I Feel Just Like I’ve Fallen in Love [Gerard/Frank NC-17]

Feb 21, 2008 23:48

Title: I Feel Just Like I’ve Fallen in Love
Author: vampire_heart/insomniacs_home
Pairing: Gerard/Frank
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,367
Warnings: Slash, RPS, AU
AN: for 10_cliche_fics table, prompt ‘Never Felt Like This.’
High School AU Fic. [does that count as another cliché?]
Gerard is 17/Mikey is 15/Frank is 14. Underage boys doing naughty things!
Contains mentions of child abuse by neglect and non-descriptive assault of a minor. You’ve been warned.

Last in the series [maybe].
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Table of Prompts.

Summary: After Frank moves into the Way house, Gerard and Frank decided to tell Mikey about their relationship. Mikey doesn’t take it too well forcing all three to confront some demons.

Two weeks and two days. That was how long Frank had been living with them. One week and four days. That was how long Mikey had known about Derek’s abuse of Frank. In four weeks and three days there would be a civil case against Derek, Momma Way had gone through every channel she possibly could to get charges brought against the monster. Frank’s mother hadn’t spoken to him since the social worker had turned up on her door. Frank didn’t seem too upset; he mentioned that it was probably the first time she’d noticed he wasn’t there. Frank wasn’t in the least bit upset about his estrangement from his mother, or that everyone now knew about Derek. Once Frank had moved in to Gerard and Mikey’s house the school soon found out, seeing the bruise on Frank’s cheek and the still healing wound above his head it didn’t take many people long to figure out why.

Five days. It had been five whole days since Mikey had spoken to either Frank or Gerard. No, Frank didn’t mind loosing his mother, but having Mikey give him the cold shoulder was doing all sorts to Frank, and none of it was good. Mikey had ended up back at their grandparents the day Mikey stopped talking to them. Mikey wasn’t talking to Frank or Gerard for one reason only. They had finally come clean about their relationship. Mikey’s reaction had been shocking for all concerned.

“What?” Mikey had stood in the living room, Frank sitting on the sofa, Gerard sitting on the arm of the chair beside it. Momma Way and Pappa Way had gone out for the night, leaving their boys to have an evening to themselves. “How long? Do I even want to know?” Mikey hadn’t ever been one for shouting. When he had talked to Gerard about the right way to conduct himself around Mikey’s friends it had been calm tones with a hint of authority. Gerard wished for that then, even if it did mean another of those lectures. Instead Mikey was all wild hand gestures and loud voice; it didn’t suit Mikey’s character at all.

“Five weeks.” Gerard supplied, Frank spent the talk staring at his hands while Mikey stood in front of him. Gerard tried to keep an eye on Frank’s movements. He’d dropped a cup two days into his stay in the house; the fear in his eyes when Pappa Way had come to see what happened had stunned Gerard to his core. Pappa Way had noticed it too. The first thing he checked on was Frank, making sure there were no cuts or injuries before he simply gave Frank the dust pan and brush and asked that he please be more careful. Ever since then Gerard had become far more in tuned with Frank and his movements, hoping that he’d never feel that terror again in this house.

“Five weeks? Five whole weeks and you never told me?” Mikey had looked accusingly towards Frank at this, the smaller boy not looking up at all.

“How were we meant to bring it up Mikey? It didn’t get serious until the night Frank moved in.” Gerard defended; all he wanted was to keep Mikey’s attention away from Frank until the other boy could get a hold of himself. Going over and comforting Frank probably would’ve have been the brightest idea just then.

“You’ve been sneaking about for five weeks though. Five weeks and no one told me, you didn’t even think to let me know?” Mikey’s arms had swung around and Frank flinched slightly, Gerard almost moved to the sofa beside Frank, only just holding himself back. “My brother and my best friend, and neither of you told me?” This time Mikey’s hand swung too close to Frank’s face and Frank couldn’t stop the small whimper escaping his throat and flinching away from Mikey completely.

