Viva La - Season One [Bam/Ryan]

Apr 18, 2007 00:33

Title: Season One
Fandom: Viva La Bam
Characters/Pairing: Bam/Ryan, Bam/Jenn, Dico, Raab, Rake, Ape, Phil, Vito and others
Disclaimer: Not Mine. Yadda blah bleh.
Rating: R - NC-17 (swearing and sex)
AN: This is part one in the series of five. As you can guess, this is Season One.
Each of these are told from Bam’s point of view.

{Side Note: I’m trying to figure out just where Jenn is in most of these, I can’t really find her. So, I’m making it up as I go. ^_^ Because not all Jenn is Hate. She’s pretty! Leave me be!}

Season One

[Episode One]

The fire pole had been fun, the hamburgers had been funny, the beef toothpaste had been priceless and the hydraulics on the van had been awesome. But maybe wrecking the van had been a step too far.

“Dude, you’ve never been worried about anyone being mad at you before, what’s new?” We were just lying out on the half-pipe, my head on his chest while he played with my hair.

“I’m not worried he’ll be mad.” I argued, mildly annoyed that he’d suggest it. “I’m worried he’ll be upset. Man, we’ve had that haggard ass van for years. What if he’s really upset with me? You know when he’s just really disappointed in you or whatever? ”

“Yeah, I know. What’cha wanna do?” I rolled over, my chin pressing into his shoulder.

“You think I should do something to make it better? Like if I got a new van for him?” I asked. I usually asked him what he thought of my ideas first, it was just a way for me to make sure I hadn’t over stepped my boundaries again.

“Yeah, that’d be nice.” He agreed, a hand still running through my hair. “I know a guy who deals in SUV’s if you want.”


“Yeah, could get one for tomorrow.” I smiled and nodded, moving to rest my cheek against him. I sighed and just lay there, his hand still running through my hair while I listened to his heartbeat.

“Bam!” We both groaned as we heard my name. Chuckling slightly I sat up, turning and placing a quick and discreet kiss to his lips before running inside to find out what it was Jenn wanted now.


[Episode Two]

He was being awkward again. Assuming that I wanted to spend my time at the concert with Jenn. How stupid can he be? I mean, really, Jenn or Ryan? Who would I like to hang out more with? What a crazy notion. When we got to the gig I made a point of trying to show him I wanted to be with him and not her.

He avoided me most of the night, that bugged me. What bugged me more was when he was standing with her, singing with her. They seemed to be getting along, despite him not really liking her that much and her not fully liking him. They have this personality clash, I don’t know what it’s all about, but it’s there. He might’ve just been drunk, but he had an arm around her and I was getting jealous, I thought maybe getting some random would get back at them both, but then I thought better of it.

I made a point of going to him, I stood with both of them, keeping Ryan in the middle with my arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer to me than I let her get. He looked at me and I know he saw the jealousy, and the possessiveness. And he smiled, like he liked it, so I smiled back and we carried on singing and being idiots on stage. Jess was probably the worst.

It was fun and things were getting back to normal, normal being me cheating on my girlfriend right in front of her, until Ape called. Stupid Vito was messing things up as usual. Ryan and I were talking at the back of the stage, sending Raab back to the stage when Ape hung up.

“You wanna stay here and I’ll go sort things out with Vito?” This is his way of telling me to stay and have fun while he fixes things, thus missing out on the fun. He knew I wanted to do both things equally, do this with Phil while still getting to see the gig. But that would mean that he’d miss out so I didn’t need to.

“But then you’ll miss the concert.” I had a hand on his arm and a pout on my face; it is very seldom that I don’t get what I want when I pout. And Ryan was no exception to this.

“So what do you want to do?” He asked, probably guessing what my own idea involved.

“What about rocking the gig at mine?” He rolled his eyes, a slight smile on his face. I moved a little closer to him, quickly looking around to see if anyone was nearby.

“Ape’ll flip.” He stated, not really arguing or dissuading me from my idea.

“So? I don’t want you to leave.” I pout again and press just that little bit closer, moving us back a little and out of view. I smiled and pressed my lips to his, holding his hips while he smiled against the kiss. “So we’ll rock it at mine?” I say when I pull back, a small smile on my own face.

“Yeah.” He nodded, looping a strand of hair behind my ear the way he liked it. “We’ll rock the gig at yours. Go tell the others.” I smile, place a quick kiss on his lips again and head off to find the others and tell the cameras.


