(If you use neither of these sites, nor have any interest in using them, and yet people on your friendslist do - skip to the bottom. There's something for you, too.)
When I first signed up to
Twitter, it was for the express purpose of using
LoudTwitter to post a summary of my day when all I had to contribute during the day were blithe one-liners. This was - well, fine I guess. Some people complained but I couldn't care less really, it's my journal. However, I ended up not using Twitter for that, instead preferring to use it as a quick networking tool. One lines thrown out into the webosphere to interact with the people I read. It's what Twitter was designed for, I guess, and I like it that way. It's like public IMs
Del.icio.us has proven ideal for those days when all I have to post on LJ is a bunch of links. Each account has a standard .rss feed of one link per item, but feature I use is the daily blog post - that aggregates ones daily feeds to a single exporting post. This isn't directly compatible with LJ, but I use it thusly:
First you'll need to download the
Delicious Glue php script. If you have the know how, you can fiddle with the script for layout and tags - I'd like it to read the tags from the export itself, but it don't know how, so I add '!tag these posts!' so I can do it manually. The default tags are "delicious glue, links", which work quite well.
Upload this to your own server log into your Delicious account, where you'll need to go to Settings (top right hand corner) --> Daily Blog Posting (far right menu, bottom item).
Use your LJ username and password, point the URL at your uploaded script. Out_time is the tricky one if you're not in the same timezone as your server, as mine are. If your exported post is dated before your most recent 'real' post, they won't be posted. So plan to export after a usually quiet time in your journal. I export at 6am (GMT), because that gives a datestamp (11pm) for the day before, and I usually don't post much between 11 and 6am.
matgb has kindly offered his own Delicious Glue script to anyone who wishes to use it, at:
http://taktix.org/lj.phpIf you do, please
let him know?
Whether you have LoudTwitter or Delicious Glue set up in your LJ, if you're reading this, it's likely someone on your friendslist does, and you may or may not agree with me that the general formatting of both is a bit ugly. So, armed with my trusty
FireBug, I set about tweaking my LJ style to make these look a bit better with the following code. Colours have been taken out because they're unique to my style and you can do them your own damn selves:
.loudtwitter {
.loudtwitter li {
border-bottom:1px dashed;
.loudtwitter li em {
font-weight: bold;
font-style: normal;
.delicious {
.delicious li {
border-bottom:2px dotted;
margin:0px 20px;
.delicious-link {
Sample posts can be seen here:
LoudTwitter |
Delicious. Just copy and paste the code provided into the custom CSS box in
Livejournal's Customise page, and Save Changes.
Alternatively, why not try
Twitterless - a
Greasemonkey script for removing LoudTwitter posts from your friendspage.
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