Gimme all Your Lovin’ [all your hugs and kisses too] [Gerard/Frank] NC-17

Feb 12, 2008 22:20

Title: Gimme all Your Lovin’ [all your hugs and kisses too]
Author: vampire_heart/insomniacs_home
Pairing: Gerard/Frank
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,877
Warnings: Slash, RPS, AU
AN: for 10_cliche_fics table, prompt ‘Sex Pollen’.
High School AU Fic. [does that count as another cliché?]
Table is here

Okay so, high school, Frank is a freshman, Gerard is a senior. This one mentions it. So there is underage intercourse. You have been warned.
I was talking to Jess, and we came up with one plot for this, and then this one came along and refused to not be written. So Jess, our other story will be written for you later -along with the million other ones I’m trying to write for you.

Part two of High School AU, follows Cover me in Gasoline. The two are standalones however, you don’t need to read the first one, but it’d be nice for me.

Summary: Frank and Gerard are paired on a science project for the Jersey High School Annual Fair. In competition with all the other schools, Gerard gets ambitious and Frank gets…horny?
[slightly different take on sex pollen, more like the 'chemicals between us' deal]

On a personal note, my last posted story got the 'omg, that's gross, ew.' response. Dude, I've told you what is in it. If you don't like it, don't read it.

Gerard knew that the fates were playing cruel tricks on him now. In the past week Frank had been paraded in front of Gerard almost everywhere he turned. Even with the other boy being a freshman, and Gerard being a senior, Frank seemed to turn up everywhere Gerard was. The annoying thing was that it really wasn’t Frank’s fault, although the blush on Frank’s cheeks every time their eyes met was definitely worth it.

During Geometry Frank had found his way into the class to talk to the teacher, both stood at the front of the class facing the wall, Gerard had a truly wonderful view of Frank’s ass. During English Lit Frank had burst in the door to inform Miss McKay that someone had set her car on fire, again. The breathless boy had been flushed and panting and Gerard could imagine getting that reaction for a completely different reason.

It wasn’t even just class time when Gerard found himself being haunted. Frank seemed to be round at the house far more often now, hanging out with Mikey and occasionally staying the night. Their lockers were four away from each other, Frank only made stops at his locker when completely necessary, but it seemed the boy was forgetting a lot of things lately.

And now they had the annual school fair. For some reason Mr Hobbs thought it was a good idea to pair freshmen and seniors on projects and this year Gerard managed to be paired with none other than Frank Iero. It was a cruel, cruel joke, he was sure of it. It was hard enough to keep his hands off Frank, now that Gerard knew about those sweet little noises, knew what Frank looked like while he was a panting, writhing mess of pleasure. Gerard wanted a repeat, he wanted more. But so far Frank hadn’t shown any interest other than his little blushes whenever he ended up alone in a room with Gerard.

Gerard and Frank were simply to make up the chemical components for part of the ‘Natural Disasters’ model. Mikey had been partnered with Ray, one of Gerard’s classmates, to work out how to make an earthquake. There was supposed to be a tornado as well but Gerard didn’t understand anything Bob or Alicia had said when they were working on it.

Frank took the seat next to Gerard, maintaining eye contact with the table and nothing else. He slowly removed his fingerless skeleton gloves, tucking them in his back pack before removing his jacket and sitting it on the floor with his bag. Gerard just watched with mild amusement. “So, erm, what have we to…what’s the plan?” Frank still didn’t look at him, appearing rather uncomfortable and agitated. It was equal parts annoying and cute.

“Just mix ‘em up.” Gerard said, indicating at the chemicals in front of them. The entire process bored him; there was no need for the huge song and dance over the stupid fair. Why everyone had to be involved Gerard didn’t know, the person who was making the volcano could simply mix baking soda and vinegar with food colouring. But it had to be a team effort.

Frank read over the instructions, one eyebrow rising the further he got through the sheet of paper. Gerard watched the act, Frank’s lips moved as he read, tongue darting out to wet his lips occasionally, one finger trailing down the page to mark his place. He wasn’t exactly fascinating, but it was interesting to just watch Frank.

