After he realized he was going to carry Raph's fertilized eggs in his man-womb...

Jul 06, 2008 10:58

Okay, so I'm rushing to get ready for work right now, which is probably not a good idea considering I broke my toe doing the same thing yesterday- literally, you think I'm just exaggerating, but I actually broke my pinky toe when I jumped over the puppy gate and landed on the corner of a chair, and it is wonderful colors now and has to be taped to the toe next to it... awesome.

But anyway. I'm supposed to be writing a really fast entry showing off this awesome auction that
top_hatted_girl referenced in a post a while ago. Candace came over for breakfast today and asked for the link when I showed it to her, and everybody else should totally check it out. (sorry, I dunno how to link to comms, and I'm in a hurry).

Basically, people are putting everything from handmade jewelry to penpal services to fandom related or original art and writing up for auction, and at the end of the auction the winning bidder donates the amount of their bid to one of three charities that will work to support marriage equality (and dude, this upcoming election will be important... or at least, living in CA, it feels like it). They send proof of their donation, and then get whatever item or service they bid on.
There's a lot of cool and random stuff here, and you can browse randomly or look for something specific in the list of tags on the right. It's crazy. As soon as I choose pictures and stories to use as samples, I'm gonna put up a sketchbook full of whatever the bidder wants (although I'm not expecting a high bid on this, since most of what I draw is just color designs lately). You can auction anything, and it's also a really cooly to find new journals to watch for art and writing and everything. Do it!

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