
Aug 10, 2010 18:28

Do you ever just want to express yourself, but sometimes find that you can't for one reason or another. Either be it the words simply won't flow the way you want them to, or you're being repressed by society? Hell, you don't have to be repressed from society as a whole, but maybe the people in your direct life?

Are you ever in a spot, where you ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

shadr0 August 11 2010, 05:41:14 UTC
It sucks hardcore that we can't just say whats on our minds. Though I still really haven't figured out how to go about it. I mean its just kind of life where you have to bite your tongue in some parts. I really wish I had something smart or anything to say. What I try to do is get a little out here and there depending on the group kind of. Again I don't know, I'm more or less just agreeing with you.


palereverie August 11 2010, 07:59:16 UTC
I think if people could just learn to ignore/distance themselves from things they don't understand instead of thinking they should come to a conclusion...

Getting set in a belief when they don't even have all the info... drives me nuts :3 course, if people would just stop believing in things 100%.... believing in anything 100% is pretty foolish.

Some of it has biological roots. Racism, ableism, for instance; people tend to distrust people that don't look like others, because it used to be smart to kill people that looked different.

I don't know about the 'you can tell me anything' thing. I can't even remember the last time I've honestly felt offended. Too apathetic to get worked up, even when it's nasty shit.

eh, I probably have antisocial disorder though. Never cared about anybody really, or what they think, do, feel. Cruelty can be fun but so can kindness, but kindness tends to have less of a tendency to come back and bite me in the ass, so I'll stick with it.


satsucake August 11 2010, 11:41:51 UTC
Angel, I feel your pain.. The same thing always happens to me. Seems like people can't just let good things happen. They always try their hardest to find anyone's fault, even if they had to make things up. But you know what, they're just small minded haters. Don't listen to them, baby girl! Just do what your heart believes because that's all really matters. :)


celestica August 11 2010, 12:40:31 UTC
I agree completely. I think like you do, and be kind and polite to strangers giving the benefit of the doubt. We need to co-exist with each other, after all, we are lonely by ourselves. And the Earth is our home. We have to share. But I guess some don't see this view of the truth, only their truth, their opinion, their point of view. ):


rinfang August 12 2010, 00:40:07 UTC
Because we're human.

I try to never edit myself. I used to all the time, even around my friends- especially around my friends. If they made a racist joke I rolled my eyes and tried not to feel too offended (did they think that because there were friends with me it meant they weren't racist?), when they said casually sexist things I bit my tongue, when they made ignorant, ridiculous comments about another religion or race or political party I kept mum because I didn't want the drama ( ... )


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