
Aug 10, 2010 18:28

Do you ever just want to express yourself, but sometimes find that you can't for one reason or another. Either be it the words simply won't flow the way you want them to, or you're being repressed by society? Hell, you don't have to be repressed from society as a whole, but maybe the people in your direct life?

Are you ever in a spot, where you ( Read more... )

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rinfang August 12 2010, 00:40:07 UTC
Because we're human.

I try to never edit myself. I used to all the time, even around my friends- especially around my friends. If they made a racist joke I rolled my eyes and tried not to feel too offended (did they think that because there were friends with me it meant they weren't racist?), when they said casually sexist things I bit my tongue, when they made ignorant, ridiculous comments about another religion or race or political party I kept mum because I didn't want the drama.

But I got sick of holding my tongue, and now when people say something horrible or ignorant I call them on it, and when they start talking about politics or religion or anything equally divisive I don't shy away from stating my opinion- there's no reason to worry about causing drama when they've already brought the subject up.

I try not to be so judgmental or angry, especially towards some of my more well off white friends. Or anyone involved in the Tea Party. Or bible-thumping Christians. Or, well, anyone who's on or watches Fox News. Because only about 2% of them are irredeemable assholes, the rest may very well become decent human beings one day.


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