Mikey had stopped suddenly, stood frozen to the spot, staring at Frank wide eyed and his face turned red. Mikey whispered something that sounded a lot like ‘sorry’ before leaving the living room for his own bedroom and slamming the door. Gerard had been beside Frank instantly, slowly bringing a hand to Frank’s shoulder and coaxing him to lean into Gerard’s body. Frank relaxed against Gerard, the elder boy hugging the small frame close, waiting for the shaking to stop.

“He’s really mad.” Frank whispered into Gerard’s neck. Gerard couldn’t remember hearing Frank so small, even that night all the secrets were revealed and Frank opened up. But when Mikey had apparently been unaccommodating of Frank and Gerard, Frank had practically regressed to the day he moved in again. Quiet and shy and just waiting for the shoe to drop and for him to be kicked out.

“Don’t worry, he’ll come around.” Gerard had promised, knowing that some time Mikey would have to come around to it, because Gerard was not giving this up just so his little brother wouldn’t feel put out or whatever.

That had been five days ago. And Mikey had been really good with the silent treatment. Dinner wasn’t tense, Mikey would just converse with Momma Way while Frank sat and felt bad and Gerard got steadily more angry with Mikey. No one seemed to question when Frank started sleeping in Gerard’s room, the second night Mikey wasn’t talking to Frank the younger boy appeared at Gerard’s door with a blanket and pillow, muttering about Mikey and frost. Gerard had been happy to let Frank curl up in his bed. Waking up in the morning with a content Frank wrapped in his arms made it worth it.

But Mikey had managed to take the cold shoulder to school as well. Frank and Mikey were in three classes together, but you wouldn’t know it. Frank had caught Gerard after class one day and asked to sit with him at lunch, because Mikey was still ignoring him and Frank was tired of trying to appease him. Gerard had never seen this side of Mikey before, never knew that Mikey could be so childish and horrid to his supposed best friend.

On day six everything came to a head. Since Frank and Mikey had always been hanging around, and Frank had a reputation of being practically fearless when it came to fights, the jocks of the school had left poor little nerd Mikey and geeky little Frankie alone for the most part of the year. But Gerard knew they were like hyenas, but Mikey had apparently forgotten that fact in his self-righteous rage against Gerard and Frank.

It was a Thursday, after school when Frank, Mikey and Gerard were supposed to wait in the parking lot for Pappa Way to pick them up. Gerard was leaning against the small wall, waiting for Frank and Mikey when a commotion from behind him drew his attention. Mikey was on the grass, back pack beside him and several books strewn across the grass. Three jocks, who Gerard identified as Pete Callaghan, Roger Munich and Paul Groves, stood over Mikey laughing. Gerard had a short debate about whether or not to help Mikey out, the way he’d been acting Gerard almost felt like he could do with a beating.

“Where’s your little rottweiller?” Pete laughed, nudging his two cronies with a stupid smirk on his face. Mikey had made Gerard promise not to ruin his life at High School, which Gerard supposed meant that Mikey didn’t want big brother to fight his battles for him. But to let Mikey get pounded on by three jocks? Would that could as ruining his life? As it turned out, Gerard need not worry.

“Right here!” Gerard watched Pete turn around suddenly and then as Frank’s fist collided with Pete’s jaw solidly. Gerard smiled widely. Frank had a temper, but he rarely let go of it in a physical way. Gerard had never seen the younger boy throw a punch before.

In an attempt to avoid a repeat of the start of the year Pete ran off, Roger and Paul following quickly. Since Frank had broke several of Pete’s ribs at the start of the year people tended to avoid him. The fact that Frank had a busted face for a month didn’t stop that, Frank wore those injuries with pride, something that seemed to assist people in leaving him alone.

Gerard watched as Mikey dusted off his pants and picked up his books, Frank staring after the retreating jocks, fists still clenched. Maybe this would be what Mikey needed to finally stop acting like such an idiot.

