(If you use neither of these sites, nor have any interest in using them, and yet people on your friendslist do - skip to the bottom. There's something for you, too.)
When I first signed up to
Twitter, it was for the express purpose of using
LoudTwitter to post a summary of my day when all I had to contribute during the day were blithe one-liners.
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Comments 7
For it is freaky and weird and I have a bit of this saved as a draft. At least when SB does it we've spent ages talking about stuff.
Oh, if anyone wants to use my delicious glue php script they're welcome, it's at:
http://taktix.org/lj.php (dont click that people)
it's set to make the title "Linkspam for day-month-year" and the tags are "linkspam, del.icio.us, add tags" which works for me. If anyone does use it, letting me know would be useful as I may move the script when I rejig my server.
2) Partly it's because I read your twitter.
3) Now network with me on del.icio.us.
4) Don't forget to add this post.
And I've only got one power cable, so I can only run one or t'other. Figures, don't it? No plugins currently, need to rejig what I'm using as Ive got too many again...
BTW, if you're not using it, Shareaholic is a great plugin for delicious and Facebook sharing, only tried it as the official delicious plugin isn't 3.05b compatible yet.
Shareaholic, mmmm?
I'm doing a Firefox extension dump as we speak- stop reading my mind.
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