Forever Begins with the Ocean's Tides [11/14]

Mar 23, 2010 01:33

Title: Forever Begins with the Ocean's Tides
Pairings/Characters: (in order of appearance) Quinn/Santana, minor Puck/Kurt, minor Santana/Puck, side Brittany/Santana, Rachel/Quinn

Mentions: Quinn/Finn, Quinn/Puck, Rachel/Finn
Other Characters: Artie, Mike, Will, Russell & Judy Fabray, Matt, mentions SueRating: PG-13 for this chapter; NC-17 overall
Length: ~2,300 for this chapter; 26,000+ overall
Summary: AU Captain Quinn Fabray is in love with the sea and her ship, The Cheerio. With Santana at her side as her first mate she's certain she doesn't need anything else. But when the crew of The Cheerio takes over the Glee and they find some unexpected crew members on board the captain starts to question everything around her.
Author's Note: See Chapter 1

Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10

-Chapter 11-

When Quinn went up to the quarter deck to talk to Artie the next morning Santana was already there and she nudged the captain and Quinn just grinned.

“What?” the blonde asked.

“You know what. How was your night?”

“Let me just say thanks for giving her advice.”

“I happen to know if you’re happy then we’re all happy. Don’t mess this up again, okay?”

Quinn glanced down to the main deck where Rachel had just exited the cabin and was headed towards the hatch. The brunette looked up at the captain and smiled, Quinn smiled back.

“I won’t,” the captain assured her first mate.

Rachel finally perfected her bowline knot and put it to good use. Quinn almost regretted teaching it to her. Almost.

The late evening that Quinn saw land on the horizon her heart sank. Rachel joined her at the bow of the ship a few minutes after she spotted land and the brunette gazed out and wrapped an arm around Quinn’s back. The blonde pulled away and headed down the steps to the main deck, Rachel followed.

“Quinn?” Rachel asked and furrowed her eyebrows when Quinn stepped into her cabin.

“That’s New York City you saw,” Quinn said, pacing the floor.

“I know what I saw, Quinn. The one thing I don’t know is exactly why we’re here.”

Quinn crossed her arms over her chest. “My parents. I’m going to see my parents. My father.”

Rachel nodded and reached out to grip onto Quinn’s arm and stop her pacing. “I thought that might be it. I didn’t want to bring it up.”

Quinn rolled her eyes and smiled a little. “You? Not want to talk about something? I’m shocked, Rachel.”

“Well believe it or not I am perfectly capable of verbal restraint.” Rachel smoothed out Quinn’s black vest she’d chosen for the day and brushed the loose strands of hair out of the captain’s face that had escaped the bun she’d put it up in.

There was a knock at the door interrupting Quinn from whatever retort she had and Brittany and Santana were standing in the doorway when Rachel opened the heavy door.

“They saw land,” Santana said. “Wasn’t sure if you had heard it or not.”

“Rachel can you give us a minute?” Quinn pressed a soft kiss to the brunette’s cheek and she squeezed out the door, Brittany and Santana stepped in and shut it behind them.

“What are you going to do?” Brittany asked as soon as the door was shut.

“I’m going to see my parents,” Quinn said. “Whether or not I make it out of the city alive is an entirely different story.”

“I get the ship, right?” Santana said with a grin. “Come on, Quinn, you’ve evaded the navy for years. You’ll be fine.”

“No I won’t, Santana! My father isn’t above giving up his daughter to the military and I know he’ll do exactly that.”

“Then why are you doing this? We can pillage a few places at port and turn around and leave.”

“No killing anyone,” Brittany said. “It makes me sad.”

“Not unless we have to,” Santana said, nodding.

“I’m going in tomorrow morning. I want you to stay on the ship,” Quinn said. “If I’m not back by nightfall then…”

“Then we get you out of whatever you managed to get yourself into.” Santana shrugged. “Shouldn’t be too difficult.”

Quinn nodded a little. “Let the rest of the crew know and send Rachel back in.”

Santana gave a weak smile before Brittany pulled her out of the cabin. Rachel was standing outside of the door with her lower lip clutched nervously between her teeth and fidgeting with her fingers. She nodded at Brittany and Santana and stepped back inside the cabin. Quinn greeted her with a deep kiss and Rachel fell into it for a few moments before pulling away.

