Forever Begins with the Ocean's Tides [3/14]

Mar 19, 2010 00:54

Title: Forever Begins with the Ocean's Tides
Pairings/Characters: (in order of appearance) Quinn/Santana, minor Puck/Kurt, minor Santana/Puck, side Brittany/Santana, Rachel/Quinn

Mentions: Quinn/Finn, Quinn/Puck, Rachel/Finn
Other Characters: Artie, Mike, Will, Russell & Judy Fabray, Matt, mentions SueRating: NC-17 for this chapter; NC-17 overall
Length: ~2,300 for this chapter; 27,000+ overall
Summary: AU Captain Quinn Fabray is in love with the sea and her ship, The Cheerio. With Santana at her side as her first mate she's certain she doesn't need anything else. But when the crew of The Cheerio takes over the Glee and they find some unexpected crew members on board the captain starts to question everything around her.
Author's Note: See Chapter 1

Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2

Warning: Pirate sex. Because, really, tell me that you could write a Glee-pirate fic and not include some pirate sex. You couldn't, don't lie.

-Chapter 3-

As ordered, Santana was waiting for Quinn when she entered her quarters. Quinn was met with a passionate kiss and she turned around quickly to lock the door before she pulled the Latina’s shirt off and grabbed hold of her perfect breasts and her thumbs ran over the brunette's already hardened nipples. Santana’s hands roamed around Quinn’s waist and undid the buckle on her belt containing her sword holster and it dropped to the floor with a crash followed by the pistol. Santana pushed Quinn against the door and pulled at her shirt until it, too, hit the floor. Quinn moaned when Santana’s lips traveled down her neck and to her chest. She groaned when she felt her left nipple gripped between Santana’s teeth.

“S…” she gasped when her other nipple was assaulted. Quinn threaded her fingers through Santana’s hair and the Latina came back up and hungrily attacked her lips.

Santana pulled Quinn by the waist of her pants to the bed. She dropped down and Quinn looked down at her and smiled. The captain bent down and pulled off her boots and then Santana’s. Santana reached forward and undid the belt on Quinn’s pants. She kissed just above Quinn’s navel and pulled her pants passed Quinn’s hips and to the floor. Quinn stepped out of them and then dropped to the bed on her knees, straddling Santana’s lap. The brunette pulled back and moved to the head of the bed, Quinn followed. Santana gripped her back and flipped the two over. Quinn hurriedly undid Santana’s belt and discarded her pants and the Latina smirked. She pinned Quinn’s hands over her head with one arm and her free hand traveled down Quinn’s stomach and between her legs.

Quinn cried out when Santana immediately pushed three fingers inside her. She struggled against the Latina’s grip on her hands and cried out again with the next thrust.

“Oh God…Santana! S! Oh…oh God!”

Santana only grunted and kept thrusting. Her thumb found Quinn’s swollen bud and pressed against it and the captain was rendered utterly helpless as she came undone underneath the Latina. Her arms were released and Santana settled on top of her. Quinn wrapped her arms around her first mate's back and traced the soft skin with her fingers, perfectly content to cuddle for a while. Santana got impatient and grabbed one of Quinn’s hands and guided it down between her legs.

“Someone’s eager,” Quinn mumbled, her fingers slipping through the wet curls.

Santana only moaned and arched her hips up so Quinn could go further. She straddled Quinn’s hips and looked down at her captain and smiled. The moment her lips touched the blonde's again, Quinn pushed two fingers inside her and Santana moaned into the kiss. Quinn quickly added a third and started thrusting, Santana squirmed and moved her hips to get the fingers deeper.

“Harder,” the Latina growled.

Quinn obliged and Santana was moaning and yelling her name and sporadic Spanish phrases that Quinn never could figure out. She only pushed harder and deeper, her other hand settling on Santana’s lower back to push her into the thrusts. Santana came undone around her quickly. She cried out in Spanish again but her last whimper was Quinn’s name and the captain smiled before wrapping her arms around her first mate once again.

“Why did you do that tonight, Quinn? Why did you let them go and bring those women on board?” Santana asked once she had recovered.

