I’ve Waited For All My Life [to be here with you tonight] [Gerard/Frank] NC-17

Feb 14, 2008 17:22

Title: I’ve Waited For All My Life [to be here with you tonight]
Author: vampire_heart/insomniacs_home
Pairing: Gerard/Frank
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,027
Warnings: Slash, RPS, AU
AN: for 10_cliche_fics table, prompt ‘Sexual Healing’.
High School AU Fic. [does that count as another cliché?]
Okay so, high school, Frank is a freshman, Gerard is a senior. This one mentions it. So there is underage intercourse. You have been warned.
Second warning and this is a biggie. This deals with child abuse. You have been warned.

Part three of High School AU, the penultimate story, previous parts can be read as singular stories but go better together.
Part 1. Cover me in Gasoline
Part 2. Gimme All Your Lovin'
Table of Prompts

Summary: Frank’s never been forthcoming on information about his home life. So when he turns up at the Way household in the middle of the night with no explanation, questions need to be answered. Can Gerard help?

The first time Frank Iero showed up on the doorstep of his new friend Mikey Way there hadn’t been many questions. Frank had simply stated that his mom and step-dad were fighting again; Momma Way had herded the boy inside and made him a cup of hot cocoa while Pappa Way made up a sleeping bag in Mikey’s room.

The second time was more planned. Frank asked Mikey if he could stay at his house that morning at school, his mom was out of town on business and he didn’t like staying in with his step-dad. Momma Way liked having little Frank over, Frank helped do the dishes and listened to stories Momma Way told him and Mikey while they were doing their homework. Frank had been given an open invitation to the Way household.

At the time it had annoyed Gerard slightly. Frank was always around as it was, and at that time Gerard and Frank were colder to each other than an iceberg passing a ship. Gerard didn’t like having Frank around, because Mikey spent all his time with Frank and wouldn’t sit and watch TV or play video games with Gerard unless Frank could sit with them too. The few times that Frank had agreed to sit with Gerard the elder boy was sure it was just to let Mikey hang out with his brother. Frank would sit quietly and just watch the game they played or the show they watched, not talking much and allowing both Way’s to forget he was in the room.

Frank was good at making himself disappear. He did it in classes, he did it during Gym, he was really good at it when there was a pep rally or some fundraiser at school. Frank could be one of two people in the room and still manage to become invisible. Unless you antagonised him, something Gerard had gotten very good at over the last year. Frank didn’t like getting teased about his height, or his intellect. You didn’t mention Frank’s music tastes unless you were prepared for a well thought out argument featuring words half the senior class didn’t understand and metaphors that would confuse you for weeks. Saying the Frank Iero was passionate about music would be an understatement. Gerard knew -through Mikey- that Frank’s dad was a musician, Frank had grown up around music and bands, when his parents were still married they’d taken him around to all the gigs his dad played, the thrill of live music had stayed with Frank throughout life.

But the one thing you never hit at Frank with was his family. Frank was an only child, his father moving from state to state with a struggling band that Gerard had heard of in passing and through the bumper sticker Frank had inside his locker. Frank’s mom had remarried, giving Frank the step-dad he seemingly didn’t like. Gerard had never gotten the impression that Frank had an unhappy home, but he did understand that it wasn’t exactly happy. Frank was amazed the first time he’d stayed at the Way’s for dinner. They’d sat around the table, talking and laughing with each other like a family and Frank had been obviously uncomfortable at being included in such a personal affair.

But when Frank showed up at 3am on a rainy Thursday morning, a bruise forming on his cheek, a cut above his eye and a busted lip, Momma Way had become a lioness with a cub. Gerard had been sent for blankets and a hot water bottle, Pappa Way was fixing up the first aid kit while Momma Way had Frank in the living room on the sofa and curled up in her lap like he was three. Gerard was grateful that Mikey was at their grandparents for the week for some sort of math competition. Seeing Frank like this would knock Mikey for six, and Frank didn’t need that.

When Gerard got back to the living room with the bundle of warm towels and a hot water bottle that needed filled, Frank was still on Momma Way’s lap, sitting there loosely while the woman petted his soaking wet hair and tried to get some warmth into the small frame. Momma Way slowly pulled away from Frank when Gerard placed the towels on the sofa, taking the hot water bottle and heading into the kitchen, Gerard was left with the task of getting Frank out of his sodden wet clothes. The t-shirt was threadbare, soaked through and Frank’s skin was a dangerously white colour, Gerard was surprised it hadn’t gone blue. Frank shivered violently and Gerard pulled a towel around the other boy’s shoulders, rubbing at his arms to try and get some heat into Frank’s body. Frank’s hair was stuck to his face, that stark contrast of black hair against pale white skin making look younger and far more afraid.

