside his head, smoothing his hair away from his face while I’m at his side, still holding his hand.

“Just lay still, Phil’s getting the ambulance,” we can already hear the sirens, “you’ll be fine in a few minutes.” By fine she no doubt means medicated. Dico comes running back out with the blankets and hands two to Ape before carefully draping the other one over Ryan. “What happened?” April asks him, and I’m far too concerned with Ryan to even bother getting angry.

“Raab’s steering just locked. He went straight into Ry and flew over the top of the bikes. The front wheel hit Ryan in the side.” Dico’s deadly serious, staring down at Ryan while Ape covers him up with blankets. “Is he…he’s gonna be okay, right?”

“Yeah, Brandon, he’ll be fine. Why don’t you go and direct the paramedics over here when they get here?” The sirens are so close their probably already on the property, just coming along the drive.

“He is okay, right mom?”

“It’s probably just some broken ribs, he’ll be fine in a few weeks.”

“Do you think he’s…like…bleeding inside?”

“I’m right here y’know?” I’m sure that if his voice was laced with so much pain he’d be slightly more annoyed sounding. As it is, he just sounds pained.

It’s all a rush when the paramedics finally get over to us. Ryan’s checked over and Ape’s theory is proved correct, he’s loaded onto a stretcher and I feel my teeth grind when he moans in pain at the movement. I don’t even wait for any indication on who wants to travel with him. Once he’s loaded into the ambulance I’m in like a shot. I can hear April telling me she’ll meet us at the hospital and then she’s barking orders out at the guys as the doors slam shut.

I’m holding Ryan’s hand the whole way to the hospital.


[Episode Six]

We were told to go easy on Ryan because of his ribs. He broke two and bruised one. That meant no wake ups, no pranks on him, he wasn’t to drive, drink or put any strain on his abs at all. This seriously hindered filming. He wasn’t really up to much with Ape anyway. Besides the moped bit, he was supposed to ride the mini bike, but we just got Raab to switch and everything was fine.

Right up until he jumps off the balcony into the bouncy castle. What an idiot. Despite how much pain we all know he’s in he sticks it out, not even bothering to get out no matter how much Ape pushes at him. He doesn’t rave though, he sticks around for it sure, but he spends most of the time sitting on the stairs with a soda - because Ape warned him what would happen if he had one beer while on his meds.

And of course Jenn shows up for the rave, despite the fact that she hasn’t been around since Ryan’s accident. She hasn’t even asked him how he is, and that pisses me off, because she’s going on about how great he’s being with us and she’s not even making an effort.

She sticks around for the whole day, claiming she wants to see me in a suit too and I swear, if they go on about it much more I’m out of here. We make it thirty minutes through the dinner and then there’s food flying, and I can’t stop laughing all the way up the stairs. Jenn shakes her head at me, muttering about how immature I am. Like I’ve ever been any different.

I go into Ryan’s room, pull the tie and jacket off as I go and then lie down on the bed next to him.

“Take it dinner went well.” He asks, exhaling on the cigarette he’s not supposed to have.

“Yeah, thirty minutes.” I tell him, “I feel stupid in this.”

“You look stupid in it.” He tells me, frowning at the shirt. “What the hell is that?” He points to my shirt and smiles.

“It’s the only one I have!” Even if I am acting like it annoys me, I’m really glad he doesn’t care about the suit, because it’s horrible. “How are your ribs?” I ask him while unbuttoning the horrid thing and throwing it to Ryan’s floor. At least in here it’ll get lost in the debris of… “Hey!” I’ve just noticed all the stuff. The magazines, the clothes, his CD’s. “You’re coming home?”

“Yeah,” he’s got a smile on his face, taking a lazy drag on the last of his cigarette. “I figure its stupid not to be here. And Jenn can go take a run and jump.” Wearing the suit doesn’t bother me one bit anymore.


[Episode Seven]

I’m really looking forward to tomorrows demo, but more so to spending the night in the mall. When we were given the go ahead I couldn’t believe it. The Mall of America? We could spend the whole night in there, with no one else? If I were ten years old this would’ve been a dream come true.

I spent three hours with Jenn and my parents in the arcade while they spent the $100, watching Phil beat Ape at Dance Dance Revolution was hysterical, he didn’t even need help to figure it out at all. Jenn went shopping for clothes, using the money for that and shoes. When Ape figured out that we could leave our shopping for someone else to pick up she all over, getting shit for everything - I think Murph got a new bed out of it.

“Dude, what’d you buy?” Raab was laughing his ass off when he pulled out this weird as shit painting of himself. Even Ape started to laugh. And Rake, with his straight hair and pigtails?

“Where’s yours Dunn?” Glomb asked, having retold his tale of food tasting.

“This asshole bought a coffee.” Rake complains and Dunn just snickers. “He left a $97 tip!”

“You didn’t?” Jenn’s mouth is wide open and her eyes just shocked and staring, and I’m laughing more at her than I am at Dunn.