“Quinn, wha-”

“Right now,” Quinn breathed, “right now I just need to be with you, okay? Please…I just need to be with you.”

“Okay,” Rachel nodded. “Okay.”

Quinn hardly slept that night even after she and Rachel exhausted each other. She was up early in the morning with a blanket wrapped around her chest looking out of the window and taking in the smell of the salt and the fresh air.

“Quinn?” Rachel groaned from the bed. “Come back to bed, love, it’s cold.”

Quinn’s eyes darted between the brunette in her bed and the open window. If it had been Santana in her bed she would have told the Latina to stop whining and she would have continued looking out but one look into Rachel’s eyes and the captain shut her window and crossed the floor. She settled herself back next to the small woman and threw the blanket over them.

“I was thinking,” Rachel said. “If you’ll have me…I want to stay with you. I want to stay on the ship.”

Quinn took a deep breath and tightened her grip on her lover. “I think it would be best if you go ashore with me and bring your things. We’ll find you a boarding house and I’ll leave you enough money to stay there for a while.”

“I told you I want to stay with you.”

“I might not come back to the ship.”

“So you’re coming with me?” Rachel’s eyes lit up and Quinn blinked back her tears.

“What I mean, Rachel, is that I might get caught.”

Rachel went quiet. “You might not,” she finally whispered.

“If I don’t then I’ll be coming back here to The Cheerio and we’ll be leaving for the Pacific as soon as I do. My father isn’t above reporting the fact that I’m still alive and in the city, I will have to leave.”

“I want to come with you!” Rachel pleaded.

“I’m not going to put your life in danger, Rachel. Listen, I promise you that if I make it out alive I will come find you and we can say our goodbyes but you have got to stay in the city.”

Quinn sniffled and pulled Rachel closer to her and held her tight until there was a knock at the door followed by Santana’s voice. Quinn helped Rachel lace up her best dress and haul her trunk out of the cabin. Quinn dressed in her regular clothes, opting for her long red vest. She left her sword and pistol hanging on the back of one of the chairs at the center table. When Quinn exited the cabin Rachel was standing on the main deck with her trunk and she was hugging Kurt. Quinn crossed the deck and wrapped an arm around the brunette’s waist.

“Plans all set?” Quinn asked Santana.

“All set, we know what to do.”

“Kurt, Juliet’s all yours if I don’t get back.”

Kurt scoffed. “She’s already mine. I’m the one that takes care of her.” He gave a weak smile and Quinn pulled him in for a hug. “And you better come back, there’s no way I could live under Santana’s rule.”

“I’ll do my best.”

Quinn glanced over just as Mike tossed a rope ladder over the edge of the ship and he and a few other crew members lowered Rachel’s things into the small boat that was waiting for them. Quinn turned back to Santana and the Latina unexpectedly flung her arms around Quinn’s neck.

“Hey,” Quinn whispered. “Don’t do this, S. You have to be sharp, my life may be in your hands here.”

Santana nodded into Quinn’s shoulder. “I do care about you, you know?” she whispered. “You’re my best friend, Q. If something happens I swear…just don’t let anything happen. What the hell am I saying? I won’t let it happen.” Santana pulled away and quickly wiped away the tears that had managed to escape. “Don’t do anything stupid, Fabray.”

Quinn nodded and used her thumb to wipe away a droplet of water that Santana had missed. “I won’t. You’ll be there to save me if I do though, right?”

“Right,” Santana and Brittany echoed.

“I’ll see you later then.”

Rachel and Brittany hugged one last time and she and Quinn climbed over the edge of the ship to their boat. Mike followed and rowed them to shore. Rachel waved to Brittany who stood on the bow of the ship and watched them until they hit the docks. Quinn helped Mike haul Rachel’s trunk out of the small boat and Mike ran to find someone to help them carry the heavy trunk into the city.

Quinn wrapped an arm around Rachel’s waist and took her hand. Rachel reached up and put her hand on the back of Quinn’s neck and smiled.

“Fare the well,” Quinn sang softly the Irish ballad that Rachel had sang to her a few nights, “my own true love. I’m going away, but I’ll be back. If I go ten thousand miles…”

Rachel sighed and sniffled. “Ten thousand miles, my own true love. Ten thousand miles or more, and the rocks may melt and the seas may burn…”

“If I should not return.”

