Forever Begins with the Ocean's Tides [12/14]

Mar 24, 2010 00:05

Title: Forever Begins with the Ocean's Tides
Pairings/Characters: (in order of appearance) Quinn/Santana, minor Puck/Kurt, minor Santana/Puck, side Brittany/Santana, Rachel/Quinn

Mentions: Quinn/Finn, Quinn/Puck, Rachel/Finn
Other Characters: Artie, Mike, Will, Russell & Judy Fabray, Matt, mentions SueRating: PG-13 for this chapter; NC-17 overall
Length: ~1,850 for this chapter; 27,000+ overall
Summary: AU Captain Quinn Fabray is in love with the sea and her ship, The Cheerio. With Santana at her side as her first mate she's certain she doesn't need anything else. But when the crew of The Cheerio takes over the Glee and they find some unexpected crew members on board the captain starts to question everything around her.
Author's Note: See Chapter 1

Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10
Chapter 11

-Chapter 12-


Quinn nodded. Her mother’s eyes looked her up and down and Quinn saw the hint of disappointment in the woman’s eyes at how she was dressed.

“Sorry I’m not wearing something a little more…”

“Womanly? For goodness sake, Quinn, you’re twenty-five years old. How do you expect to get a husband when you dress like a…”

“Pirate. Sorry, Mother, but this is what I wear. And I doubt I’ll be finding a husband any time soon, or ever. I didn’t come here to be scolded by you, anyhow. I came because I heard he’s sick and some irrational part of me thinks if maybe he’s on his deathbed then he might want to see me.”

Judy scowled with her nod. “He is ill. Has been for several months now. The best doctors in the world haven’t been able to tell what is wrong with him and their best suggestion was to let nature take its course. As for whether or not he'll see you I wouldn’t know, we don’t talk about it.”

Quinn nodded and tension filled the air. She fidgeted with her hat in her hands and avoided her mother's gaze by looking around her childhood home.

“If you’d like to see him…” Judy trailed off when Quinn nodded again. The older woman headed for the staircase and Quinn followed close behind. She followed to her parents’ bedroom and stared at the white wall. Her mother knocked and pushed the door open but signaled for Quinn to stay where she was. The captain took a few steps back and her mother disappeared into the bedroom, shutting the door behind her. Quinn looked back toward the stairs to see Matt coming up quickly.

“You know he’ll call for them to come get you,” Matt said in a hushed tone. “He’ll send me to get them. I won’t do it.”

“Matt, you have to. If you don’t then he’ll see to it that you’re hanged. Just do whatever he tells you to do, alright? I’ll be fine.”

“You can leave right…”

Before Matt had a chance to finish, Judy stepped out of the bedroom and motioned for Quinn to enter. The younger blonde gave Matt a small smile and a nod before cautiously stepping into the room after her mother. Again, just as she had remembered it. The three floor to ceiling windows were on the opposite wall of the door and the bed centered on the wall to her right. Russell Fabray was sitting up in the bed with a lap desk surrounded by papers. Quinn cleared her throat and the man she once called "Father" glanced up at her and snorted.

“I’ll just be outside,” Judy said before stepping to the door.

“Send in Matt,” Russell said. She nodded and left, shutting the door behind her.

Russell went back to the papers in front of him and began scribbling furiously.

“What are you doing here?” he growled.

“I heard you were ill, I wanted to see you.”

“You wanted to find out who I was leaving the company to.”

“I don’t care about your damn trading company.”

“Good, because you’re not getting it.”

“Like I said, I don’t really-”

“How many of my ships did you set fire to last month?”

Quinn sighed. “None since July, actually.”

The door creaked open and Quinn jumped a little. Matt brushed passed her to the bed and leaned down. Russell whispered something in the young man's ear and handed him a piece of paper and instructed him to leave. Matt's face was somber when he left the room, Quinn raised her eyebrows expectantly, silently telling him to do what he'd been instructed.

“But you killed a few crew on the Glee. And took a few with you,” Russell continued.

“I didn’t personally kill any-“

“You are the captain of your ship, are you not? That doesn’t just come with getting a big cut of the earnings. They’re your crew, under your command. If one of the crew members on one of my ships were to kill someone that means I have killed someone as has the captain of that ship. Do not try to pass the blame.”

“Schuester ordered his crew to fight, what was I supposed to do? I wasn’t going to give up and surrender!”

“But you did,” Russell chuckled. “You saw those two wenches and had the executions called off. Did you think I wouldn’t find out about that? Schuester knows what’s good for him and to report everything that happens on his ship. You’re soft, you got it from your mother.”

Quinn growled. “I am not soft.”

Russell snorted and dropped his head back to focusing on his papers until a knock came at the bedroom door and Russell called for the person to come in.

“Sir, they’re here,” Matt said when he stepped over the threshold.

“Thank you, Matt. Tell them to wait.”

When Matt left he put a hand on Quinn's shoulder and whispered to her to be safe. Quinn nodded and shifted her weight from one foot to the other to wait for her father's explanation.