Pappa Way bustled into the living room with the small box of bandages and creams that Gerard and Mikey had needed when they skinned their knees as kids. Frank flinched just a little when Pappa Way pressed the antiseptic wipe to the cut above Frank’s eye, wiping at the blood and cleaning the cut. The small skin toned bandage was carefully placed over the cut, everyone moving as slowly as they’d allow themselves around Frank, the scared, wild look in his eyes worrying them all. They couldn’t let Frank get skittish and leave, not in this weather or like this.

It was unanimously agreed that Frank couldn’t be on his own, and Gerard was the only person he didn’t seem to baulk from. Getting a change of clothes was simple, Gerard’s jogging bottoms being a little long but suitable, and one of Mikey’s t-shirts served to keep Frank warm and slightly comforted. Gerard had opted to just have Frank sleep in his room, rather than both of them lying on the floor in Mikey’s or in the living room. Frank followed blindly; clutching the hot water bottle Momma Way had given his as they headed down to the basement that Gerard called his room. Gerard knew that there would be many questions fired at Frank tomorrow, along with phone calls the Momma Way wouldn’t be dissuaded from, but for now Gerard just hoped he could calm Frank enough for them both to sleep some.

Thankfully Gerard had a large bed. The double mattress lying in the middle of the floor with the sheets pulled over and a duvet on top. Frank took a moment or two to adjust, and Gerard didn’t push him to hurry or touch him while he stared off to space. When Gerard chanced touching Frank’s shoulder the younger boy moved into the contact, stepping towards Gerard and sighing slightly. Gerard guided Frank to the bed, laying him down and covering him up before moving around to slide in the other side. The moment Gerard pulled the duvet over himself Frank shifted in the bed, turning to face Gerard and pressing close, his chest against Gerard’s side.

Frank didn’t go all the way over to Gerard, as if afraid that he’d over step a boundary. Gerard made things easier, moving his arm under Frank’s head and coaxing him closer. Frank moved in enough to rest his head on Gerard’s chest, the hot water bottle pressed to Gerard’s side and squashed under Frank’s stomach. Gerard brought his other arm over Frank, holding the younger boy in a loose embrace and waiting until the soft lull of Frank’s steady breathing indicated that he was asleep, only then did Gerard allow himself to fall asleep.


Gerard woke before Frank the next morning, still in the same position as the night before only Frank’s hand had curled around Gerard’s t-shirt in a fist. Gerard had one hand by the small of Frank’s back, slowly drawing back and forth to rub at the now warm body through the shirt, his other hand resting on Frank’s arm, fingers underneath the sleeve of his shirt to reach the smooth flesh. The younger boy seemed completely at peace and relaxed.

And Gerard knew that it was Frank’s erection poking his side.

Frank didn’t seem to be stirring, or even close to waking up. The bruise on his cheek standing out so very clear against his pale skin, his lip slightly swollen around the small cut. Gerard ran his fingers through Frank’s hair, enjoying just having Frank there. They hadn’t really done the cuddling after sex thing; their first encounter had been so sudden that both had been pretty surprised by the passion. But the hour and a half before the janitor let them out of the dark room had been spent kissing and groping and Gerard could honestly say that Frankie was nothing if not responsive. After the ‘volcano lava’ project Frank had been far more at ease around Gerard, and Gerard felt better about that. They’d gone back to Gerard’s house, Momma Way so happy that Gerard was getting along with Frank now, and played video games in between making out. When Mikey came home the three of them watched crap movies or played Super Mario until Frank conceded that he had to go home.

Between then and now Frank and Gerard had quite a clandestine affair going on. Mikey didn’t seem to have a clue, even when Frank took almost fifteen minutes to go to the loo because Gerard had caught Frank before he returned to Mikey and had a little make out session on the landing. They had been pretty adventurous as well. Hand jobs in the locker room after school, visits to the storage cupboard or dark room between classes. Frank had even given Gerard a quick kiss on the lips after school on his way home. Gerard could actually see what started out as harmless fun going some place. So long as Frank would open up and just tell him what the hell was happening at home.

