Title: Words Pairing: Hermione/Viktor Rating: Any Age Summary: Viktor doesn’t understand some words Word Count: 840 ABC Challenge #32: O - Overhear for gm_weasley
I had a great time! I hope your project is going well!
Oh, V/Hr is my canon OTP! They're so sweet and romantic. If you haven't, you should read my "Summer in Bulgaria" as it's one of my favorite fics as well as V/Hr.
So glad you had a great time, and when I resurface, I'll hunt up your V/Hr. I'm sure to be persuaded even more about this ship. I think my canon OTP for Hermione is Fred/Hermione or Harry/Hermione (which is simply too, too easy to write)
You know, this is the very first Victor/Hermione fic I've read, and I think I am beginning to like this pairing. Your writing is very captivating. I shall be reading more of it.
Anyway, how rude of me not to introduce myself. Hi! *waves cheerfully* You probably don't know me. My name is Gothmog, and I have seen some of your work on 7spells and the like. I, like yourself, tend to squee and bounce a lot, and I primarily write HP and LOTR fanfiction. I have friended your journal, but please don't feel the need to add to your 304-person (!) flist. I won't be offended if you don't friend me back.
I look forward to reading more of your fics, and otherwise lurking on your journal. :)
Comments 38
As for this little vignette, it's very sweet, and Viktor is quite chivalrous.
I'm coming to like the concept of Viktor and Hermione as a couple. I'll confess that rozarka's "Ordinary Magic" captivated me.
::points to icon:: See, I even found an icon for this pair!
Oh, V/Hr is my canon OTP! They're so sweet and romantic. If you haven't, you should read my "Summer in Bulgaria" as it's one of my favorite fics as well as V/Hr.
I'm really glad you enjoyed this one!
Your Viktor voice is so perfect. (You must know that your Hermione is great)
Anyway, how rude of me not to introduce myself. Hi! *waves cheerfully* You probably don't know me. My name is Gothmog, and I have seen some of your work on 7spells and the like. I, like yourself, tend to squee and bounce a lot, and I primarily write HP and LOTR fanfiction. I have friended your journal, but please don't feel the need to add to your 304-person (!) flist. I won't be offended if you don't friend me back.
I look forward to reading more of your fics, and otherwise lurking on your journal. :)
It's nice to meet you. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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