“Why’d you do that?” Gerard heard the sullen tone in Mikey’s voice; Frank just heaved a sigh, rubbing his knuckles.

“Cause that’s what I’ve always done. I told you I’d watch your back Mikey, just because you’re being a girl doesn’t mean I’m gonna let them make mincemeat outta you.” Frank answered, going with his usual defence mechanism and throwing a jibe.

“Well maybe you should go and watch out for your new best friend Gerard.”

“Is that what this is about? I thought you’d be glad that we were getting along! We can all hang out together and not strangle each other. Gerard and I are getting along and everything.”

“But you’re sleeping with him.” Mikey hissed quietly.

“Yeah, cause I like him like that.” Frank hissed back. “But I play Resident Evil with you cause Gerard sucks at it. We’re learning guitar together. You tell me about Alicia and I don’t tell no one about that, and I tell you stuff that Gerard doesn’t know.” Frank answered back, regaining some of his calm. “I still have things I just do with you. I just do things with Gerard too.”

“I’m still your best friend?”


“And you’ll tell me everything from now on?”

“Yeah, well, almost everything. Don’t want to know about me and your brother, right?” Frank said with a teasing smile. “I’m sorry about not telling you about…about Derek. Okay? I just didn’t know what to say.”

“It’s okay.” Mikey was smiling again, and Gerard felt like a weight was lifted, like maybe he’d be able to enjoy what he had with Frank and have his little brother back.

“What you doing standing there boy?” Gerard turned to face his dad, noticing the car parked a few feet away.

“Hey Pappa, just waiting for…” Gerard turned back to Frank and Mikey, ready to shout them over to get moving, just in time to see a tall, burly man slap Frank to the ground before starting to kick at the small frame. Gerard and Pappa Way were running across the grass in an instant. Gerard pushed who he assumed to be Derek away from Frank, moving to stand between Frank’s fallen body and his assailant. What stunned Gerard was when Pappa Way, a man who hated violence, punch the other man right in the nose, standing directly in front of his elder son.

“I think you should leave before I do some permanent damage.” Slowly Derek backed away before quickly leaving the school grounds, only then did Gerard turn his back, kneeling next to Frank. Mikey was beside Frank, holding Frank’s head in his lap and using his own body to shield Frank away from the few people on the grounds. There was blood on Frank’s face, a red handprint on his cheek and Frank was curled up on himself, clutching his stomach tightly. “Frank,” Pappa Way joined them in a small huddle around Frank, “we need to get home and check him over.” Mikey and Frank helped Frank stand up, the moan of pain making Gerard pull Frank just a little bit closer.

They ignored the whispers and got Frank into the car, Mikey sitting in the back with Frank while Gerard watched from the front seat. Pappa Way took the quickest route home and may have broken just a few speed laws. Momma Way was all smiles when they opened the door, until she saw Frank. She made them lay him out on the sofa, asked Mikey to run next door and see if Martha, their doctor next door neighbour, was home. Gerard got the bandages and ice pack and a wet clothe to wipe away the blood. Pappa Way was in the kitchen, quietly talking on the phone and Gerard had a rough idea to just who he was talking to. Social Services had already been informed of Frank’s situation, Mrs Iero-Wilson hadn’t been home since before Frank moved in with the Way’s and no one had been able to contact her.

In the living room, Frank was trying to keep the whimpers and crying to a minimum, almost silent tears escaping his eyes and his body shaking from the pain. Momma Way started to clean Frank’s face, wiping away blood from what appeared to be a gash on his forehead, probably from when Frank hit the ground. Mikey came back inside, Martha hot on his heels and in the living room in a matter of seconds.

“Oh, my word.” She had a small first aid kit in her hand and Gerard and Mikey were shooed into the kitchen with Pappa Way while Martha and Momma Way tended to Frankie.

