Title: The Thing About Sunday
inkscribePairings: Beckett/Lorne, Beckett/McKay, Dex/Sheppard, Zelenka/Other
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Fix the Episode at
sgaauwtptbdfuWords: ~1200
Spoilers: S3.14 or .17 (depending on whom you believe and why) Sunday, Monty Python’s Flying Circus, Max Headroom
welovezelenka, my LJ
Feedback: yes, please!
Summary: The best
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Comments 32
The only thing better than having Carson back would be having Ascended Carson, then Carson back ^_^
The image of him getting lost because of the nice things he saw is great :)
Oh god, even MOnty Python references... *applauds and bows* I love it. And OMG I totally missed that it was Noah Wylie with that godawful facial hair. I was just thinking "who the hell is this guy and why is he talking to Weir?"
Giggle, thanks, that was great fun!
Wait, what? That was Noah Wylie?!?! WTFBBQ?? I was like, who is this hairy beast and why is he hitting on Weir?
Monty Python references, woot, and wheeee for all the plaid! Ascended!Carson witha worse sense of direction than Shepard, and Ascended!Carson's planned "Cough, please" to Rodney = priceless.
You really should have rated that one PG-aargh! (For yowling out so loud at the Max headroom ref that my son got out of bed to complain.) Then the remark about John being a stripper...I'm a ba-ad mother :(
Well I think you hit just about everything, as well as including several of my all time faves in there! (Dr Who, Monty P, Max H etc.) Plus I will never be able to see a John and Ronan sparring scene without seeing them in pink tutu's. Swan lake it wasn't. More like the hippo's from fantasia...
And I'm soo glad that someone else noticed that on an Atlantis where tennis shoes are hard to come by, someone brought full Arbroath dress and a set of bagpipes as their personal items?
This is a work of genius. Cracked and twisted, but genius none the less.
(You were on the good stuff, weren't you?)
And I'm glad you only laughed out loud at the Max H stuff, because there is always a danger of cranial explosions whenever facing blipverts, after all. :-) One must be cautious. ;-)
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