Apr 29, 2008 23:35
More Clarity About Abuse, Intermarriage, Child Breeders, and the Fundamentalist Church of Later Day Saints | PEEK | AlterNet
A long discussion about the Fundamentalist LDS sect. I remember being aware of extreme communities like this when I was in Green River four years ago. it makes me sad how nothing surprises me anymore.
(tags: religion)
Racism of Raided FLDS Cult Ignored | Hatewatch
Jeffs preaches to his estimated 10,000 followers that all blacks are the descendants of Cain, “cursed with a black skin,” and selected by God to be the “servants of servants.”
(tags: racism religion)
Mat Bowles - Easy LJ feed syndication using Firefox
OK, so techincally I found it on LJ-Nifty yesterday. How was I supposed to know that Mat had it already on his journal?
(tags: livejournal computing)
An Historic Waste of a Primary
Vid of the Day: Or, why I love the Daily Show
(tags: vids politics equality)
The Yorksher Gob - The Older I Get The More I Think Life of Brian is Depressingly Real
\"at the end of the day, I think the message is more important than the messenger.\" - Jennie talks about racism; i'm sure she'll agree this should be applied to everything
(tags: racism equality music)
Love Music Hate Racism
Love Music Hate Racism uses the positive energy of the music scene to fight back against the racism being pushed by Nazi organisations like the BNP.
(tags: music racism equality)
SHE MADE ME WATCH THIS! Women in Action Movies
I don't know why I don't pay more attention to my After Ellen feed. Cute lesbians talking about movies. ♥
(tags: movies feminism)
Jesus Made Me Puke : Rolling Stone
Matt Taibbi Undercover with the Christian Right
(tags: religion)
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, NZ - Colossal Squid
By the time this is posted to LJ, I guess it'll have happened, but: LIVE SQUID DISSECTION.
(tags: science)
Stand Up Feminism
Amy gives us the good shit./
(tags: feminism)