[Episode Three]

The family reunion, although not to mom-mom’s tastes, was fun. And although we got a township violation, nothing new really, I think that everyone really had a blast. Which was what we were aiming for.

The we being me and Dico.

Since Jenn had blown out of the house, causing as much trouble as she could on the way out, things had been tense. Raab was feeling down because of the shit she’d said about his drinking, although it’s cool when the guys all do it, it’s not cool when someone outside the group does it. For instance, Knoxville, although having his own opinion of Raab’s drinking, would just never once mention it. He wasn’t a tight member of the crew. He was Ryan and I’s friend, not Raab’s buddy. But Jenn, she hadn’t bothered keeping the claws in.

Ryan wasn’t even in the house. Ryan was with Rake, at the hospital getting stitches in his head. Jenn, in a blind rage at me, had stormed down the stairs, into Ryan, who we all know is sorta clumsy at the best of times. Ryan went tumbling down the stairs and I have to admit, it was kinda funny, until Ape saw the blood on the wall from where he battered his head.

So, Ryan was at hospital concussed, Raab was in the living room moping, Dico was acting like a prat in the kitchen with Terry, and Glomb was adding to my half-pipe. While I was trying to remember why I was in love with Jenn. Which I am, by the way. I really am.

I just love Ryan too. And that’s the problem.

The draw bridge lowered and Rake came inside, followed by Dunn, who was holding his head still. Rake must’ve noticed my expression cause he left the room and went in search of Dico.

“You okay?” I mumbled. I wasn’t proud, I was worried and I was blaming myself.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” He may have thought I missed it, but I noticed the way he said it. Just when he would be fine, I didn’t know. “What the hell happened anyway?”

“Jenn and I had a fight.” It seems to be an explanation for a lot of things. “She got mad and stormed down the stairs, you were coming up to see what was going on, she barrelled into you, you tumbled down, hit your head and Rake took you to the hospital. What’d they say?”

“Not to fall down a flight of stairs on a regular basis. Come on Bam, they know us down there. They thought it was a skit and I sure as hell wasn’t correcting them.” I smiled a little; glad he wasn’t taking this too bad. “I’m tired as fuck man; I’m heading home, to bed.”

“Stay here. You can’t drive just now.” I move a little closer, “I’ll wake you up to make sure you’re not too concussed.” My hand moved into his before I led him up the stairs. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Raab watching us head up, I smile awkwardly at him and he just nods, a weak smile on his own face.

The secrets out, and I know it. But I can’t bring myself to care.


[Episode Four]

So, trip to Vegas, planned, paid for and fun. Oh yeah. Ape had no idea what was going down and Raab was all good for marrying the Russian Mail Order Bride, who was pretty damn good about the whole thing.

It was also a way for Ryan and I to work out whatever the fuck had happened after Jenn ditched the joint a week before. So, yeah, Vegas, fun times.

“You wanna screw with Vito’s room?” He’d asked, slightly drunk and leaning on my shoulder.


“I got this awesome idea, back in a few.” With that he disappeared for the best part of an hour, leaving me to try and hold up a conversation with Dico that didn’t stray into very unsafe territory. That territory being something to do with olives, Popeye and a stray cat called Misty.

When Dunn finally returned he was chuckling to himself and carrying a key. “I got Vito’s room.” He said, smiling so much that I know his eyes were twinkling. “Oh, and I got Ape and Phil this thing called the London Suite, supposed to be super ass executive.”

“What the fuck’d you do that for?” I asked, frowning and wondering why my parents were getting star treatment.

“Cause it’s your fucking anniversary present to them.” He said, eyebrow quirked. I shrugged and sighed, I had planned on just getting them a cake but whatever.

“Come on, let’s find Vito and show him this room then.” We found Vito, and we found the room, if it could be called that. As always Vito had complained, he never seemed to like the jokes, but whatever.

“Hey,” Ryan nudged my shoulder after Vito had left in a strop, going on about the size and how he couldn’t do anything and blah de blah. “You wanna see if he’s right?”

“Right about what?” I hadn’t really been listening, but when Ryan smirked and moved towards me, pushing me down on the tiny bed and straddling me, my memory clicked. ‘You can’t even get laid in this room.’ I smiled and laughed a little before he dipped down and sealed our lips, hands moving to take off my beanie hat, scarf and undoing the buttons on my shirt. My own hands strayed up under his t-shirt, pulling it up and over, our lips parting while I got it off his head.