“What? It’s not my money.”

We rounded everyone but Vito up and made our way to the bed store, Dunn got the keys of the manager and so long as nothing was missing or broken it was ours for the night free of charge. But still, great place or not, I didn’t fancy spending the night with Vito and everyone snoring around me. But Ryan seems to be way ahead of me, standing on the other side as he pulls the shutters down, waving me out to join him just before they hit the ground. I catch a glimpse of Jenn as we start to walk away and I can tell that we’re going to have on hell of an argument later.

“Let’s go pitch a tent!” Dunn just laughs on the way up to the sporting good store. It’s only five minutes after the camera guy walks away before I’m crawling into Dunn’s tent, carefully climbing over his ribs, and lying on his other side. “It’s amazing how cold it is in here.”

“They left the air conditioning on.” Dunn tells me before throwing half of his unzipped sleeping bag over me. There’s comfortable silence for about a minute, and then I’m just itching to touch him some more. Since he moved back into the castle things have been so much better. I know that he’s around more and he’s getting much more sleep and Ape’s getting a kick out of mothering him some more. She does it all the time, with all of us, but especially me and Ryan and Jess. It’s like the three of us are her kids.

He’s more open to conversation in the morning too, while he’s sitting drinking his coffee, so I can get more out of him that way, which works out for all of us really. Besides, Jenn’s been taking off in the mornings to go out with friends, which means uninterrupted Bam and Ryan time, which hopefully leads to a reconciled Bam and Ryan. Which is something I really want.

“Do you know that it’s a mini ramp we’re skating tomorrow?” I can’t stand the quiet. I really just hate it. So I’ll just ask stupid questions until he says something about it.

“Yeah, it’s on the letter that you got sent for the confirmation.”

“I don’t do so well on mini ramps.”

“You’ll be fine. You always are.” He’s got his eyes closed, like he’s trying to sleep, but I’m pretty sure he isn’t really, because he’d just tell me to shut up.

“You’re gonna sit and watch, right?”

“Yeah. I’ll be right behind Ape.”

“You should be in front.” But he usually leaves those seats for Ape, Phil and Jenn. Unless it’s all just standing or it’s all front row.

“Yeah, knowing my luck, or lack of, I’ll get hit in the face by a rogue skateboard. So, I’ll let Vito catch it with his face if that’s all the same to you.” I snort at the image, because he is that unlucky.

“I’d rather you were there than Jenn.” And I think I’ve finally got to the point I’ve been wanting to push for a while now. He’s not saying anything though, his eyes are open now but it’s like he doesn’t know how he’s supposed to react.

“Bam, you know that…”

“Listen, it may take me a while to catch on to things, but I guess that stupid saying is right. You don’t know what you got until it’s gone. And I think you really hammered that home for me when you left.” I lean up on one elbow and look at him, he turns his head, still lying back and just letting me speak. “When it comes down to you and Jenn, it’s you. Every time. But I’m not gonna make you sneak around. Not anymore.” He just nods, slowly and keeping eye contact with me.

I lean down and kiss him, not giving him any time to move away or stop me. But it’s just a soft one, a gentle prelude to what I know I’ll be able to do in the coming days.

“I’m gonna break it off with Jenn. And then I’m going to ask you out. Okay?” He chuckles a little and I find myself smiling at the sound. “I just thought I’d give you the heads up.”

“Thanks.” He says, sighing while I lie back down, keeping close to him so I can feel his warmth. “Just so you know, I’ll say yes.” He tells me, just before we both fall asleep completely content.


[Episode Eight]

“So, Jenn and I are having this talk later on.” It was one of the only things I could think of telling him stuck up in that stupid crane.


“You umm, tend to get into … well, something usually happens to you when Jenn and I talk so…”

“Tell you what, I’ll got to the bar for a few hours and you can call me when you’re done.” He knew what I meant at least, sometimes he can be dense and not catch on, but I think everyone knows just what happens to him around Jenn.

That was mid afternoon, and it just after midnight when I got finished talking to Jenn. I told her I didn’t think it was working, that things weren’t going the way they should and we should probably call it a day. She didn’t seem to agree, but she decided to give me my space, told me to call her when I had it figured out. I wasn’t ready to tell her I was in love with Ryan. I could just see where that would lead. Blood shed and yelling. Which I didn’t need to deal with tonight.

The season just wrapped. And the house was blessedly quiet for once. Ape and Phil were back at their house, Rake’s got some weird stuff going on at work and I haven’t a clue where Raab and Dico disappeared to. I called Ryan about five minutes after Jenn left, I didn’t help her pack, I just stood in the door way and watched her, trying to figure out why it didn’t hurt. And then I waited for Ryan to get home.

“What’re you doing there?” Ryan threw the finished cigarette to the ground before coming in the house - Ape bitches up a storm every time she smells smoke in the house.

“Wanted to wait for you.” I told him, walking from the pool table over to the door to stand in front of him.