“This is it?” Frank asked, looking up at Gerard for the first time. Gerard knew that Frank wasn’t a science nerd; Frank was everything but a science nerd. He blew off so many classes that Gerard was surprised there hadn’t been formal action taken against him; Mikey was the only thing that kept Frank’s grades below dismal in Chemistry and Physics. “I can do this.” Frank said with a smile, taking the appropriate beakers out of the shelves and starting the set up. “Mikey always shows me his workings on the projects he gets to do, so I know the basic stuff, but since that one time at the start of the year I don’t really like when the teachers give me stuff to do. It’s not really that I don’t like the classes; I just don’t see the point in them. I’m never going to need chemistry in the real world anyway, not for what I’m going to do.”

Gerard had long ago discovered that Frank babbled to keep himself grounded. Gerard had walked in on Mikey and Frank in the kitchen doing homework on time and Grampa Way had asked a strange question which triggered Frank’s reflex babbling. The entire family loved Frankie. He was over at Thanksgiving, he was invited to every birthday - even Gerard’s - he popped over at Christmas one time just to give Gerard and Mikey’s parents a small Christmas present he’d made. The spice rack sat in the kitchen proudly beside Mikey’s mug holder. Apparently the end of Work Shop resulted in woodwork.

“So why skip class?” Gerard asked, measuring out the required chemicals. He really wished they’d just use vinegar and baking soda.

“The smell gets to me.” Frank answered simply. “I sneezed through three practical tests before I figured it out; the smell from most of these chemicals irritates my nose.” It was such a simple thing, and Gerard wondered why Frank didn’t just tell his parents and get him excused from the practical part of science.

“So…what if these irritate your nose?” Gerard asked, teasingly thrusting the uncorked beaker at Frank.

“Dude!” Frank nearly fell off his chair in an attempt to avoid the glass jar, but laughed while doing it. “I’ll just sneeze all over you.” Things were fall less tense, and Gerard didn’t mind the way that Frank still avoided contact with him, because the gentle teasing and easy conversation made up for it. They managed to find things to talk about, bands they liked, movies, even cartoons. As it turned out they both had a fondness for old horror movies, and Frank’s new addiction was badly dubbed Japanese horrors. Gerard had happily sat and listened to Frank gush about how awesome the death scenes were and how freaky some of the movies were.

“What do you think would happen if you mixed all the possible volcanic chemicals together?” Gerard asked after they’d run the experiment and set up their timer set volcanic eruption.

“What do you mean?” Frank asked, goggles sitting on top of his head, messing up his jet black hair. It was too cute to not smile at.

“I mean like…these,” Gerard’s hand movement indicated all the chemicals they had strewn across the bench, “mixed with baking soda and vinegar and with potassium and water.” Gerard explained. “How massive an eruption would that make?”

“It was you who blew up the boys toilets at the start of the year with the dry ice, wasn’t it.” Frank accused; a small smile on his face while he appeared serious.

“That…no. I had nothing to do with that.” Gerard answered, his own smirk contradicting his words. “But don’t you wanna find out?” Gerard asked, steering the conversation back to his proposal.

“I guess.” Frank seemed unsure, lip ring between his teeth as he frowned slightly. “We’re attempting to gain knowledge, and in order to gain this knowledge we need to run the experiment to find out just what happens. Right? It’s educational.” Frank was evidently convincing himself and Gerard found it easy to allow Frank to just do all the convincing while he just nodded. “No trouble there.” Gerard shook his head, already prepared to start the mixing.

Frank got the baking soda and vinegar while Gerard picked out a rather large piece of potassium from the storage cupboard. Gerard hadn’t had a science partner humour him before. Usually Bert would complain about extra work, leaving Gerard with nothing to do and questions about possibilities flitting around his brain. Frank had everything on the table when Gerard came back with the slate of potassium.