By half eight Momma Way had already popped her head in the door and told Gerard that he and Frank were staying home from school today, while Momma Way and Pappa Way were out at work Gerard was to take good care of Frank and talk to him. Momma Way was counting on Gerard. Long ago Gerard had realised how lucky he was to have two awesome parents and one awesome brother. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Frank wasn’t that lucky.

Frank started to stir near nine that morning, nuzzling into Gerard’s chest before freezing, his whole body tensing. Gerard stroked fingers through Frank’s hair and rubbed his hand up and down Frank’s back, slowly easing the other boy to relax. Frank relaxed completely once he noticed that it was Gerard he was lying with. Gerard continued with the soft petting, running his hands over as much of Frank’s body as he could.

“’m sorry.” Frank’s words were muffled against Gerard’s chest, the smaller body not relinquishing his hold on Gerard’s shirt and not looking up. Gerard wasn’t sure how good it was that Frank was comforted by this, things really could go either way.

“What for?” Gerard kept his voice low, knowing that his parents were now away but deciding that Frank would cope better with quiet.

“Flaking. Showing up on the doorstep at …”

“Three in the morning.” Gerard supplied, not meaning to make Frank feel bad but simply point out the time. “I think we’d rather you turned up here at three in the morning rather than at the hospital with pneumonia.” Gerard said, his lips moving against the top of Frank’s head. “Momma always say’s you’re more than welcome here.” There was silence for a while, Gerard continuing to just pet Frank, Frank just snuggling into Gerard.

“Are you gonna talk about it?” Gerard eventually asked, there was no way the Frank would just open up, Gerard understood that perfectly. He had a speculation as to just what happened in the Frank’s house, but he had to hear it from Frank for either of them to work through it. Having a boyfriend with issues wasn’t a problem for Gerard, and he suddenly wondered when Frank had turned into his boyfriend.

“It’s nothing.” Frank murmured quietly, clutching tighter to Gerard. The elder boy rolled them slightly, putting Frank on his back and dislodging the hot water bottle. Gerard tossed the now cold bottle to the floor, leaning over Frank a little and tracing his fingers gently around the bruise on Frank’s cheek. Frank wouldn’t make eye contact with Gerard, eyes locked on the ceiling just behind Gerard’s head.

“This isn’t nothing.” Gerard whispered, lips moving to trace where his fingers had just been, hoping that maybe he could kiss away the hurt. Frank sighed at the contact, one hand on Gerard’s shoulder, the other at Gerard’s hip. It was easy for Gerard to lean over slightly and take Frank’s lips in a soft kiss, the other boy responding instantly, pressing up to kiss Gerard back, mouth opening to Gerard’s tongue and tangling together slowly. Gerard kept the pace slow, enjoying the long lazy kisses, hands trailing under Frank’s shirt to just run across the warm skin. Frank was fairly submissive, something Gerard hadn’t really experienced from the other boy. Frank was all energy, passion and drive. When they came together it was hot and fast and both had to fight for dominance, Frank never just gave it up. Gerard slowly drew away; placing kisses against Frank’s cheek again, mouth trailing over the black/blue/yellow bruise.

“Please, just talk to me?” Gerard’s hands continued with the soft caresses, his voice soft and pleading. Frank eventually met Gerard’s eyes and the scared look in those deep brown orbs nearly broke Gerard right then.

“I don’t want you to think less of me.” Frank said, scared and quiet.

“I won’t.” Gerard promised, one hand moving to caress Frank’s face, running over his undamaged cheek and resting by his head. “You can tell me.”

“My…my mom’s away a lot. She has to leave town for work sometimes. And my dad, my dad lives out of state, and I get to see him sometimes but…Derek, my step-dad, he drinks.” Frank was watching Gerard’s chest, not looking at his face, eyes downcast and voice soft. Gerard could figure the direction this was going in. “Sometimes he gets mad. When mom’s away he’s in charge, y’know? So I gotta do what he says and if I don’t…he hits me.”

It was the quiet admission that confirmed Gerard’s fears. His little Frankie, his Momma’s precious third child, was being abused at home. Gerard started to rub at Frank’s face, wiping away the tears Frank probably didn’t know he was making.

“Does your mom know? Or your dad?”

“No. No one does.” Frank said, “I tell my mom I fell, or that I got hurt at Gym, she doesn’t think twice.” Who would? Frank’s mom married the guy who was abusing her son. Gerard felt a stab of hate at the woman, she was neglecting her child and this was happening.

“Frankie, you gotta tell someone. He can’t keep doing it.” Gerard pleaded, hoping that Frank would understand how wrong this was.