“Bam, its ten past one in the morning.”

“I know, but I have to ask you something.” I was standing right in front of him, like almost on his toes. But he never moved back and I just moved forward more, my body leaning into his. “Do you wanna go out with me?” I asked him in a stupid voice, because it’s the only way I could do it and not laugh at myself. But there was a smile on his face and he almost laughed himself when he nodded.

“Yeah, why not.” I chose not to comment on his reply and simply kissed him, arms around his waist while he pulled me against his chest with his arms around my shoulders. It felt so good being in his arms again, with him holding me like that. I moaned against him and he turned us, pressing me back against the wall. We broke apart with a gasp when our crotches brushed and he made a point of thrusting in against me. God, it felt so fucking good. My hands went under his shirt and pulled it off, throwing it anywhere and just trailing my fingers over his chest. Ryan just moaned against me, the sound vibrating through his chest as he worked his way down my throat, his beard brushing against my skin in the best of ways.

“God, I’ve missed this.” I didn’t mean to say it out loud, but it was there and it was true. And from the bite on my throat, I don’t think Ryan minded much. I barely even noticed when he hauled my top over my head, dropping it to the floor beside us before he simply goes back to my throat and shit he knows exactly where to kiss and suck. The attention he paid on my collarbone means I’ll have to wear a shirt with a collar tomorrow, but I still can’t bring myself to care.

Ryan drew back; probably when he was satisfied with whatever mark he’s left, and pulled me towards my bedroom, arm around my waist while I just held to his shoulders. We made it as far as the door to the room when I pushed him back against the wall, just outside the room. But damn if I need another kiss. His hands framed my face, and I just love the power in him, the strength that he can wield if he tried. Just holding to his shoulders, fingers trailing up to the edge of his hairline while he controlled the pace of the kiss, turning my head to get the angle right, moaning softly against my mouth.

When I finally managed to pull us away from the wall and through the door he’s the one who pushed me down on the bed, his hands running down my bare chest to the waist of my jeans. He popped the button and pulls down the zipper and I lifted my hips while he pulled my jeans off. I stretched over the bed, opening my beside table and getting the lube, in the space of time it took him to strip and crawl back onto the bed. I smiled at him, waving my prize in my hand before he snatched it away, putting it to the side and leaning over me. He trailed kisses all over my body, like he was trying to remember everything, his hands running all over my skin, always missing where I wanted him most.

In a few short seconds I was a moaning mess of excited nerves and all I wanted was for him to get to the best part. When his slick finger started to press into my ass, all I could do was spread my legs around his waist and let my fingers curl into the bed sheets. He was taking his own sweet time, making a point of teasing me and stretching it all out, not just my ass. But fuck if it didn’t feel good. Having him there, fingers stretching me out, nails catching just slightly and sending jolts up my spine. I moved one hand to curl around my cock, slowly jerking myself off as he pumped his hand in my ass.

After three fingers I was a gibbering wanton mess on the bed. Words were pouring out of my mouth that I had no clue about, but it seemed to do the trick when he withdrew his fingers, batted my hand off my weeping erection and slicked himself up with lube before settling back between my spread thighs.

He stretched out over me, my ass practically sitting in his lap while he steadied himself on an elbow beside my head. I held on to his hip and let my other hand reach up to twine our fingers beside my head as he slowly started to push into my body. It’d been ages since I’d felt him in me like this, so long since that vicious burn and stretch, since the aching fulfilment it always brings, just feeling him in me.

With unsteady thrusts and a racing heartbeat I tried to match his slow rhythm, but the sheer torture of it was too much and I started moaning for more, begging for more. I needed it faster, harder, needed to feel it all the way to my toes and know that he really was there. I can remember the chant of ‘Please, please, please’ falling from my lips as he moved above me, my legs hooking around him to try and get more, deeper, anything.

He bent over, pressing our mouths together and getting a better angle and hitting my prostate, I swear I saw stars at that, the coiling pleasure building and building with every thrust, his breath mingling with me when we parted and just stared at each other. His rhythm faltered, thrusts becoming more erratic and forceful, the need for completion building in both of us. My grip on his hip tightened and our cries combined in the room as we reach climax, my cum coating our stomachs as I felt him empty inside me.

It took a while for either of us to come down from the glorious high. Lazy kisses and gentle petting before he pulled away or I was inclined to move. And then we just lay together in the bed, he grabbed a shirt from the floor to wipe away the mess and I couldn’t give a damn about what just got ruined.

And now I’m just lying here, with my head on his chest and his arms around me and I feel like its finally right, like there’s nothing wrong and we’re good again, at last. I can’t think of a single thing that can ruin this.


End Season Three


Comments make my day.

character: bam margera, genre: slash, pairing: bam/jenn, pairing: bam/ryan, rating: nc-17, rating: r, genre: het, warning: rps, character: jenn rivell, character: ryan dunn, fandom: viva la bam, series: viva la, author: torncorpse

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