“You know, Vito might actually be right.” I say, rubbing my elbow from where I battered it off the wall getting his shirt off. Ryan just laughs and undoes my belt, slipping it out of the jeans I’m wearing and tossing it to the floor. I’m naked in seconds and he soon follows, before our lips meet again and our hands trail anywhere and everywhere. I let my hands make their own way to his butt, taking the firm cheeks in hand and pulling him closer to me, rubbing our erections against each other. I broke away from the kiss, gasping for air as Ryan started kissing down my neck and chest. He knows I’m sensitive, he knows exactly where I’m sensitive. That’s why he does this, why he takes his time. He licks around the tattoo on my ribs, tracing the black lines and making me moan. When his lips get down to my groin, to that tattoo right above it, I have to hold on to his head, biting my lips as he trails his tongue all around every line, not missing a single one, before looking up at me and smirking. God-damned-cock-tease. I must’ve said that out loud, because he laughs at me while kissing my hip before looking up, a lazy smile on his face and laughter dancing in his eyes.

“Have I ever left you wanting?” And that’s just the thing, he hasn’t. He drives me to the edge of reason, just as I’m about to fall off the cliff and then he slowly eases me back. He does it as many times as he can, his own control far superior to mine. But when he does push me over the edge, when I finally get the release I’m craving, it’s sweet euphoria, and I’d do it all over again just for a little taste of that. He leant down, smiling in the way that he always does, the smile that makes my stomach clench and the warmth just spreading throughout. That smile, that single smile on his face, always makes me feel this way, not just when we’re having sex.

We could be sitting in the kitchen, and he’d send me that smile. During a prank he just laughs before smiling that smile straight at me. And I’m the only one that gets that smile. That’s my smile. When his lips tug up a little, a slight flash of his teeth and the warmth in his eyes. I like the way he smiles at me, and I like that it’s only me he smiles at like that. Call me shallow but Ryan has never, ever looked at one of his girlfriends like that, not even Angie.

“Ryan,” I know I sound needy, but the hell with it, I am needy. His breath skimming over my chest while his bread scratches against my skin and I just want his so bad it almost hurts. He licks at my neck before a hand encircles my cock, and I don’t know when he prepped himself but in seconds I’m sliding into the tight, hot, body above me and I just moan as he pushes back and sinks deeper onto my erection. Its bliss, just like always, and my hands go to his hips on instinct. My head back and neck exposed to him as he leans down and nips at my throat before pushing down as far as possible on my cock.

I can feel him moan more than hear him moan, the vibration running through his chest and going straight to my groin, where it proceeds to send shivers up my spine. Having him on top is always a challenge for my self control. Ryan above me, sweating and panting and plunging up and down on me, his mouth open slightly as light gasps escape from his throat. Hearing him is one thing but when I can see him it’s something else. My whole body just aches to see more, to feel more from him.

I start pushing harder, trying to pour more of myself into him, to feel him in me. He moans my name as I thrust all the way to his prostate, his legs tensing beside me, I grab one of his hands, gripping it tightly in my own and twining our fingers, my other hand moving to jerk him off as he pants harder, his muscles clenching tighter around me. I groan and push deeper on the next thrust, his free hand joining mine on his erection as we both start jerking him off at the same time, his moans getting louder as he pants my name.

Ryan tenses slightly before his orgasm hits and he blows his load, almost shouting my name as his muscles all tense sporadically. I bite my lip, trying to hold on a little longer, enjoying the feel of him still rocking on my hips, pulling pleasure out of my body slowly and beautifully. He’s humming now, his body and vocal cords exhausted and I gasp as he clenches even tighter. Unable to hold on any longer I cry his name, clutching at his hips as he milks every last drop of energy from me.

Spent, I just lie there, panting harshly as he slowly pulls off me and settles beside me. A hand runs over my chest, slowly working up until he tucks some hair behind my ear and places a small kiss on my cheek, leaving me with a small smile on my face while I fall asleep.


The next installment will be up soon hopefully.

Feedback is love.

character: bam margera, character: brandon novak, genre: slash, pairing: bam/ryan, rating: nc-17, warning: rps, character: jenn rivell, character: ryan dunn, fandom: viva la bam, series: viva la, author: torncorpse

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