“But what if he finds out?” The inner workings of a fourteen year old boy made sense to Gerard; he had been a fourteen year old boy once. Everything could happen, and nothing worked out like it did in those books you read when you were little. So you had to do everything to survive and clearly Frank had accepted being beaten in order to survive in the long run was acceptable. Gerard didn’t see it that way.

“He will find out,” Gerard knew better than to lie, “but when he does he’ll know that you were stronger than him. You told someone the truth and the appropriate action will be taken.” Frank shrank away from Gerard when he said that, and Gerard had to fight to remain calm. “Momma will let you stay here; you don’t need to go back there again, not if you don’t want to. But you’ll need to tell people why.”

“Really?” Gerard nodded, seeing a spark of hope in Frank’s eyes. “I could stay here?” Gerard nodded again. “Your mom’s nice. I like it here.” Gerard smiled slightly, hand running across Frank’s face gently.

“We like having you here.”

“Do you?”

“Of course.”

“No, not everyone. Do you like having me here?” Frank asked, broaching the subject Gerard had avoided for nearly three weeks now. Ever since the door stuck then together and their relationship of quiet hate took a drastic turn, Gerard had been avoiding this.

“Yes.” For some reason Gerard felt the need to whisper. “I like having you here, I like having you around. You’re fun, and laugh at my lame attempts at humour. You’ve got good taste in music. You taste so nice, and you smile so pretty.” Gerard ran his thumb across Frank’s lips. “I’m glad you’re around more often, and I’d like if you were around even more.”

“I’d like that too.”

“Thought you hated me.” Gerard placed one kiss to Frank’s lips, pulling back and hoping for an answer, a reason why Frank didn’t hate him anymore that didn’t just involve sex.

“I never did. I just…didn’t know that it was okay to like you that much.” Frank blushed so beautifully that it shouldn’t be allowed, his cheeks turning pink, lips standing out so amazingly and his eyes taking on a new kind of adorable that no one could resist. Gerard just shook his head and placed another kiss to Frank’s lips, lingering this time while Frank pressed his tongue to Gerard’s lips, participating far more than just letting Gerard kiss him.

Quickly thing escalated, hands running over skin, moans filling the air and Gerard could feel Frank hardening under him just as Gerard was growing hard as well. Gerard’s hand moved down Frank’s stomach, passing the sweat pants and wrapping around Frank’s erection. Frank arched up, moaning loudly and clinging to Gerard, mouth open in a silent cry and eyes falling closed.

“God, you’re so pretty.” Gerard murmured, lips slowly moving down to Frank’s throat, nuzzling the soft skin, biting gently at the sensitive part just under Frank’s ear. Frank moaned loudly, hips thrusting up to meet Gerard’s strokes, hands scrambling for some kind of purchase. One hand fisted in the sheets, the other gripping tightly to Gerard’s shoulder. Frank let out a low whine just as he came, Gerard’s name falling from his lips in a gasp and Gerard knew all to well that he could get far too used to hearing his name like that.

Gerard continued to pet at Frank as he came down from the high, letting Frank’s breathing regulate again. Soft kisses fell against Frank’s lips, cheek and jaw, Gerard taking up his favourite place just behind Frank’s ear, nibbling softly and bringing blood to the skin, making a small red mark just there to brand Frankie. When Frank suddenly rolled them Gerard was left somewhat dazed. Frank’s body pressing flush against Gerard’s, his legs spread to straddle Gerard’s waist. Frank kissed Gerard hard, forceful and passionate and Gerard loved it. Feeling Frank pressing into his erection, Frank’s hands running down Gerard’s body, under the shirt to press against heated skin. Their mouths moved together, tongues tangling with one another until Gerard had to break away for a deep breath, moan lodged in his throat. Frank just carried on, kissing and licking at any available skin, licking down Gerard’s throat, kissing along his neck, back to the jaw line before moving over lips again.

“What do you want?” Frank asked in a low and husky voice, seductive as hell and a huge turn on. “Do you want me to suck you?” Frank emphasised the question by suckling Gerard’s lower lip into his mouth, biting gently before releasing it. “Or my hand? To jerk you off like you did to me? Slow and hard, drive you wild?” Gerard moaned as Frank pressed his hand over Gerard’s erection, rubbing lightly through the soft cotton of Gerard’s boxers. “Or…” Gerard heard the hesitation in Frank’s voice.