“You may be my flesh and blood, Captain, but that doesn’t entitle you to run around attempting to destroy my company and take innocent lives, even though it’s probably not as many as you claim. You know I kept enough boats aboard my ships for the crew and then some. Mostly all you did was destroy what little cargo you left. Still, dau--offspring or not, you deserve what you’re going to get.”

“You’re sending your own daughter to the gallows?”

“I’m sending a pirate to the gallows,” Russell mumbled. “I have no daughter.”

“It’s a good thing I expected that.” Quinn glanced up at the center window on the other side of her father’s bed. “Hope you’re not fond of that window.”

Russell looked up at her and Quinn smiled. She took off running and leading with her shoulder she pushed off from the floor and went through the second story window. Eyes closed and face covered to avoid the glass she landed expertly on the ground and broke out in a sprint. She heard the shouts of her father and looked behind her to see the soldiers in red coats glance in her direction and take off running after her.

Quinn darted through the streets, the military men on her heels shouting for patrons of the streets to stop her. She wove through the alleyways and knocked over whoever she could to lose the soldiers. A few shots whizzed passed her head and the tears streamed down her cheeks as the loud cracks kept coming and she swore she felt the bullets pass her. She saw the boarding house at a distance and ran harder. The captain was losing steam, her legs were burning and she wasn’t sure if she could make it. A hole in the middle of the street ensured that she didn’t.

Quinn hit the ground and scrambled to get back up but the men that had been on her tail surrounded her quickly. The shouting and the scuffle drew a crowd of people. Quinn was hoisted up and six rifles were aimed right at her head.

“Rachel!” Quinn screamed. “Rachel!”

One of the men produced a pair of shackles and fastened them around her wrists, Quinn kept screaming until she saw Rachel stick her head out of the front door of the boarding house. Quinn screamed louder and Rachel came running toward the group of men. She was shoved aside by one of them when she tried to break through, Quinn struggled against their grip.

“Please! Let her through!” Quinn begged.

Rachel pushed again and made it through the crowd and the soldiers, Quinn reached forward with her shackled hands and cupped Rachel’s face.

“Didn’t go exactly as planned,” the captain said with a soft smile.

Rachel shook her head. “You’re not going to go quietly. You can’t. You’ll find some way out of it, I know you will.”

“It’s okay.” Quinn pulled Rachel in and kissed her forehead. “Don’t come, okay? The gallows…don’t come.”


“Don’t. Come. Please, Rachel. And promise me that no matter what happens or what you hear happens, do not do anything stupid. Just keep going, okay? Don’t ever give up, do that for me, okay?”

Rachel nodded and Quinn closed the gap between them and kissed her. She heard a few clearing of throats and the uncomfortable shifting of the soldiers.

“I love you, Quinn,” Rachel murmured against the captain’s lips.

Quinn nodded and closed the gap again before one of the soldiers growled.

“Come on you! You’ve got a dawn date with the gallows.” He grabbed Quinn’s arms and pulled her away from Rachel leaving the brunette standing in the middle of the street. Quinn looked back over her shoulder at her love. Rachel touched her fingers to her lips and cried.

Quinn almost gagged at the taste of the gruel she was served. She was in her own cell, at least. A very small and very well guarded cell, inside and out. She saw the soldiers outside the small window and of course the inside guards standing around constantly.

“Can I at least get something that doesn’t taste like dirt?” she growled.

“Shut your mouth,” one of the guards barked. “You don’t deserve anything better. If it were up to me you would have been shot right then and there.”

Quinn dropped back against the stone wall of her cell and slid down to the floor. The guard turned back around and Quinn dropped her head to her knees and waited. The sun fell and rose, Quinn tried to sleep but the combination of the cold stone floor and lack of Rachel beside her made it difficult to drift into sleep. She knew she should have been tired when her cell was unlocked the next morning but she was prepared for what was going to happen and she felt alert and awake and ready. She was shackled around the wrists and dragged out to the yard where the gallows were standing.

A crowd of people had gathered and Quinn briefly scanned them for any signs of a short brunette. Rachel was nowhere to be seen. Another brunette standing near a tall blonde, both watching Quinn closely, did catch her eye and Quinn nodded discreetly. The guard escorted Quinn up the steps to the platform and the thick noose was slipped around her neck and tightened, Quinn shifted uncomfortably while her list of offending crimes was read.

“Quinn Fabray,” a man with a scroll standing off to her right started reading.

“Captain,” Quinn mumbled. “Captain Quinn Fabray.”

“You are have been charged and convicted of murder, arson, stealing, and piracy the punishment for all combined crimes is death by hanging. Have you any last words?”

Quinn smirked. “This isn’t over.”

The man reading off the list nodded to the masked executioner by the lever. The masked man nodded and pulled. Quinn felt the hatch underneath her feet give way and a shot rang out in the crowd.

Chapter 13
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