“Ready?” Gerard asked, watching Frank nod once. They both mixed the chemicals simultaneously, the baking soda and vinegar reacting as fast as the chemical components and the potassium caused a wild spread of foam and fixing. Frank squeaked slightly when the liquids started fixing over the side of the beaker, Gerard trying to find something that would contain it, accidentally knocking over a vial of green liquid. When the green liquid mixed with the ‘volcanic’ foam the spurting was almost instantaneous. Gerard was hit with green foam while Frank ducked from a shot of the stuff. The fizzing eventually stopped, the foam just running over the side of the glass and over the table while the green substance started to stain the table.

“Well that was…pointless.” Frank murmured, grabbing a handful of paper towels to clean up the mess. Gerard just shook his head, looking at the mess on the front of his shirt. The green stuff had a strange odour, and Gerard was just glad it wasn’t something acidic. That could’ve been troublesome. “I hope that wasn’t someone’s project.” Frank interjected as Gerard passed him on the way to the sink, noticing Frank’s fascination with the green stain on his shirt as he walked by.

Gerard washed off his hands, grateful that the chemicals didn’t burn or itch. Frank was right, it was pretty pointless, and the reaction wasn’t anything spectacular either. Gerard tried not to jump when hands ended up under his shirt, nimble fingers stroking against his warm skin. He hadn’t even heard Frank move, and Frank was anything but subtle. Gerard felt Frank’s compact body press to his back, hands still skimming over heated flesh underneath his shirt, and Gerard leaned back against the smaller body, feeling Frank’s warm breath on his neck. It was the first contact since the dark room, the first time Frank had even allowed himself into Gerard’s personal space.

“Feel good.” Frank murmured against Gerard’s neck. The elder male turned around, trying to get a look at Frank to find out why the sudden change, from uncomfortable, to comfortable but tense, to molesting. Instead, Frank pressed up and close, pressing Gerard back and catching Gerard’s lips with his own. Gerard’s surprise allowed Frank the time to slip his tongue into Gerard’s mouth, stroking designingly against Gerard’s tongue while the older male held onto the sink behind him.

Gerard gave up trying to rationalise Frank’s sudden change, choosing instead to just enjoy the attention that Frank was now giving him, his hands moving to Frank’s waist and pulling him in tight and pressing their erections together. Frank moaned in Gerard’s mouth, his own hands moving to Gerard’s waist, swiftly starting to undo Gerard’s belt and undo his pants. When Frank dropped to his knees and yanked Gerard’s pants down, Gerard’s brain short circuited.

“Jesus Christ, stop.” Gerard caught Frank’s wrists just as he was about to remove Gerard’s boxers. “What are you doing?” Gerard asked, somewhat out of breath and desperately tempted to just let Frank go.

“It’s not obvious?” Frank asked, looking up at Gerard through dark eyelashes. Just looking at Frank; on his knees, lips swollen and pink from kissing, the big brown eyes looking up at him from behind those sinfully long lashes, Gerard felt himself get harder just from looking.

“Fuck,” Gerard tried not to buck up when Frank nuzzled at Gerard’s cock through his boxers. The hot air sent a blaze of heat up his spine, the burning need to feel those luscious lips around his cock nearly all consuming. “Why?”

“Don’t you want me to?” Frank asked, voice suddenly small and unsure, Gerard released one wrist to run his hand through soft hair in a soothing manner.

“Gods yes,” Gerard couldn’t lie if he tried. All he could think about was how glorious it would feel, having Frank suck him, fuck that mouth. But the turn around was just too sudden for Gerard to not feel some traces of guilt over it. “But what do you want?” If they both wanted it there would be no problem, it would be mutual release, just like last week.

“Want it, want you so bad.” Frank murmured, mouth directly above Gerard’s cock, one hand on Gerard’s hip while the other was being held in Gerard’s grip, just above Gerard’s waist. “Smell so good, need to do something, please?” Frank’s ramble shook off Gerard’s last vestiges of self restraint, releasing Frank’s other wrist and holding to the back of Frank’s head.