“What do you want?” Gerard managed to ask, hands running up Frank’s side in a comforting manner. “I’ll only do what you want.” Control was a huge thing for abuse victims. The entire senior year had sat through a seminar on domestic abuse victims at the start of the year; it was part of the awareness programme the school ran, right up beside safe sex and drink driving.

“I want you to…I need you to fuck me.” Frank said quickly, blushing again and staring at Gerard’s chest. Gerard moved a hand to Frank’s chin, bringing Frank’s gaze to meet with Gerard’s.

“This is important, you have to answer me honestly,” Frank nodded minutely when Gerard paused. “Did…did Derek ever…did he ever do that to you?” This was probably the hardest conversation Gerard would ever have. Asking his not-quiet-boyfriend if he’d been sexually abused by his step-father while sporting a hard on; which just so happened to be pressing into said not-quiet-boyfriend’s ass. Yes, this was right up there with the sex talk from Pappa and the ‘don’t molest my friends please’ talk from Mikey.

“No, he never…he made me do things, but not that.” Gerard suddenly flashed back to the first time Frank went down on him, the confusion and bewilderment when Gerard had asked if it was what Frank wanted, the lack of awkward movements, the fact that Frank seemed to feel he had to swallow. Yes, Gerard was feeling all kinds of hate towards Frankie’s step-dad.

“Frankie, nothing has to happen if you don’t want it to.” Gerard tried to convince, hoping that his words would penetrate past the hard on Gerard knew Frank could feel; the younger boy was practically sitting on it already.

“I want to.” Frank murmured, running his hands down Gerard’s chest. Gerard pulled Frank down, the smaller boy laying over Gerard’s chest, head pressed over Gerard’s heart. “You make…you make me feel like you want me, like really want me. Like I’m not just something you can use. It’s nice, and I want to…I want to have sex with you.”

“Frank, you’re fourteen. I’m…I’m older than you.”

“So? My mom’s seven years older than Derek. And she was eight years younger than my dad.” Frank rebutted. “I don’t care about age.” Gerard sighed loudly wondering if it was wrong that he was actually thinking about this. Up until now they’d done innocent enough stuff. It was all making out and hand jobs. Recently they’d gotten bolder and threw in the occasional blow job, but Gerard hadn’t seriously considered going all the way and fucking Frank. Apparently Frank had thought a little more seriously about it than Gerard had. “If I was a girl you’d fuck me.”

Gerard rolled them both over, pinning Frank to the mattress. There was no fear in Frank’s eyes, a mild shot of glee and Gerard realised he’d played exactly how Frank wanted him to. “You’re a little devil.” Gerard teased, kissing Frankie lightly. The younger boy didn’t seem to mind the name calling, evidently pleased that there was the high possibility of him getting what he wanted, and Gerard had to admit it was fast approaching probability. Gerard was pressed between Frank’s legs, his erection nearly flush against Frank’s ass. Seeing Frank from this position was helping to increase the need Gerard felt, and really, it was the next stage to take, right? “This isn’t just a fuck, Frankie.” Gerard stated.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I’m not just having sex with you to get my rocks off.” Gerard said, hand moving under Frank’s shirt and pulling the fabric away. Frank sat up a little to help remove the clothing, hands then moving to help Gerard remove his own shirt. “If we do this,”

“We’re doing this.” Frank interjected.

“If we do this then it’s serious.” Gerard finished, looking at Frank poignantly.

“You mean like…”

“I mean we’ll be serious.” Gerard said, hand stroking Frank’s torso. “Do you want to … do you want to be my boyfriend?” Gerard hadn’t had a boyfriend before. He’d fucked around with some guys here and there, but nothing serious. Because serious was dangerous and dangerous in Jersey could prove fatal. But for Frank he was willing to risk it.

“Yes.” The smile on Frank’s face said more than the single word and Gerard just had to kiss Frank. Frank pushed the waist of Gerard’s boxers away, the elder pulling back and removing them completely before pulling Frank’s off as well. Gerard located the bottle of baby oil from under his bed and ignored Frank’s snort of laughter.

Kneeling between Frank’s legs, Gerard squirted some oil on his fingers before leaning down and pressing his lips to Frank’s. “This might hurt a little,” Gerard warned as he pressed one finger inside Frank. There was a soft, drawn out hiss from the younger boy, his hand moving to clutch at Gerard. “It’ll fade, tell me when it fades.” Gerard wiggled the finger, drawing back and pushing in again slowly before wiggling some more.