Rachel kissed Quinn’s neck and the blonde pulled her closer. Before she could say anything Mike returned with two men and they picked up Rachel’s trunk. Quinn instructed Mike to stay around the dock until nightfall and then go back for Brittany and Santana if she had not returned. The captain handed each of the two men Mike had found a couple of coins and asked them to take her and Rachel to a boarding house with vacancy. Rachel took Quinn’s hand on the walk from the port into the city as they followed the two men through a few dusty streets and Rachel gasped when they walked passed a nice looking theater.

“This is the theater John and Daniel worked in. I lived above the stage!”

“Small world,” Quinn said with a smile. “You think they’re still there?”

“I suppose I’ll find out soon enough.”

The two men dropped Rachel’s trunk at the front door of the boarding house next door and scurried away. Quinn pushed open the door with the “rooms available” sign hanging in the window and pulled the trunk inside, Rachel followed. The blonde handed Rachel a small bag and smiled.

“Should be enough for about half a year’s rent.” Quinn leaned down and brushed her lips against Rachel’s cheek. “Remember, I’ll come for you if I can.”

Rachel nodded. “I’ll wait for you.” She placed her fingertips underneath Quinn’s chin and guided her into a soft kiss. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Quinn turned to leave just as the landlord came down the stairs and greeted Rachel with a smile. Quinn didn’t look over her shoulder, she just walked out the door and shut it behind her. She breathed deep the dusty air and started walking.

Quinn made her way through the streets of the city, marveling at the buildings. It had grown exponentially since the last time she’d actually been in it. She’d seen it from port but dared not to wander the streets. Until now. She put on her best “I’ve never killed anyone” face when she walked saw the military men who were marching through the streets or standing on the corners.

She walked until she reached a semi-familiar neighborhood of houses. Quite a few more had gone up but she recognized the ones that had been there when she was younger. A “Fabray Trading Co.” flag hanging out front of one of the houses signaled to her that she was at the correct destination. She paced in front of the house for several minutes before squaring her shoulders and walking up to the door.

“Can I help you, miss?” a young man answered.

Quinn recognized him immediately as the house boy, Matt, who was around her age and newly hired when she’d been disowned. She smiled a little remembering that he had been the one she’d confided in about her affair with Puck when Matt had found her crying in the kitchen the morning after it had happened. He’d offered her a shoulder to cry on and helped her pack the few things she took with her the day her parents found out and disowned her. He told her that he would quit his job for what her parents did to her because he believed they were absolutely in the wrong but Quinn had convinced him to stay.

“I need to see Sir Fabray,” the blonde said quietly. She kept her hat tilted down to cover her eyes.

“Sir Fabray doesn’t take visitors, miss.”

Quinn tilted her head up. “I’m fairly certain he’ll take me. It’s urgent.”

“Quinn?!” Matt gasped. Quinn nodded.

Matt opened the door wide and Quinn stepped into the foyer. Nothing had changed. Not the paintings on the walls or the rug leading to the staircase or the sconces on the walls. She peered to her right into the parlor. One thing had changed. The portrait above the mantle that was once her and her parents had been replaced by one of only her parents.

“Quinn it’s been…a really long time,” Matt said with a smile. “I’m glad to know you’re alright.”

“It has been. How are you?”

“Good as can be.”

“How…how is he?”

Matt sighed. “He’s still alive and intolerable as ever. The old bastard refuses to die already. At least he still pays me a decent wage.”

Quinn chuckled and heard her mother call from the kitchen asking Matt who was at the door.

“Don’t tell her it’s me,” Quinn said when Matt turned to go to the kitchen.

Quinn looked back down at the floor listened to hushed voices and took a deep breath. She contemplated turning and leaving but was stopped when the door to the kitchen creaked open and the woman she once called her mother was hastily walking toward her.

“Can I help you?” Judy Fabray asked coldly.

Quinn tilted her head up and removed her hat.

“Hello,” Quinn said softly.

Quinn locked eyes with her mother as the woman’s jaw dropped open.


You might recognize the song lyrics that Quinn and Rachel were singing. The song is Ten Thousand Miles (Fare Thee Well) which is actually an early 18th century ballad first published around 1710 and most famously sung by Mary Chapin Carpenter and used in the movie Fly Away Home.
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