“He’ll be okay, right?” Mikey asked Pappa Way, big scared eyes and some of Frank’s blood stuck to his clothes and skin. Pappa Way just sighed, looking towards the living room and shrugging mildly.

“I don’t know, son. But we’ll do everything to help that, won’t we?” Mikey nodded firmly and Gerard gathered that any bad feelings had been completely pushed to the back of Mikey’s mind.

After a few minutes Pappa Way ventured into the living room in an attempt to get some information from the two women about their latest addition to the family. Mikey sat at the table, wringing his hands together and biting his lip. Gerard sighed and sat down beside Mikey, hands flat out on the wooden surface.

“You know, I think I already knew what happened.” Mikey whispered. “Frank never let me come over to his place, said I wouldn’t like it. He hated going home.” Gerard listened quietly, giving Mikey the time to process. “He loved it when his Dad would visit. He’s pretty cool.” There was a very long pause before Mikey looked up at Gerard, eyes pleading and that scared look still there. “What if I could’ve done something sooner? Frank always looks out for me, why couldn’t I do it for him? Why didn’t I notice?”

“You can’t think like that Mikey,” Gerard said, keeping his voice low and calm. If Mikey thought that Gerard was freaking out over this there would be no calming him. “We didn’t know for sure, and you can’t do things about this unless you know for sure. But Momma and Pappa know now, they can make sure it doesn’t happen anymore.” Gerard took Mikey’s hand in his. “We’ll take care of Frankie now.”

It was a pact between brothers and Gerard knew that they’d both do anything to make sure Frank never had to worry about Derek again.


When Martha stopped fussing over Frank with Momma it was near 6pm, Momma decided to make a quick dinner while Pappa Way went out for a quick errand. The whispered conversation between Momma and Pappa told Gerard that it was much more than that. Frank had been cleared for movement, his stomach pain being just because of the kick to the gut and not a more serious break to any ribs. The three boys ended up in Gerard’s room, TV switched on to the Sci-Fi channel for a Star Trek movie marathon. Mikey and Gerard lay on the bed either side of Frank, who ended up sort of sprawled over Gerard’s chest with his legs under Mikey’s. After a debate over who was the best Captain - Piccard or Kirk - they settled into the Wrath of Kahn with content. Frank had been put under strict orders not to sleep, the knock to his head leaving the possibility of a concussion. Martha had documented every cut and bruise and scheduled Frank for a visit on Friday after school to get checked over properly. The cut on his head had been stitched and covered, the slap mark having disappeared now and leaving just a small bruise at the top of Frank’s jaw.

“Boys! Dinner.” They moved upstairs quickly, taking their places around the table. Momma Way fixed Mikey’s t-shirt collar as she passed, smoothed down Gerard’s hair and then fixed Frank’s hair to the side properly before taking her own seat. Mikey and Gerard rolled their eyes while Frank just beamed happily.

“Where’s Pappa?” Mikey asked, indicating towards the vacant chair with the place set up for their father.

“He’ll be home shortly.” Momma answered before diverting the conversation and distracting them. They planned the weekend and a shopping trip to pick up some items for Frank, conversation shifted from topic to topic and when Pappa Way came home it seemed a little easier too.

“Boys, why don’t you clear the table and wash up?” Pappa suggested, Gerard knew that the suggestion didn’t need to be made; Mikey and Frank seemed to love washing the dishes just for the look of gratitude on Momma’s face.

“Tags washing.” Frank said, carrying some plates through to the kitchen while Mikey and Gerard got the rest.

“Yeah, you can wash; I’ll get the box so you can reach the sink.” Gerard teased, following him in with Mikey behind.

“You’re so funny.” Frank shot back, sticking out his tongue and Gerard couldn’t resist stealing a quick kiss. Frank leaned into the kiss, following Gerard as he pulled away before Frank himself pulled back and turned around. Mikey made a gagging noise beside Gerard.

“Get a room.” He muttered.