Frank nodded a little, eyes still closed. “It’s okay.” His breath was rushed; his voice high and Gerard slowly started to press in with another finger. Frank’s reaction wasn’t the same. A mild moan of discomfort and pain before he slowly started to relax around the intruding digits. Gerard stroked his fingers back and forth, all the while placing soft kisses to Frank’s neck and jaw. As the third finger pressed in Frank moaned, and Gerard could sense that it wasn’t all from pain. Gerard pressed in further, looking for the spot that would drive Frank wild. When the tip of his finger brushed against the small bundle of nerves Frank arched his back, moaning loudly and gripping Gerard’s shoulder hard enough to leave bruises. Gerard pressed in again, pushing against Frank’s prostate this time and watching as Frank let the bliss shoot through him. Mouth falling open in a silent cry, eyes wild and unfocused, cheeks flushed and blunt fingers digging into Gerard’s shoulder. The elder male took great pleasure in getting this reaction from Frank.

“Please,” Frank panted for breath, pushing back down against the fingers before thrusting up. “Need more, please Gee…” Gerard nodded, kissing Frank once before withdrawing his fingers and reaching for the condom he’d brought out with the baby oil. Rolling the condom on and moving between Frank’s thighs, Gerard grabbed a pillow and placed it under Frank’s hips. Gerard watched Frank’s face as he lined up to push in. When Frank nodded his head Gerard started the slow thrust forward, pushing into the tight heat and moaning quietly as he was encased in a firm clench. Frank dropped his head back onto the pillow, moan escaping his throat and hands moving to Gerard’s hips, pulling him in just a little bit more.

When Gerard was fully encased in Frankie they stayed like that for a moment, Gerard leaning down to kiss Frank softly, changing the angle just a little and causing Frank to groan. The tight heat was almost too much for Gerard and he had to pull out and push back in quickly. They started a pace, Gerard thrusting in quickly and drawing out slowly, Frank thrusting his hips up as Gerard pushed in and moaning loudly while Gerard pulled out. Gerard felt the need to get deeper, needing to be as far in the body below him as possible, just to feel Frankie all around. Lifting one of Frank’s legs up and over his shoulder Gerard pushed in again, this time going deeper and pressing against that bundle of nerves again. Frank groaned at the pressure, ass clenching around Gerard and pulling a moan from the older boy’s throat.

“More.” Frank’s breathless whisper pushed Gerard on, their rhythm speeding up as Gerard pulled out and thrust back in sharply, aiming to hit Frank’s prostate on each stroke. Frank’s now hard erection was pressing between them and Gerard watched as Frank started to jerk himself off in time with Gerard’s thrusts. It was a beautiful sight to behold. Frank’s skin flushed with pleasure, head thrown back, pants falling from his mouth while he stroked his cock and moaned wantonly.

When Frank’s ass started to clench completely erratically, muscles tensing and relaxing suddenly Gerard knew his release was close. Pushing in harder and deeper Gerard felt the coiling in his stomach and watched Frank’s face as he climaxed and came over his hand and chest. Gerard followed shortly afterwards, filling the condom as Frank’s ass milked the orgasm from him.

They collapsed in a sweaty heap on Gerard’s bed, neither having the strength or inclination to move at that point. Gerard drew back eventually when he realised just how uncomfortable the position would be, carefully pulling out of Frank and watching for any signs of pain. Frank just hummed, smile on his face and a look of sheer satisfaction radiating from him. Gerard had to grin at it. Frank took the discarded t-shirt and ran it over his chest, wiping his hands and throwing it to the floor. Gerard grabbed a sheet of paper to scrunch the condom in before throwing it in the trash can and making a mental note to empty it before his mother came home. Being an awesome mother was one thing, finding used condoms was another.

Gerard lay back down on the bed, smiling when Frank immediately moved into his arms. “So you’re my boyfriend now?” Frank asked with a smile, nuzzling his bruised face into Gerard’s chest.

“And you’re gonna live here now.” Gerard agreed. Having Frank around the house would be interesting enough. Gerard just wondered how long it would be before Mikey discovered the Gerard was sleeping with Frankie. Who would get the ‘molestation’ talk then?

Frank’s gentle snoring distracted Gerard enough that his train of thought faltered, and soon enough he fell asleep as well.


A huge thanks to everyone who's read so far, you've all been amazing.
One more to go.

Comments make my day.

pairing: gerard/frank, character: mikey way, genre: slash, series: high school au, character: gerard way, rating: nc-17, warning: child abuse, warning: rps, fandom: mcr, warning: au, character: frank iero, author: torncorpse

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