Title: Words Pairing: Hermione/Viktor Rating: Any Age Summary: Viktor doesn’t understand some words Word Count: 840 ABC Challenge #32: O - Overhear for gm_weasley
Inell, I just wanted to say hi and let you know that I friended you. kleine_liebchen, aka romivane recommended your fiction. I love it. Most particularly the Hermione/Viktor stuff. Awesome! In any case, just thought I'd let you know. Hope you don't mind. Sara
*Sigh* I feel all mushy after reading this. You have made me happy, hon, you have no idea how much I loved it. As usual I'm finding quite difficult to pick the lines I liked more. You know I loved even the final period, but I'll try my best.
“This vord makes you sad,” Viktor observed quietly. “I am sorry I make you unhappy. I neffer vish to be making you feel bad. Awww, that was just so lovely. If I understand Hermione correctly, I think she was trying to remain calmed and steady, but dear Viktor knows better and noticed her anger and sadness. I love when he does that, I mean seeing right into her.
I vont to practice my hexing on that boy but I vonted to be knowing for certain that vord was vrong.” Be my guest, darling. Definitely he's wonderful, he wants to defend her, but he's a perfect gentleman to the end, he wanted to be sure about what he was doing.
“I do not understand,” Viktor finally admitted. “You are smartest girl I effer meet and good vit magic. Vy is that vrong? Blood is not important ven it is same beneath skin.” *
( ... )
Comments 38
I was reading this story and thought that you might like it. ::grins::
I have enjoyed it so much. Then I Shall Know by Ssergit
I feel funny bugging you but this is really a great story...
I just wanted to say hi and let you know that I friended you. kleine_liebchen, aka romivane recommended your fiction. I love it. Most particularly the Hermione/Viktor stuff. Awesome! In any case, just thought I'd let you know. Hope you don't mind.
“This vord makes you sad,” Viktor observed quietly. “I am sorry I make you unhappy. I neffer vish to be making you feel bad. Awww, that was just so lovely. If I understand Hermione correctly, I think she was trying to remain calmed and steady, but dear Viktor knows better and noticed her anger and sadness. I love when he does that, I mean seeing right into her.
I vont to practice my hexing on that boy but I vonted to be knowing for certain that vord was vrong.” Be my guest, darling. Definitely he's wonderful, he wants to defend her, but he's a perfect gentleman to the end, he wanted to be sure about what he was doing.
“I do not understand,” Viktor finally admitted. “You are smartest girl I effer meet and good vit magic. Vy is that vrong? Blood is not important ven it is same beneath skin.” * ( ... )
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