Acid Spewing Zombie Deer

Jun 29, 2008 00:09

Oh, and quick update. I was taking the trash out and stepped on what I thought was a thorny branch or something, which felt like it was wrapping around my big toe, and then looked down a few seconds later and saw a huge bug latched onto it. I can't tell if it's really swelling or if I'm just freaked out and exaggerating because I couldn't even tell what type of thing it was- not like type of spider, but I don't even know if it was a spider, or an ant, or a scorpion or something. It was kinda like an ant but way too big and kinda spiky, with not enough legs and these things that looked kinda like pinscers. In case you wanted to know.

This is just awesome because I watched "Slither" last night with my brothers and cousin, which involves oversized slugs invading a town and taking people over. 
We were trying to pick the worst movie we could find, and the summary for this one was, word for word: "flesh-eating slugs from outer space turn residents of a small town into acid-spewing zombies." I am not kidding you.  It turned out that it was a horror-comedy that was kind of attempting to make fun of horror films, but at the same time still really was one. The climax of the movie was a love-ish scene between the female lead and a man most of the way turned into the master of the invading slugs, and the music in the background was by Air Supply. The slugs in the movie kept reminding me of the Yeerks in the Animorph series (please tell me someone else read that as obsessively as I did, way after it was cool to do so). There was a mutant acid-spewing zombie deer... And it was one of the best movies I have ever seen in a while. I have no idea why. Someone should watch it and tell me what they think.

This was a not-so-quick update. I'm going to go write now. I swear. And maybe in a month I'll actually write something besides fanfiction and journal entries. Although, on that note, it is kind of cool keeping an actual private journal, like a solid one that I can carry around.
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