“We would, but you’ll moan about washing the dishes yourself.” Frank started filling up the sink and Gerard could do little but laugh. Mikey just huffed loudly before breaking into a grin. Gerard shook his head and left Mikey and Frank to soap up while he got the rest of the table cleared.

“They’ve issued a warrant and we’ve got an order that states he can’t come within 100 yards of Frank, but they haven’t found his mother yet.” Gerard stopped short when he heard his father’s low voice, what was probably a private conversation. He shouldn’t eavesdrop, but it was about Frank, that much he knew.

“Social services are coming on Monday,” Momma said, “that boy is not going into the system. No way.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll be okay.” Pappa sounded sure of it, and Momma trusted Pappa when he sounded like that.

“You’re gonna move Frank in officially?” Gerard asked, standing in the door way. Momma wiped her eyes quickly, standing up and moving towards her eldest boy.

“We’re going to try, Gerard.”

“Mikey and I will help, we can tell them how great you are, everyone knows.” Gerard offered, looking between his parents. “They wouldn’t take Frank away if they knew he was happy here, right?” Momma just nodded with a smile, giving Gerard’s shoulders a squeeze.

“Don’t you worry; your Pappa and I will fix everything.” Gerard had never doubted his mother, he wasn’t about to start now.


At midnight Gerard was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. He couldn’t stop thinking, he couldn’t get to sleep. Everything from the day seemed to be catching up with him and all he could think about was Frank being taken away from them. What if Social Services or Child Services didn’t let him stay? What if his mother came back and contended it? It was just too much possibility that Frank could end up somewhere else and unhappy.

At quiet knock on the door drew Gerard’s attention. Making his way over to the door, Gerard opened it to find Frank standing there, much like he did four days ago. There was a sheepish smile on Frank’s face though, not like when Mikey had forced him out and anger and hurt had been his facial expressions for the duration of the night.

“Couldn’t sleep.” Frank supplied needlessly. Just before ten that night, Mikey had asked Frank what room he wanted to sleep in. Frank gave Gerard a smile before telling Mikey that he’d like to room with him again. Mikey was happy with it, and Gerard understood that it was the start of them rebuilding their friendship. But clearly Frankie was just as restless as Gerard.

Gerard let Frank into the room, closing the door quietly behind him. Frank shuffled along slowly, glancing around the room like usual and biting on his lip. Gerard could guess that maybe it was a little more than just restlessness keeping Frank up. Gerard smiled and moved up behind Frankie, resting his head on Frank’s shoulder and wrapping his arms around Frank’s waist. Frank leaned back into Gerard’s embrace, sighing and holding on to Gerard’s hands.

Gerard really liked how easy Frank fitted into his body, their legs were roughly the same length, Gerard just had a little more which gave him the height advantage. But Frank’s back fit perfectly into Gerard’s chest, and Gerard had just the right extra height to rest his head on Frank’s shoulder and bring their cheeks together. Gerard didn’t think it could be more perfect. Frank pulled back a little from Gerard’s embrace before turning and pressing close again. Frank’s arms wound around Gerard’s neck, hands behind Gerard’s head to pull him down for a kiss.

Gerard smiled against Frank’s lips, walking them backwards to the mattress while letting Frank kiss at his face. Gerard pulled Frank’s t-shirt up and over his head, breaking them apart for a moment. Frank returned the favour, pulling at Gerard’s t-shirt and tossing it away. Gerard ran his hands over Frank’s torso, fingers tracing softly at the bruising, Frank looked down sadly, watching Gerard’s hands.

“I’m sorry.” Gerard whispered.

“For what?” Frank moved closer, running his hands up Gerard’s chest to his shoulders.

“I promised not to let him hurt you again.” Gerard could shake the feeling of responsibility, he told Frank that this was behind them, and yet Frank just went through it all again.

“It’s not your fault,” Frank murmured, lips pressing against Gerard’s softly. “He’s an asshole, you showed me that.” Frank pulled back and heaved a sigh. “But I know that in the long run I’m safe, right? I’m here with you and Mikey and your mom and dad.” Frank smiled again, just a small ghost of his usually toothy grin.

