Title: Puzzling Evidence (Part XXXII)
inkscribePairings: Lorne/Zelenka
Kink: mild D/s, bondage, spanking
Warnings: none
Promises: No pre-Sunday canon characters are permanently harmed in the making of this fic. EVER.
giga-angst (very strong)
Rating: NC-17
Words: ~3300 (this part)
Spoilers: none (this part)
notmcshep, my
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Comments 24
Ironically, given the far darker material I've been working with the last while, I had to ask for help to set the Angst-O-Meter rating for this chapter. This chapter is light-n-fluffy from my current POV, relatively speaking. ;-)
No ETA for the next chapter(s) [sorry] but they are plotted -- yay!
I went back and re-read the last 5 chapters, to get me back in the mood, and I'm liking Keras more and more. :) I'm completely confused plot-wise, but I'm not at all a mystery fan, so I'm used to having plot clue go right over my head. :) Glad to see Hermiod on our guys' side!
I hope to see more of this, and I hope life gets better for you, too.
Thank you for the hugs. I can SO use them these days. *headdesk*
I've never read mysteries, so I'm not sure how this story compares to that genre. I just know that I personally enjoy twisty plots, and I prefer stories where events and actions have meaning more often than not. Otherwise, it's just bumpf to get the wordcount up. ;-)
My theory is that Hermiod and Rodney became more 'buddy-ish' offscreen in S3, Tao of Rodney, after sharing some math. *g* I won't explain more just to avoid spoilery bits for those who haven't seen the ep (anyone who has seen the ep should know what line I'm referring to *g*).
Thanks for putting out another chapter of PE. It's funny, you often don't realise how much you are missing something until you see it again. And I've *missed* not having regular updates of PE cos it's such a *good* story!
That aside, you *evil* woman. What a chapter! Marc and Carson are still trapped and now John's having a crisis of confidence? Glad to see that Radek was reassured by Rodney's usual ranting and railing. :-)
I *want want want* to know what's gonna happen next. *whine mode on* Pleaseeeeee? Pretty please? Pretty please with sugar on top? *hops from foot to foot in anticipation*
Wee fix:
'He looked searched' ... remove the word 'looked'?
Hmmm ... I realise I may have left a mis-impression in my AN. RL has not improved, not even close. I am hoping it has bottomed out and really can't get any worse at this point. *fingers crossed* However, regardless of RL, I very much wanted to get more of this story written, because I really enjoy it, too. :-)
As for your whining, well, have I not promised that no one dies? Given that humans can only survive a limited time with absolutely no water, that should imply we can see our two boys rescued in the near future, ne? *g*
Thanks for continuing to read and enjoy! :-D
Please, please, please, wrtie more on this soon!
Thank you for your incredible patience with this story.
(Yeah, I supposed I'd best put some attention to that Radek fic given the deadline rushes forward, lol.)
Thank you for continuing to read!
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