“You want to get on that Dutch girl’s good side? Killing off the entire crew of the ship that’s taking her home probably isn’t a good way to do that.”

Santana cleared her throat and shifted a little. “I don’t know what you’re…”

“I saw the way you looked at her. If you want her then she’s yours, given she consents to it of course.”

“You…you’ll let me…”

Quinn smiled and touched her fingers to Santana’s jaw. “If you really want her then tonight will be the last for us,” she whispered. Quinn touched her lips to Santana’s cheek and the Latina nodded. “I knew you’d leave me someday, S. She was looking at you, too.”

“I don’t want to hurt you,” Santana said. “I know I’m horrible to all of them but you know I care about you.”

“It’s okay. If you want her, she’s yours. I’ll manage.” Quinn smiled and Santana nodded. The captain kissed her first mate and Santana settled her head on Quinn’s chest.

Quinn woke up alone the next morning. She put her clothes on quickly and looked out the window in her room. The sun hadn’t completely come up yet. She breathed in the scent of the ocean before shutting the window and exiting her cabin. The mist from the ocean was settled on the deck and only a few crew members were stirring; the night navigator at the wheel, the watchman up in the crows nest and the watchman up at the bow. She squinted hard at the out-of-place figure on the port side of the ship and crossed the deck quickly. Rachel was standing there looking out at nothing, wrapped in a blanket.

“You’re up early,” Quinn said, leaning on the railing.

“Santana and Brittany are getting to know each other,” Rachel said flatly.

Quinn sighed. “Of course.”

“Santana won’t hurt her, will she?”

“No, she won’t. She might say the wrong thing every now and then but she’ll always make it up to me…her. She’ll always make it up to her.”

Rachel smiled and shook her head. “It’s interesting, isn’t it? How some people can just look at each other and know.”

“You’re one of those hopeless romantic types, aren’t you?”

“Romeo and Juliet is my favorite play,” Rachel said with a shrug.

“Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean,” Quinn spoke softly, looking out to the lifting mist.

Rachel looked up at the blonde’s profile. “From forth and fatal loins of these two foes a pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life; Whole misadventured piteous overthrows do with their death bury their parents’ strife.”

Quinn nodded.

“How do you know Shakespeare, Quinn?”

“Come with me,” Quinn said, offering a hand.

Rachel hesitated. “How much of that vile drink have you had this morning?”

“I don’t drink before lunch. I’m not going to force you into my bed, don’t worry.”

“Well with how you treated me last night it’s a legitimate concern.”

Quinn gritted her teeth and retracted her hand. “I…I ap-apologize,” she said, jaw clamped shut, looking down at the deck, hand on the back of her neck. “I get a little...abrasive when I have a few drinks.”

Rachel smiled a little and nodded. “I accept your apology, Quinn. I just ask that it not happen again.”

Quinn nodded slightly Rachel reached her hand out. Quinn sighed and took the offering. She led Rachel across the deck and into her quarters. Quinn lit a lantern to give more light than what was coming in through the singular window. She looked through the shelves of books above her desk and pulled a leather-bound and covered book out and handed it to the brunette.

“There were only one hundred of these printed,” Quinn said. “Most people don’t know they exist. The royals have about thirty of them last anyone knew. What George does with them, I have no idea. Probably just something else to brag about, the brat.”

“What is it?” Rachel looked over the book’s cover.

“Open the front cover. Be careful, though, the pages are pretty brittle considering it’s about a hundred and fifty years old.”

Rachel opened the cover and looked up at Quinn.

“It’s Romeo and Juliet.”

“Look right under the title.”

Rachel did and she shrieked. “Is that actually…”

“The signature of Shakespeare himself? Yes it is. The story goes that he had them all printed immediately after he finished it and then just gave them away after he was told the play would never do well. Of course, it did and whoever told him that is probably still turning in his grave every time it’s performed somewhere.”

“Who did you have to kill to get it?”

“No one, surprisingly. One of my ancestors just so happened to be one of the ones that got a copy of it when it was printed. I snatched it up when I was disowned by my parents but never had the heart to trade or sell it.”