Gerard’s boxers joined his pants on the floor, Frank running his hands up Gerard’s legs before licking tentatively at Gerard’s hard cock. Gerard suddenly had the fleeting wondering of whether Frank had ever done this before or not. But at that precise moment in time Frank took the head of Gerard’s erection into his mouth and suckled lightly, slowly taking more into his mouth as Gerard moaned above him at the utter bliss. Frank bobbed his head, tongue trailing along the underside of Gerard’s cock as Frank drew back before taking the length back into his mouth. Gerard’s fingers tightened on the back of Frank’s head, moans falling from his lips as Frank teased the reactions from him.

Gerard couldn’t help but thrust slightly into the warm cavern of Frank’s mouth, hands holding Frank’s head still as he gave shallow thrusts into the eager mouth. Gerard started with small jerks, watching Frank for discomfort before growing bolder, pressing further into Frank’s mouth, drawing out slower. Frank tightened his mouth, suckling harder on Gerard’s erection while moaning at the back of his throat. Gerard groaned at the feelings, the vibrations from Frank’s throat carrying up his erection, the pressure causing the coiling in his gut to tighten. He knew he was close, and when Frank pressed forward until Gerard was pressed against the back of his throat, the elder boy knew the end was close.

“God, Frankie,” Gerard pulled back from Frank’s mouth, understanding that a blow job was one thing, swallowing was a completely different ballpark. “Gonna come.” All Gerard managed was a whisper, but he knew that Frank should’ve heard him. When Gerard tried to draw away Frank followed, his grip on Gerard’s hip tightening while he continued to suckle. Gerard moaned loudly, unable to hold back and coming in Frank’s mouth. Frank didn’t let up, merely working through it and swallowing as much as possible, some escaping his mouth to trail down his chin. Gerard groaned again from the sight, hand cupping Frank’s cheek and pulling him away and to his feet. Gerard ran his thumb over Frank’s chin, cleaning it up before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to Frank’s lips.

Frank rubbed against Gerard’s thigh, whimpering slightly, until Gerard turned them around, careful not to trip over his boxers and pants. It was easy to slip his hand in Frank’s pants, the loose garment allowing quick access. Gerard took Frank’s hard length in hand and slowly started to stroke, watching Frank’s eyes flutter closed as he bucked into the hand, thrusting in jerky movements and whimpering softly. Blunt fingers dug into Gerard’s arms while Frank’s breathing started to get erratic; his moans louder and thrusts into Gerard’s hands faster. Gerard leant down, teeth closing over the soft skin of Frank’s neck.

A loud groan broke free just as Frank came in Gerard’s hand, one hand moving to the back of Gerard’s head as he continued to mark Frank’s neck. The younger boy rode out his orgasm while clutching to Gerard. Gerard drew back slowly, inspecting the nice, dark bruise on Frank’s neck, smiling at the stark contrast on the flawless skin. Frank was flushed and dazed, eyes blown wide and mouth swollen and pink. Gerard pressed another kiss to Frank’s lips before both attempted to straighten themselves up and not look like they’d just been having sex.

Frank stayed leaning against the sink after he’d adjusted himself and Gerard wondered how uncomfortable his pants and boxers were. Gerard inspected the green stain that had now dried on his shirt and wondered mildly if the chemicals were what affected Frank. If some made his nose itch, surly others would have different effects. Deciding not to dwell on it Gerard looked around the class room.

“Are you…are you doing anything after school?” Gerard asked, looking back to Frank who still hadn’t moved. “You fancy coming over to the house?”

“Mikey’s working at Ray’s.”

“I know. Do you want to come over to the house with me?” Gerard tried again. Frank seemed shocked, but nodded slightly, a tiny hint of a smile on his face. “Cool, let’s clean this stuff up and head off.”

“Can we stop by my locker first?” Frank asked, moving away from the sink with stiff movements. “I need a change.” Gerard just laughed, but conceded, helping clear up while sneaking covert glances at Frank’s ass.

When they eventually left the building, Gerard threw his arm over Frank’s shoulders and was pleased when the other boy didn’t flinch away. Things were starting to look up. Maybe those Gods of fate had a plan after all.


Comments are love.

pairing: gerard/frank, genre: slash, series: high school au, character: gerard way, rating: nc-17, warning: rps, fandom: mcr, warning: au, character: frank iero, author: torncorpse

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