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Comments 64

worldawaits October 15 2007, 06:38:00 UTC
wow, i cried...seriously!
i felt the sad longing in Jin's heart... T_T
his crying made me remember his weepy self in Anego!

thanks for sharing your lovely fic! :D


inevitabilityy October 15 2007, 07:00:52 UTC
o_o Really?! -feels special-
Aw - I wasn't actually going for angst, but it's nice to know I achieved that anyways? Oh, Jin.

thank YOU so much for commenting! ♥


jeauexe October 15 2007, 06:38:04 UTC

That was sweet and wonderful... ♥♥


inevitabilityy October 15 2007, 07:01:15 UTC

Thank you so much! ♥


jeauexe October 15 2007, 10:51:27 UTC
=D no problem~ IT WAS GOOD, KAY? asf;dlslfs

I decided to check out some of your fics because you read mine and i am very happy that I did =Dv


ellachan October 15 2007, 06:44:58 UTC
THIS. I. OH MY GOD. SO CUTE AND AWKWARD AND AND AND~~ great in so many ways. There is allways need for some more pin!


inevitabilityy October 15 2007, 07:01:42 UTC
Awkward!boys ftw, no? ♥ I love Pin so much~



akathesia October 15 2007, 06:46:24 UTC
Oh this was so beautiful & sweet!

GNARGHHH!!!! I just love these boys :)


inevitabilityy October 15 2007, 07:02:19 UTC
ajdkhgjsh thank you!!


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inevitabilityy October 15 2007, 07:03:45 UTC
ahjfhlds YOU'RE WELCOME. You. I. -honored- I love your fics so much. T_T

THANK YOU! agjdskhls - I am moving people to tears with my still unknown powers?! This was meant to be happy! (I have a skewed sense of reality?)


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inevitabilityy October 16 2007, 01:21:56 UTC
adgjhjglhs I HAVE WANTED TO FRIEND YOU SINCE FOREVER BUT I NEVER HAD A REASON TO. So I'd just sit there at my laptop and be like: =//// No, I can't! That'd be totally creep.

Sorry, that was also sort of totally creep. Er. Please do not defriend me now. =D?

jdhgkshgs!! THANK YOU SO MUCH. ♥ ♥


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