“Yeah, and it’ll all be alright.” Gerard said, cupping Frank’s cheek and pulling him close for another kiss. Frank leaned into the kiss, pressing his chest against Gerard’s. Gerard lowered them down to the mattress, mouth moving to kiss along Frank’s jaw. Frank moaned and arched up into the contact, hands running across Gerard’s skin, anywhere he could touch.

Gerard kissed down Frank’s throat, moving down across his chest, placing kisses over the bruised skin. His hands moved to Frank’s boxers, dragging them down his hips and off. Frank’s hands tangling in Gerard’s hair, his hips arching up as Gerard trailed his lips across Frank’s sharp hipbones. Gerard looked up at Frank before slowly licking down to Frank’s erection.

“Shit, Gee…” Frank moaned low and loud as Gerard took the head of Frank’s erection into his mouth, tongue stroking along the underside. Frank hitched his hips, pushing up and Gerard had to grip them and push him back down, moving to take more of Frank’s cock into his mouth. Hollowing his cheeks out and bobbing his head slightly Gerard started to take more into his mouth before drawing back, tongue trailing against the sensitive flesh. The grip on his hair tightened and Frank’s noises were becoming incoherent. Gerard doubled his efforts, ignoring the sting in his scalp as Frank pulled his hair, ignoring the ache in his jaw and focusing completely on Frank.

“Gerard, please, so close.” Gerard hummed at the back of his throat, coaxing Frank to the edge. “I’m…Gerard, God.” Frank tensed and Gerard felt the heavy spill of liquid on his tongue. Gerard swallowed around Frank, listening to Frank’s soft moans and heavy breathing. The grip on his hair loosened, Frank’s fingers dislodging as he started to pet at Gerard’s hair. Gerard started moving kisses across Frank’s hips, moving back up his chest. Frank sighed as Gerard carefully hovered over Frank and kissed his lips again.

“Hmm, y’know I think I’m in love with you.” Frank murmured quietly, Gerard froze above Frank. The other male leaning up and pressing a kiss to Gerard’s lips then his chin and neck. Gerard pulled away and looked down at Frank.


“Hmm?” Frank’s eyes were big, brown taking up almost all of his eye and his cheeks were pink, the still healing cuts were practically indistinguishable on his skin.

“What did you just say?” Gerard kept eye contact with Frank, hoping against hope that it wasn’t just a post-orgasm slip of the tongue. Gerard could cope with a lot of this, but this probably wasn’t one of them.

“I um…” Frank blushed and looked away, nibbling his lip a little. “I think…I think I might be in love with you?” Gerard smiled, leaning down and kissing Frank.

“Good, cause I might be in love with you too.”


“Really.” Frank beamed with his huge toothy grin and Gerard couldn’t help but grin back. “I’ve never felt like this before.” He admitted, looking away again. Gerard just kissed him again, pulling him close and petting at Frank’s hair. Gerard pulled him up to the top of the mattress, discarding his boxers and pulling the cover over them. “What about…” Gerard just shook his head.

“Later,” Gerard whispered, “this was about you.” Frank nodded, head resting against Gerard’s shoulder. “Think you’ll be able to sleep?” Frank nodded again, sighing against Gerard.

“With you here.” Gerard rolled them over, Frank on his side and Gerard spooned behind him.

“I’ll be here all night.” Gerard pressed a kiss to Frank’s shoulder before settling in for a night of comfortable sleep.


Clearly, there is room for more.
I'm going to see where this little series takes me.

Thank you to everyone who has commented and read it.
Comments continue to make me write.

pairing: gerard/frank, character: mikey way, genre: slash, series: high school au, character: gerard way, rating: nc-17, warning: child abuse, warning: rps, fandom: mcr, warning: au, character: frank iero, author: torncorpse

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