Rachel closed the book and looked up curiously at the blonde captain. “Who are you, Quinn?” Rachel shook her head. “You storm a ship and fully intend to kill everyone on it until you find out there are two women aboard so you decide to take us hostage and just take the cargo and let whoever survived that little fight go on. I’ve heard the stories of what you’ve done to ships after you’ve gotten what you want from them and it’s absolutely horrifying. Then you recite Shakespeare to me, show me a very rare artifact, casually mention that you were disowned from your family…I can’t figure you out.”

Quinn only smiled. “You don’t seem to mind being taken hostage.”

“Well, honestly, I’m certain that Brittany probably would have asked to come along with you.”

“She would have asked to come with us?” Quinn snorted. “Is she…”

Rachel cut in before Quinn could finish her thought. “She’s very peculiar, I haven’t figured her out and I’ve known her for years now. All I know is that she and her parents migrated to the colonies when she was seven and she left when she was eighteen to go back to Europe to pursue a career in ballet.”

“So why would she…”

Rachel cut Quinn off again and the blonde growled. “One thing about Brittany is that while she may not be intellectually gifted, she is very determined. I saw the way she was eyeing your first mate, and the way your first mate was eyeing her. Brittany will do whatever it takes to get what she wants and Santana was something she wanted. Whether you had decided to take us or leave us, we probably would’ve ended up here. And she and Santana would’ve ended up in bed together.”

Quinn raised her eyebrows. “Are you done now? Can I get in a full sentence?”

Rachel pursed her lips and nodded.

“Since Brittany has decided that Santana is hers we should probably find you somewhere else to sleep unless you want to learn a few select Spanish phrases. I think there’s a spare hammock…”

Rachel’s eyes widened. “I am not sleeping in a hammock!” she shrieked. “In a room full of those filthy men?! As I told you last night, Europe may be more liberal than the colonies but I am not sharing a space with them. It’s simply a revolting thought and I refuse.”

Quinn laughed. “It’s either that or in my bed. With me.”

Rachel narrowed her eyes and looked up at Quinn curiously.

“How many people have you killed?” Rachel asked.

“That’s an odd question for someone who is looking at sleeping in a hammock in a room full of 'filthy men' for the next month.”

“It’s something I’d like to know before I decide to share a bed with you.”

“Do you demand to know this of all those with whom you have shared a bed?”

Rachel scoffed. “I’ll have you know that Brittany is the only one I have shared a bed with and it was in a strictly platonic manner.”

Quinn smirked. “You mean to tell me you spent years in Europe as an actress and never…”

“Never,” Rachel cut her off. “While I may be a bit of a free-spirit and rather independent I am not a whore. That was the one request of the man I was betrothed to before…” Rachel stopped.


“You have yet to answer my question, Quinn.”

“I can’t give you an answer. At least not an exact one. It’s hard to tell how many men a ship has on it when you fire from a distance or if there are any hiding when you set it on fire after you’ve raided it.” Quinn smirked a little.

“Do you feel no remorse for what you do? Those men have families and there could’ve been women and children aboard!”

“Those men sold their souls to work for a man without one!” Quinn growled. “He’s completely heartless and if I can cause him devastation it doesn’t matter the cost!” She set her jaw and crossed her arms across her chest.

Rachel gasped and looked up at the captain, eyes wide. “This is about revenge, then? Who are you trying to destroy, Quinn?”

“Get out of my cabin.” Quinn pulled the leather book from Rachel’s hands and pushed it back on her shelf. She gripped onto the edge of her desk, feeling slightly queasy.


“Get out! Put on some decent clothing and go to the kitchen to earn your keep! And I swear that if you try to poison any one of us I will personally be the one to make sure you get punished severely for it.”

Rachel only nodded. “Yes, Captain.”

Quinn growled and continued staring down at her desk until her door slammed shut. She waited patiently for Kurt to come in to give her the morning report. When he did he was bright eyed and happy and Quinn knew that Santana had probably told Puck off.

Chapter 4

Have no idea what Quinn and Rachel were saying because Shakespeare confuses the hell out of you? I'll be providing you links to the translation page for the lines at SparkNotes. =)
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